Notice: Any comments made by me, are my own, and should not be construed to be those of anyone else, or any organization or association.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Wish for those in all Uniforms

With the season of Christmas now upon us, I am writing this post with Peace on Earth, and Good Will Toward Men in mind. No words of any political nature in this message.

To those of us who are Christian, and those who may be on the fence with the whole Jesus thing, I wish you all a Merry Christmas. Those of the Jewish faith, I hope you had a Happy Hanukkah. To all others - I wish you Peace. And I truly mean that.

I must admit that I am not a "religious" man, i.e. that I rarely attend church. I do believe in Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. I believe in God, my Father. I believe in the Birth of Jesus, and in MY heart, Christmas is the celebration of that Holy event. God knows, I am a sinner, and I pray for His forgiveness all the time, as I don't know but what day might be my last and I will have to answer to Him. But, I also believe in a Heaven, and I do believe I shall be there some day.

All that said, I DO wish there to be Peace. But I also know that evil lurks in the land, and Peace may not likely come upon the earth anytime soon. So until then, we still have to rely upon good men and women to step forward and help do what they can to protect us, protect our freedoms, and provide emergency services to us.

In this spirit of Christmas, I am taking this opportunity to say THANKS to all those men and women, who provide emergency services, and are our protectors, at home and abroad.

I speak often of our men and women in uniform, of those in our military, who stand guard, and fight, in the name of freedom. I know what the Christmas season is like for our military. And for those in the harsh areas of a combat environment, it can be specially difficult. To all those folks, my deepest respect, and warmest wishes for your safety and peace of mind. So too, for the families of those men and women.

I want us to also focus on those in our own communities, who put on their uniforms, and take our calls for aid.

Those who carry a gun and wear a badge...and who would confront our home-grown bad guys for us...Thank you. I know too what it's like to be in a patrol car, instead of being at home with your families on a Christmas Eve or Day.

To those who wear the uniform of a firefighter or EMT, and answer the calls for medical help or threat of fire, Thank you too. I've never worn bunker boots and helmet, but have a deep respect for what you do. I know you too would prefer to be home with your families, instead of answering those dangerous calls.

For all of you, I wish you the best that you can have this Christmas. And may your families have you safely home as soon as your shift is over.

Thanks to you all, for ALL you do for us.
Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Are You Anti-gun?

The world is not always a friendly place. With our wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the constant threat to our very existence by terror groups, the world scene is scary enough. Throw in the drug wars just across our southern border, as well as the day-to-day victimization from hoodlums, it can be down right deadly right here at home.

So, with all that potential, let's say all hell did brake loose. A nation on our highest alert. Emergency services pushed to their limits. An attack has caused major black-outs of electricity. People panic and start looting the stores. Police are swamped with calls for emergencies. Cell phones quit working. Gas pumps won't work (no electricity), so leaving the city is not an option. ATM's can't work, so you can't get your cash out. City services, including water and sewer, stop working. Food is gone off the store shelves. Human predators start walking the streets, looking to take what they want from others, be it their property, or their lives.
(If you prefer - Just consider a major earthquake or natural Katrina-like disaster, if that helps you get the idea.)

You are now in fear for your family's safety. Police are NOT available. EMT's aren't available. Gangs of hoodlums are a block away, and you hear breaking glass and people screaming for help. Hordes of hoodlums comb the streets, carrying baseball bats, pieces of steel rebar from a nearby construction site, and knives, and they are coming your way. Your spouse has fear in her/his face. The kids tremble with fear. They are all looking to you ... someone ... to protect them.

Next door to your left, is a very out-spoken anti-gun neighbor, who has always been very adamant about gun control. "It's the Police's job to protect us, people don't need to own guns," has been a common chant of his.

The other neighbor to your right, has NRA stickers on his car windows. In past days, you've smiled and shook your head, as you've often seen him, the "gun nut", leave for the range each week, carrying his cased AR-15 and assorted other firearms, and ammo. You recall one of your conversations with him, an old Vietnam Vet and sport shooter, whom you had just told that you didn't think anyone needed an "assault weapon", and you "weren't interested in joining the NRA".

You don't own a firearm. And now, you have no chance to go buy one, practice with one, or show your family the safe uses of one. So, now ... what are YOU going to do? Are you going to run to the anti-gun neighbor, and hope the "Gun Free Household" sign on his door will protect you?

Or will you be going to your "gun nut" NRA member neighbor to the right, and ask if he could help protect you and your family?

I don't advocate firearms ownership for everybody. Some people will not be responsible enough to learn proper use and care of one. Some too, are simply not able to pull the trigger on another person, even if their own life depended on it. For those people, get a good dog.

Otherwise, I am a firm believer that each of us are our own "first line of defense", and should be prepared to act in the face of threat to your family or yourself. And I highly recommend joining the NRA. The NRA is our single most important advocate for the 2nd amendment, and for personal protection.

By the way, it doesn't take such a dire set of circumstances for that need to protect your family. Victims are made every hour of every day.  If nothing else, know this - For all their desires to do otherwise, the Police respond to a call AFTER there has already been someone victimized. For that victim, it is often too late. THAT is where murder trials start from.

If you choose to not own a firearm, that's okay by me. But don't try to impose YOUR choice on me.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Warriors don't cry

It's 1969, and most of my days are hot, only to turn cold at night. So I sweat by day, and shiver by night. At the end of my day, I am thankful for being alive, and I pray to see another sunrise. Now, the darkness limits my sight, and my ears work over-time to compensate for what I can't see. I sleep in shifts, and even then, with my minds eye open. I cling to my weapon, ready for what may come, as times before has taught me what can. The fear I feel, pulsates through my soul. While my body is taunt with at-the-ready muscles, I try to rest. But, like a coiled snake ready to strike, I'm tense though out the night. Always ready. Always.

