Notice: Any comments made by me, are my own, and should not be construed to be those of anyone else, or any organization or association.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

President Elect Obama and the Flag

Okay...We have a new President coming in January. President Elect Obama is moving at a fast pace to put people into place for his cabinet positions. There looks to be some bi-partisan efforts to put the right people in place, and I hope to see more of it.

What ever we think, whomever we (I) voted for, Barack Obama WILL be our next President come January 2oth, 2009. As such, and as an American....1st....I want to be able to support him and work toward positive changes for the coming years.

However, I am concerned. And, if any of you have Democrat friends, please pass this along so that maybe someone with Obama's inner circle can get this. But I am concerned. Where's our flag?

I just checked the Obama-Biden website and I see where his cute Obama logo is ever present... still. While it was a cool logo, for him, during the campaign, it "looks" to me to be a prominent logo, in place of an American flag. Maybe I'm looking at it wrong, and I am open to that if someone can share where I could be, but I didn't see our Flag displayed, and it makes me feel like Obama is replacing the Flag, with his "O"bama logo, in red-white-blue.

For me, I feel it is time for that logo to go away. The election is over. The campaign is over. The campaign slogans and it's logo....have served their purpose and should be behind us.

I want a united America. I want to unite and support "our" President. But I want to see OUR Flag, not what seems to be a revised flag of some Obama-nation.

America, and the American President, should be proud of our Flag, and be proud to display it.
It should NEVER be replaced by something else.....EVER.