Not wanting to, I sometimes slip into thoughts of home. I miss the laughter, the smell of fresh air, the taste of a homemade pie, or burgers. I miss my family. Even as a young warrior in full battle gear, I miss my mother. Strange, how during times of fear, we are like little children and miss the tender security of our mother's arms. Yes, I miss home, but I fight to make those thoughts pass. I have to let it go. I can't linger in such thoughts of home. I force myself to focus on the duties of this day, because warriors don't cry.

The new day gives me visibility, but so too does it give light to my enemy. I set out with my buddies, hoping our training, our alertness, and each other, will give us the upper hand and make it through another day and night. Day and night, night and day. Like putting one foot in front of the other to get somewhere, we cautiously march the time through the days and nights, that will hopefully get us closer to going home.

In our other life, our life before this war, we were kids mostly, or young adults at most. Some came right out of high school. Others had real world jobs. Where ever we came from, here, now, we're in this together. No color, no wealth or poverty, not even the part of the country really mattered in this place. We wear the green, carry the weapons, and do what our country asks of us. At the end of the day, it is each other that we really fight for, and that coming of a new day.

At the start of each new day, we plan our missions and prepare our gear. We watch our backs and move out to do our jobs. In face of our fears, we do what we must anyway. Some nights we light up the sky, and during the day, well, more of the same. On some days, we grit through the toughest of times, when someone we know won't see another sunrise. Every day is a test of physical and mental endurance, and the facing down of our fears. After a while, it becomes a strange norm for us. We fear, we do our jobs, and at times, we tend to those fallen, then go on. We go on each day, putting one foot in front of the other, night after night, day after day. A warrior at all times. No matter what happens, warriors don't cry.

When we're done and our part of the mission is over, what do we tell our families? What can we tell our families? How can we tell our families? We don't. We can't. We don't know how. We're afraid to even try, because warriors don't cry. At least, not that we'll let you see.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Being a Dad

First, I want to apologize if some think I am beating this horse too much, but in my job, I see so many very poor examples of bad fathers, I just need to write and vent.

I've written before about fatherhood (you can see that post on this blog). And let me say that I am NOT a perfect dad, and have made plenty of mistakes myself. But this isn't about being a perfect dad, it's about being the best you CAN be, and know that what you do, will have some kind of effect on your children.

I work in a capacity, where every day, I see bad examples of fathers (mostly, but not exclusively). I see every day, where fathers are skirting their responsibilities to their children. In some cases (too damn many), I see fathers, fathering multiple children, with multiple mothers. And they are not taking care of ANY of them! These are not even MEN. These are sperm donors on legs.

By the way...those "moms", bare a great deal of responsibility too! Wanting the love of a man, who makes babies with multiple women, is NOT the love women need.

But to those men...those sperm donors on legs...YOU are NOT "men". Making babies is NOT manly. Mice can do that! But to help bring a baby into the world, then caring for that child, nurturing that child, providing for that child, financially and emotionally, IS what real men do.

There isn't a class on fatherhood that most men can take. Most men, learn their fathering from their own fathers, or someone else who has been something of a father figure to them. And that means good, and bad, fathering. If a man has had bad fathering, Lord hope they've had good mothering to help make up for it. Otherwise, that new father, will likely fall back on the only example they had to follow.

All that said, there are those, who consciously recognize the bad fathering they had, and work to overcome those examples and work hard at being good father. To those men, I applaud you.

We ALL make mistakes. We can ALL do, or have done, better. I am right there. But with all my mistakes, I have tried to be a good father. I think I have been a good father, and love my children more each day. Mine are grown and off on their own life adventures, but I miss them every day. I have some regrets though. And it is that I didn't spend as much time with them as I could have. I can not get that back.

Women - If you're looking for a "man", make sure he is a REAL man. Don't go for some flash in the pan dude with a good line and moves that move you. Look at "the man", and how he treats his mother, what he own father is like and treats his wife, and if that dude has multiple women and children.

Men - If you think being a man, is about bringing multiple kids into the world, with multiple women, and caring for none of them....then I have a deal for you! I am offering my services to help you have all the fun you want, and none of the long term responsibilities. .... Oh... My "services"? Castration. I have sharp knives and if you just can't help yourself because you have less control that a mouse, then I can arrange for a little cut here, and little tug there, and snip snip, and you're good to go!

REAL MEN - Stand up for your women and your children. Be counted, and be counted on. And enjoy that real gift of being a DAD! It the best title I've ever had!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Car in the ditch?

The president has been on a campaign roll lately, using the analogy of the car (country/economy) driven (by the republicans) off in the ditch, and we can't give the keys back to the driver.

Well Obama, the driver (republicans) wasn't going in the best direction, no doubt. But, there was a drunk (democratic congress) in the car, who wanted to change direction in a drastic way. That drunk grabbed the wheel away and caused the driver to lose complete control!!!! And man, is it off in the ditch weeds now!

Look, in my view, BOTH parties have lost sight of what "the people" were wanting. BOTH parties, are GUILTY on thinking that once they were elected, that meant they had approval to do what ever THEY wanted. NO politician should thing that once elected, they didn't need to LISTEN to "the people" again. The whole point of elected representatives, is for them to be OUR voice. If they don't listen, then how can they be OUR voice?

But what we have experienced this past 2 years, is what would happen when ANY one party has complete control over house, senate, and white house. There is NO balance of power. None. That must change. And next week, Nov. 2nd, we MUST change that.

Even if you don't like some republicans, or like some 3rd party person (sorry, but can not win), vote Republican. Restore a balance to Washington.

Then, with EVERY election, "We, THE people", need to start rejecting ANY politician who ignores the voices of the people. EVERY election needs to be a reality check for anyone note doing the job FOR America.

For now...Vote Republican, and clean out the drunks!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Open Letter to My Wife

Open letter to my wife, Diann.

I bring this up today, because when I saw the Facebook post of Diann and young Trevor in the tagged photo, it reminded me of the distance we've come.

Over the years, I have seen, first hand, the love and level of commitment to your son. I've seen the highs and the lows. I've seen the heartache, and the pride. I've seen the "real" sacrifices you've made to help see your son through the stages of his life.
While much can be debated about the issues surrounding his bio-dad and you (and that's another story), NO ONE, not even close, has made the sacrifices you has, to stay close, to take part, to be involved, and to lovingly support Trevor. Today, Trevor is in college, majoring in his calling of music, and is enjoying his new experience. A bright future is on store for him, as he stays focused. While "someone" may want to take credit, the real credit goes to one person, Trevor's mom, YOU.
Sometimes, this needs to be said on more than just Mother's Day. For mothers everywhere, Mother's day, is every day. Diann, you have my love and respect for all you do.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Declaration of War?

Can we declare war? War, a REAL war, on the drug cartels? I don't mean a drug war, but a REAL, blow to hell WAR, on the very vermin who attacked the husband of Tiffany Hartley on Falcon Lake. And WAR upon those who killed Mexico's Commandant, Rolando Flores Villegas, who was investigating the murder. And WAR upon all those, who have carried out executions upon the other political, police, and innocent people of Mexico and the US?

These ARE terrorists. NO less so, than those killing our soldiers and innocents in Afghanistan. And we need to take the WAR to them, And if Mexico doesn't invite us in to join them in this effort, then they too are our enemy. So far, its gotten worse, and has bled over into our country.

And HEAR THIS - If anyone reading this, or anyone who is friends where this applies reads this - Cocaine users (and drug illegal drug users in general) ..... YOU are contributing to the financing of such violence. It is YOUR money they are killing over. YOU money ... Not mine, but YOUR drug money. YOU are the demand, and they are killing for YOUR business.

"Legalize" and it'll stop? B.S. - Just say no, and not commit the crime, and it will stop! But to suggest that we change the law, FOR YOUR STINKING HABIT, is BULL SHIT! If you so lack the self control to not start, tough crap! And if you stared and can't quit, get help, or go to jail!

Otherwise, pick a side. "cuz we need to take the WAR to them!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Remembering Pfc Cody Board

The following is a letter I wrote to the Editor of a local newspaper. I am posting here as well -
The flow of traffic hasn't changed this past week. Businesses have been open, just like the week before. Shoppers still shopped, and kids still went to school, just like each week since school started back up. Each day and week, we enjoy the freedoms to do most anything we want. For most of us, nothing much has changed this past week, from that of the week and weeks before.

But that isn't the case with everyone. This past week, for one of our McKinney families and their friends, their whole world changed. 

I didn't know Pfc. Cody Board, and don't know his family. But I've known many such Cody Boards. Men and women from all walks of life, have answered the call of duty, and committed themselves to the armed defense of our nation, and our nation's causes. They have done it, and still do it, for all of us. 

While the family and friends of Pfc. Board grieve their loss, let us all remember that every day, the families and friends of our men and women in the military pray that their loved ones comes home safe. But, as it has always been in armed conflict, many don't come home that way. And a little bit of all of us is missing each time.

Yes, the world goes on, as it must. And we will go about of daily work and activities, as we should. But let's stop from time to time, and just say a quiet prayer for those who serve, and their families. It's the least we can do. 

To the family and friends of Cody Board, my most sincere condolences. I am humbled by his service, and most thankful for it. Free people everywhere owe a great debt to those like Cody. Rest in peace Cody Board. God Bless and keep his family and friends.
And God Bless and Keep all those who serve us, and their families.


PS. I recall very vividly, my coming home. It angered me that the world WAS going on, seemingly without notice that young men were fighting and dying in Vietnam. I thought then, "Don't they get it? Our guys are dying over there and don't they care?" I felt that way, because for most Americans, nothing changed for them. To those who fought, and their families, it would be changed forever.

To this day, this very day, I remember. Part of me still feels so guilty for NOT going back and re-joining my buddies. I don't expect that to ever leave me.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Sad for America

(This is a re-edit of an earlier post.)
It saddens me to see her so sick. She is down, and from the looks of her, she could be terminally ill. She's been through so much in her life. Many have attacked her, wounded her, trampled on her, tried so hard to make her disappear from the planet. Today, she is under such extreme attacks, and this time, from within her own family. If she goes, I just don't know what I'll do, and I am sad at the prospect.

America. Oh, how I love her name. America. Oh, how I love my country. America. Oh, how sad I am of what far too many are trying to do to her, make her become, make her into what she was never meant to be.

Why do I say all this? Because, today, it looks to me like the "government of the people, by the people, and for the people", has been plowed under by the swarm of hungry...power hungry... politicians and bureaucrats. The "government", has become the BIG manager in most all aspects of our lives and businesses. Now, with trillions of dollars of taxpayer money, BIG government has now decided what to do with OUR money...and our future money...and with our very lives.

And of late, we have seen a President, of Mexico, be permitting... encouraged and address our congress and criticise one of our own states. Now add to that, our government may consider letting 11 other countries join in a law suit against Arizona. THIS government, has turned on one of our own. If they succeed, with the help of foreign countries, then who will be safe in challenging the "government" on the next issue?

I am absolutely convinced that our forefathers would be up-in-arms over what they see today. In fact, they WERE up-in-arms some 230+ years ago. And WHY were they up-in-arms? They were fed up with the strong arms tactics and imposition of unfair taxes upon the colonies and the citizens of the New World. Great Britain, at that time, WAS the government. And THAT government wanted to impose its will, and taxes, in every way it saw fit to do. Sound familiar?

Well, TRILLIONS of dollars promised by THIS government, on top of the .7 Trillion before Bush left office, WHO will pay for all that? WHO will be taxed to pay for the sins and mistakes by our own government and big business? And when it comes down to it - just how many, what percent, of our citizens really wanted this, or want to pay for it? The top ten polls were clear - a majority of Americans were against THIS bill. But it didn't matter to those who hold the power.

And now, with the majority of Americans supporting what Arizona is trying to do, THIS "government", supported by 11 foreign countries, is ignoring the will of the people.

THIS is NOT America. This is something else, but it is NOT America. Businesses grow. Businesses go under. The natural evolution of capitalism has been circumvented by the rich and powerful. Now, our government will decide who makes it, and who won't. The ever increasing government hand, has now grown to control the direction of business, and us...we, the people. That BIG government hand, is around the freedom neck of America.

I am sick at what we have become. And in November, we (I say we, because WE are all in this together.) voted in the biggest bunch of power hungry people in the history of our country. And with that, we are being sold out. I weep for my America. I weep for the country that spread freedom, helped other people and countries in times of natural disaster and pain. I weep for those who came before us, and died in an effort to keep America free, and keep America as a land of "for the people, by the people". The people we have in Washington today, are NOT "the people", but they are there...BECAUSE we let them be there. The personal agendas and greed for power, is limitless. And Americans put them there. Shame on us.

So, I sit by the death bed of the America I love and have believed in. I watch helplessly as she succumbs to the trampling on the long held belief's of a nation of free people and non-intrusive government. Before long, her colors could remain, but the stripes will be removed, the stars gone, and some new "Obama-like" symbol will replace her. Letters and emails have failed, and I know of no cure to help. Good men sit by, and other men want to turn off her life support machine. Freedom of her people is old fashioned, in the eyes of our new power mongers.

Pardon my ramblings, and perhaps lack of delivery in this addition, but my sadness almost over-takes me and the grief I am feeling for what I fear is coming, has a grip on me. I pray for HONEST change in November, or even more in 2012.

Am I alone? Are there any other voices that share in this feeling?

God Bless America, for as long as we still have her. - Dan

PS. While not exclusive to Veterans, the sound of her name, America, and the songs about her, America, America the Beautiful, God Bless America, The Star Spangled Banner, etc., bring goose bumps to us, as does the raising or passing of our Flag. What is happening to America, is hard to swallow for THIS Veteran.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Trojan Horse?

I was thinking (my wife would say I shouldn't do that), and it worries me that this whole 9/11 Ground Zero mosque thing, may be more than people have thought through.

I'm sure we all remember the story of the Trojan Horse. A gift to Troy by the Greeks, in which 30 men (by one story) lay in wait. After the Trojan horse was brought into the walls of Troy, those same men were able to over-take the guards and let in the Greek army, bringing an end to the Troy siege.

One of the Trojan priests, Virgil, has a famous line, "Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes" (I fear Greeks even those bearing gifts). The "gift" of a "peaceful" place (mosque) to teach and promote understanding? Playgrounds and young activities?

It occurred to me, that it would not need to be "men" who are hidden in such a disguised structure, but it could be an ideological threat. I worry that IF the mosque is built on the currently proposed site, that one day, we will find that the spread of radical Islam, was permitted a foothold and a launching point, from within the walls of such a mosque. What battle could be waged from such a place?

To extend that worry even more - What IF, in the course of years (we all know our enemies will plan and wait for years), that mosque becomes a monstrous bomb, built up in the hollows of it's structure for years, and enough so to take down the new Freedom Tower and all around it? Look what zealot Timothy McVeigh did in Oklahoma City with fertilizer and diesel fuel, and in just a delivery truck!

What amounts of legal chemicals could be brought into such a structure, only to be mixed and exploded when they were ready? What could they do, under protection from law enforcement insight? It would be a religious building, and thus protected from many aspects of normal law enforcement investigations. And politically, any attempt to investigate, would surely cause an uproar from the ACLU, and the militant Muslims who would threaten violence if we didn't leave their mosque alone? (Remember, our military could not fire on a mosque in Iraq in a time of war!)

I think it needs to be explored, and watched. I do not trust those involved, and I am 100% against having that mosque anywhere near Ground Zero!

Give that a tink, and see what YOU think?

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Draft

While I'm not talking about the NFL, not to worry, the DRAFT has not been re-enacted.

But this subject came up with a young man I was talking to not long ago. During our discussion, he commented that he didn't like it that he had to register for the draft when he was 18. And, his dad had even told him that if they would re-enact the draft, he (daddy) would encourage this young man, his son, to leave the country. His dad did not believe in the draft, for ANY reason.

WHAT THE F...????

Okay...I'll take a breath here. 1.....2....3... If someone should have a true objection to war, for a legitimate religious reason, then our system allows for such claims and offers alternative forms of service.

But, this man has NO such religious views. In fact, this "man" (I use that term loosely), I dare say, would say such a thing because HE is a coward. I suspect if his family was in danger, he would be the first to turn tail and hide. I know the guy. He is a narcissist who lives off women, letting them take the jobs and bring home the bacon (so to speak). I don't care that his wife just makes more (mine does - thanks Honey!), but this guy has not taken a real job in all the years I've known him. - And he hasn't worked for a living - BY CHOICE!

If someone should choose to object to doing their duty, and stands on some personal principle, then I would EXPECT such a person to stand for their convictions and take what ever the law dished out. Not run from it, but stand for it! Aside from the previously mentioned religious conviction, the rest is just cowardice! And I have NO USE for such cowards.

Such cowards will let others defend them, let others stand in defense of their homes and families. They'll let others risk THEIR lives, while the coward will NOT risk ANYTHING, for ANY ONE. For such cowards, shark feeding time surely comes each day!

Over our history, men and women have given their ALL for the freedoms we ALL enjoy. The military isn't for everyone. But alternate service could be a very good option. But let me say this - To pick and choose what wars one might agree with, opens up a huge problem. Our nation can not defend itself, should such options be available to citizens.

I hope we never need to re-enact the draft. That said, I could see being open to EVERY young man being required to serve, at least for 6 months, to get basic training out of the way, and prepared for any national emergency. Just 6 months, and some training and structured discipline, before young men moved on to college or a chosen career.

Personally, while being very out-of-shape, this 60 year old would love to take the coward camping and hiking for a few days. Better yet, I'd gladly take him to SERVE meals and clean barracks for our men and women IN Iraq! As it is though, this coward SOB will continue to hide behind skirts, and run at the first sign of danger. Too bad the "draft" wasn't retroactive!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

I AM A Tea Party Supporter

Yep, sure am. I have yet to make it to a rally, but hope to change that by Nov.

I know some that have. And I know their character. They, nor I, give a rats-ass what color anyone is. DO NOT CARE! I judge a man, or woman, by their acts.

For THIS American, Tea Party supporter or not, Obama has been all, or more, of the loser I feared for our country. He has exceeded all I was worried about, as the liberal his is. But he is an EXTREME liberal, and his agenda is the worse thing for America, than I had imagined.

For those who want to label Tea Party'ers as some sort of kook fringe group of racists, KISS MY BUTT! You don't know us. IF you even met one of us at all, any way you could possibly come away with such an idea, would be because you WANT to. Facts have never gotten in your way before, so I guess with this, facts don't matter either.

Otherwise - I CHALLENGE YOU, or any legitimate media outlet, to PROVE we are racists. PROVE IT! Talk to me. Ask me anything. Ask those who know me. Or ask more than one or two nuts you want to pick out of thousands in any rally.

While REAL racism has existed, and REAL wrongs have been perpetrated on minorities, the Tea Party does not ever support such acts. EVER! And to call any group, or person, racist, does a tremendous dis-service to those who have fallen victim to REAL racism.

I can't stand Obama. It has nothing to do with the fact he is half-white. If he were all white, I still wouldn't have voted for such a liberal. As for his race, what ever that is, the black community should be just as pissed off at squandering their money too! That half-black side sure hasn't help them either! He's hurting ALL OF US! He is killing the America we have known!!

Clean house in November. Then clean out the White House in 2012. The time to take back America is upon us. VOTE the man or woman who will strengthen America, and put the constitution ahead of their own desires for power.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance and the Flag, and what it means to me -

What do those things mean to you? What do they mean to those who come here, legally or not? I don't know those answers, but I can tell you what they mean to me.

Our Pledge of Allegiance is an interesting oath -

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

I see this oath, not one to take precedence over God, or a pledge to obey any "god", but as an oath to keep an allegiance to America over all other nations. "America" and the "Flag" represents ALL citizens of this great nation. It was never meant to me to be loyal to any one political party, President, or other entity. America - What a wonderful and beautiful word - is a word that, to me, stands for freedom. As too does the "Flag of The United State of America".

As for the "under God" part... I've never felt that meant I must believe in "God", or that I must be a Christian follower, but is a simple acknowledgment that America was founded on the Christian beliefs of conduct toward our fellow man. There are many, many quotes from texts and letters of our Founding Fathers that prove this out. It is a FACT that one of the guiding forces behind their drive toward a new nation of freedom, was their Christian beliefs. And, at no time in modern history, has any man, woman, or child, been denied justice and/or freedom, because he or she wasn't a Christian or believed in God, or was a follower of any other religion.

I pass my thoughts on- and forgive me for being so bold to do so and think you might value them - so that anyone, citizen, or wannabe citizen, might consider them. IF you choose to live here (excluding legal visitors), if you want to live here as a free citizen of The United States of America, as an American, then I suggest that you take an allegiance to America above ALL other countries. Otherwise, what ever country anyone wishes to hold some allegiance to, go there and live.

This IS America. The citizens of The United States of America have historically invited people from all over the world to come here and share in our freedoms and opportunities. But hear this, IF anyone's true allegiance is to ANY other country, don't come here, and if you are here already, don't stay. Forget politics. Forget foreign policy when it comes to my point here. Make those changes from within, as active and participating citizens. But to hold ANY allegiance to any other country, is UN-American, and such a person doesn't belong here.

As for flying the Flag - Untold hundreds of thousands of men and women fought, and died, for this country and the flag they fought under. Please, what ever your protest, don't burn our Flag or fly her upside down. Those who served before, those serving now, and those who will serve tomorrow, deserve to have the Flag of their country treated in a respectful way. Burn all the likenesses of elephants and donkeys you want, but not our Flag. Yes, a citizen would be free to do so. But having a "right" to do it, doesn't make it "right" thing to do. It isn't.

This is America, the United States of America. While I won't say, "Like it or leave it", I will say, "Pledge allegiance to the United States of America above all other nations, or leave it." There are things that may need changing. There may be things you don't agree with or don't like. I'm fine with that, so long as you get involved to help make it better. But if anyone holds ANY allegiance to another country over America, LEAVE NOW. If you want to be a free American citizen, then come on in and help us be better, and take the Pledge of Allegiance to The United States of America.

America. I hate the politics, but I love my country. Land of the free. Home of the brave.

Happy 4th of July America!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Big Brother

In case you haven't read it, or heard about it, there is a new bill introduced by the government, to take control over the Internet, in time of national emergency.

In part, and in essence, here is the jest of it:

The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs has approved a cybersecurity bill, Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act (PCNAA), that would give the president far-reaching authority over the Internet in the case of emergency.

(also included)
As we wrote here, the bill would also see the creation of a new agency within the Department of Homeland Security, the National Center for Cybersecurity and Communications (NCCC). Any private company reliant on "the Internet, the telephone system, or any other component of the U.S. 'information infrastructure'" would be "subject to command" by the NCCC, and some would be required to engage in "information sharing" with the agency, says CBS4.

So, in today's growingly bigger government, WHO decides what is a national emergency Let me point out - Any private company reliant on "the Internet, the telephone system, or any other component of the U.S. 'information infrastructure'" would be "subject to command" by the NCCC, and some would be required to engage in "information sharing" with the agency, says CBS4.

But, IF we, as a nation, decide that we have had enough of BIG GOVERNMENT, and decide to call for a march on Washington, calling for millions to protest, could THAT be construed by some in government, as a "national emergency"? And to stop such a movement, could they then shut down the Internet to stop the nation-wide spread of communication and organization? And what about the "telephone system", or any other component of the U.S. 'information infrastructure'". Does that part of the bill, which states, "subject to command" over private businesses, bother YOU?

One of the major proponents to this bill, is Sen. Joe Lieberman. My question for the Senator, who is Jewish, is this - What IF, Joe was in 1930's Germany, there was today's technology in that day, with the Internet. Would Joe be so quick to give Hitler such sweeping power and authority? And IF they had such technology in 1938, just how many people could have been better prepared, more informed, and how many lives may have been saved in those years that followed?

This is just ONE MORE control mechanism being thrust upon Americans. We are losing what freedoms we have enjoyed as a free nation. BIG BROTHER is already here, so just how much more do we want to surrender to him?

As of this morning, I have called the Senator's office, and wrote him an email. I have also contacted my own Senator on this issue, and ask that you do the same.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Oh....I'm sorry

Can a really "stand-up" public figure...PLEASE STAND UP! I mean, if you believe it, and say it, then stand the heck up and OWN IT!

But after Congressman Joe Barton get a brief feel of having a pair, he cowered down and apologized. Don't get me wrong here. BP has a great deal to answer for. But Barton was right. The heavy hand of Obama didn't work with them (BP) for some "agreement", he and his minions DID shakedown BP. As far as I'm concerned, Barton was right. But with a fear of his political future, which is now exposed as being more important than truth and the American people, he tucked his tail and apologized.

Now, just when I thought someone would stand up to Obama and that administration, General McCrystal made some comments, but then backed down from what he said, and is now groveling for his job at the feet of Obama. Damn man! If you believe it, and said it....then stand the hell up and OWN IT!

No respect intended here, in any way, but the Would-be Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad, held to his (twisted) convictions, and plead guilty to his crime. Shahzad made this decision on his own without any plea agreement in place. While I hope he never sees daylight again, he at least stood by his convictions, with NO plea agreement to do so, and OWNED IT.

I'm sorry for such a lop-sided comparison, but my point is this: If you have convictions, and you want to be bold enough to speak them out loud, then at least stand up for them afterward. Backing down and saying you're sorry, is pathetic.

If you believe it, but don't think it should be said, for what ever reason, then choose to shut up...keep it inside. We all do that, in one measure or another. But if you have strong convictions, and are willing to speak them openly, then you better be ready to OWN IT, and not grovel afterward.

Obama is a terrible president. And in MY opinion, written for anyone to read right here in a publicly accessible forum, Obama is the single most destructive president we have ever experienced. America IS being "fundamentally changed" - for the worse. (You can step down a bit now Carter, Obama has taken you off top honors!)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day 2010

Happy Father's Day to ALL the dad's out there who take that title seriously and truly LOVE their children. I celebrate this day with love for my children, and I celebrate YOU....the fathers of the world.

Fatherhood - I absolutely love being a father! I am Blessed to have great kids. And in all fairness to my ex-wife, it took both of us to help make that happen. "Dad", is a word that is like music to my ears when it comes from the mouths of my kids. I'm also a step-dad to a great kid too. And while not his "father", I try to be the best (step) dad I can be for him and his development.

Okay - but on to my topic of today - Fatherhood. Calling all fathers....calling all fathers..... Our kids need YOU. Our communities need YOU. Our nation needs YOU.

Even if you are divorced and live in a separate home than your kids, they need YOU in their lives. And they need the very best from you for adult guidance and a good example of manhood and fatherhood.

Throughout my career in the law enforcement field, working on the streets, the jail, and as an investigator, I have seen countless kids, mostly boys, who either did not have an active dad in the picture, or a very bad one serving as an example for behavior. In any case, a REAL "father" was missing, and the kids, and the community, were paying the price. I see kids all the time, where I think to myself, "That one will be in jail soon!" Our children learn more by example, or the lack of one, than by anything else. A "father" can be the strongest example a kid, specially a young boy, can have. (Even daughters need a good "dad", so they can gauge what a " good man" should be like when she chooses a husband.) Boys will more likely, emulate the characteristics of the father, good or bad (not in every case, some kids have other issues that can impair the parenting process).

I once heard somewhere - "Everyone can serve as an example, even if by being a bad one!" It's that way with fathers. If a father treats his wife bad, the likelihood is that his male children will do the same. If a father is a drunk or does drugs, then it is far more likely that his children will too. Who could truly love their children, and want that for them?

MEN - If you don't want to be an active and participating "father", then don't father children! In MY opinion, ANY male (I won't use "man" for such lame a--holes) who fathers children and doesn't participate in raising them, should be castrated! (Actually, I'd also go for any women who help create fatherless children with multiple men, for pleasure, should be sterilized!) Yep... CASTRATE the bastards! No more creation of children by men who don't take responsibility. They are NOT real men, they are just sperm dispensers on legs.

To any male who should read this, who falls into that category of creating children and then NOT participating in raising them....... SHAME ON YOU. You are a spineless scroatbag simpleton with a penis for a brain! And if any such person should father multiple children with multiple women, and take care of none of them, I'm just fine with dumping their worthless body in a swamp for the gators to have! And liars, drunkards, dopers, swindlers, and lazy men, are NOT the examples our kids need.

As a nation, we tolerate far too much. And part of that, is tolerating such people and having the rest of us, saying nothing of the children who have to grow up the best they can, pay for it all. The gators could eat well with all those who commit such acts. Hard? Damn right! Needed? Damn skippy!

I love my kids. I can't imagine this world without them. And I can't relate to those men who don't love their kids and want to be part of their lives, and to do well by them. To all those real dads out their, I salute you! Fatherhood is the greatest job out there.

To my children - I love you. I have made mistakes and I hope you see them for what they are and do better than I did. I hope too that you take all my best parts, and take them with you through your lives. As for the not-so-good qualities, use them as examples of what you don't want to be like. You are already better than I am, and I am so pleased, and Blessed for that. I have always wanted better for you, than what I have and am. Thank you God for my children. They are gifts beyond my deserving.

Happy Father's Day to all the great dads out there!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Korean War Vets - YOU are NOT forgotten

I am writing this Memorial Day Weekend, and while I wrote in memory of ALL of our fallen from all wars, past and present, I wanted to add an entry in respect of those who are sometimes passed up in reflections. To our Korean War Veterans, YOU are not forgotten!

While the attention on the Korean War, and those Veterans, are often over-looked, I think it may be important to reflect on those days and costs. Korea, as we know, is still in the news and North Korean is STILL a threat to any lasting peace and security for that region of the world. We maintain a force there, to help our South Korean friends keep North Korea in check. Tensions still run high between the two nations, and our involvement is that of security forces at the 38th parallel, and at sea.

Our participation in the Korean War, was officially from June 25, 1950, to the Armistice on July 27, 1953. The official combat actions ended, but PEACE was never really declared.

During that war, South Korea was joined by the US, and some 15 other UN nations. For the US, we lost 23,615 in combat actions. Another 2,847 died while in POW camps. Our South Korean friends, lost 137,899. Like all wars, it was ugly, and left long lasting scars for those who served. And in case you don't remember, North Korea was joined by China!

I think it's important to remember those costs. And many of the families of those South Korean lost, came to America and became citizens. And too, many of our soldiers brought Korean brides home with them.

Over the years, those soldiers (I use the term to be all inclusive of those in all branches who served in Korea), had come back home to a lack-luster welcoming. In the years that followed, they were caught between the WWII ending (using the surrender by Japan on Sept. 2, 1945), with that great jubilation for all those who served, and the anti-war welcoming of those who served in Vietnam.

But our veterans and fathers of that day, served OUR nation, just as much so as did any other war veteran. Not that no one remembers that, but those Vets don't get the same attention. To ALL those who served in that war, I want to say THANK YOU. I do appreciate YOUR service, as well as the sacrifices of those who died in their service. I think that we sometimes, get so caught up in trying to set things right with the Vietnam Vets (and I am one), that our Korean War Vets get ignored, or slighted.

If you see one of our Vets wearing a Korea War emblem or cap, tell them thanks. By the way, a good many of them, served in WWII and Korea, and some, even served in WWII, Korea, AND Vietnam! Those guys ROCK!

Remember ALL our Veterans, and honor ALL our lost today. And to our Korean War Veterans, THANK YOU!
3/187th Inf.
101st Airborne Div.
RVN 1969-70

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Memorial Day 2010

Since the first recognition of our fallen soldiers, by proclamation by General John Logan in 1868, the Nation first set aside May 30th as the day we would lay flags and flowers on the graves of our fallen, to commemorate those sacrifices. Today, we use the last Monday of May as Memorial Day. This May 31st is that day in which we remember all those who have given all in the name of freedom.

Today, we are still engaged in combat activities, in the name of freedom. While many may argue one side or the other, it is MY belief that the struggle of today, are for the freedom of those oppressed in the area of the Mid-East, specifically, Iraq and Afghanistan, and to also keep back any progress by our enemies to regain a renewed strength and weaponry to again launch an attack on our soil. With our daily engagements, they bring about the sacrifices, in the fullest, of those who fight. Sadly, we add to the numbers of those in cemeteries all across our lands.

During my day, in that Vietnam War time, most of who I fought beside were drafted. Many did not want to be there, and would not have been there, had it not been for the draft. But, they knew that we could not refuse our duties because we didn't agree, or understand that war effort. We served, because our country called on us to do so. We understood that our country, not just one man in office, approved our involvement, and we answered that call. (This is not the time to address those who ran from that call, but I have very strong views on those ....people.)

Today however, there is no draft. The news is daily on the dangers of being "over there". Yet, the ranks are full of those who signed on, voluntarily. These courageous men and women "volunteer" to join the fight, knowing that they could end up in one of our Nation's cemeteries. I am humbled by their willingness to serve in such a difficult war.

We will have our time to honor all those, before and present, who have fought and who fight today, on Veteran's Day, Nov. 11th. But, May 31st is our day to honor those who will never fight again, those who have given all, for the freedom we all too often take for granted.

I honor them, those who have given all for me and my country. By their blood, I am free. May we all remember the price they paid. Freedom IS NOT free, and those we honor, paid that heavy price for all of us.

I ask that all of you, fly OUR nation's flag, in honor of those who paid for that privilege to do so. God Bless Our Troops, and God Bless America.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Good Bye Ol' Friend

I don't know the origin of the saying, "A dog is man's best friend", but I have bought into that for many years now.

For those who have dogs for companions, that live in your homes, ride in your cars, snuggle with you on the couch, and greet you with a happy disposition every day, you will know of what I speak.

But, as hard it has been for me, I had to say good-bye to my Irish setter. After about 14 years of life, she just could no longer maintain a quality of life. She was nearly blind, lost a lot of weight, and just couldn't get up or down without difficulty. And still, she loved us up every day, with licks and a wagging tail.

I am just past that 60 mark. I've never been a Rambo, and certainly no war "hero", but I've been around. I've seen war, close up and very personal. I've been in Law Enforcement for more than 15 years, having seen the dead in many settings, by many means. In all my years, two things get to me the most. Dead and/or harmed children. And dead dogs. In many ways, except for children, I like dogs more than most people.

Today, my wife and I said our good-byes our sweet Cali. She was family to us. She was a good dog, and always wanted to see us when we came home. Dogs ARE man's best friend. We'll be seeing you someday Cali.

We highly recommend pet, particularly dog, adoption. Cali, and her sisters, have all been adopted.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Diversions - Part 2

Well, I just can't stop with the feeling that THIS, the Obama, Administration, is over-the-top in extreme stupid. And Lord help them, if for a minute, they let facts and figures and information, be a DISTRACTION or DIVERSION and get in the way of having their WAY!

THIS administration is an administration of, "Don't confuse me with the facts, we've made up our minds."

And with that, they don't even wait for facts, they make opinions and allegations, BEFORE they even know what the hell they're talking about!

Eric Holder has just PROVED this point. In his latest testimony to The House Judiciary Committee, he confessed to not have even READ Arizona's new immigration law, yet have drawn an opinion on it. The president has also made comments against the law, and he hasn't read it either. And these dumb-asses are LAWYERS!

(Need legal advise? Want a competent attorney? Want an attorney to help you through all the "fine print", before you sign ANY legal document? Then ABSOLUTELY avoid ANY Washington attorney, congressman, senator, who voted for that POS health-care reform bill. They signed it and never read the damn thing!)

Remember the pres, being quick to espouse an opinion on the professor Gates and the Police Officer's ordeal? Right or wrong, shouldn't THEY wait to hear ALL the facts, before making public statements? How presidential is all this? It isn't.

And while ALL Presidents do a lot to stand with their party, I feel like this president, is ALL about HIS agenda, and that of the Democratic party, and NONE about the other half of the nation. WHEN will Obama, be the President of ALL Americans?

People, we need to get out the vote in November. The Tea Party folks have it right, if ANY politician (of ANY party) is not a Constitutionalist, throw their butts out. It's time for "the people" to take back Washington!

BTW - Mr. Holder ... try READING Arizona's new law BEFORE you draw a breath of opinion!


Monday, May 10, 2010

Am I a diversion?

I'm sorry, but I am a diversion? Or, are too many electronic outlets for news and blogs, a diversion?

In an Obama commencement speech, he said, "With iPods and iPads and Xboxes and PlayStations, -- none of which I know how to work -- information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than the means of emancipation."

For a man who used the Internet and on-line releases during his campaign, he now is feeling the heat of those who will question him, those who will disagree with him, those who write about is every move and decision.

A "distraction"? A "diversion"? Oh ... wait ... let not the public be distracted and diverted with news, information, and critical debate....Just believe any ol' thing the great Obama tells you! some pweple disagwee wit da pwesidwnet....

Well if information is becoming a distraction, then maybe someone needs to ask the real question, "Why?" And "distracting" to whom? This president, more than ANY OTHER president I can remember in my 60 years, has done nothing but push HIS agenda, and campaign for those agendas, since he took office.

EXCUSE me pres....but aren't you suppose to be president of ALL Americans? Yet, you totally ignore at least HALF the country! (The health care reform bill polling averages were more than 54% against!)

And HEY! MEDIA!! Wake the hell up!!! Where are YOU? Why is it that bloggers and on-line story outlets have to report on what YOU WON'T? Where are YOU? The so-called major media has failed America, by giving this president (and Clinton too, for the most part) a pass on almost everything? Is he really THAT perfect to you? You can't find ANY fault to shine a light on?

But THAT is why bloggers, and other on-line sources of news and commentary, have grown. They (dare I add, me?) at least bring debate to the forefront. They at least bring a magnifying glass to the abundance of crap coming out of Washington.

But, because they generally DON'T agree with Obama, Obama has targeted them and wants people to stop reading, listening, and writing about HIM. Obama means to squash any opposing views, by what ever means he can get away with. Demonize the Tea Partiers. Demonize objective, or at least critical, media outlets. Demonize talk radio. Demonize ANYONE who would dare be critical of the great Obama. How dare they!

Thank God for the 1st amendment, and our forefathers who feared this type of growing government, or Obama would surely shut us all up!

Well I will NOT go silently into the night. I'll keep writing, if for no other reason, than to at least speak up! Ask questions. Raise a debate. Be critical.


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. Where would we be without mothers? Thank you moms, for always being there.

Reflecting on Mother's Day, and in a bizarre way of thinking about this subject, I remember my own mother and that tough year when I was in Vietnam. During my Tour in Vietnam, Mom, Bless her, would send letters and packages to me. Cookies, brownies, candies, and just assorted food packs to supplement my C-Rations. Getting goodies to me, in some semblance of condition, was no small feat, and trial and error came into play. I think mom finally figured out that packing the items in popcorn, helped cushion those goodies. But the truth of it was, that mom was up against the Southeast Asian weather...the HEAT. Cookies and brownies were more crumbs, than ovals and squares. But my mom's flavorful goodies, in what ever condition, were always a hit with my squad members.

In a less than fond memory, I also recall that in the heat of battle, with bullets whizzing by and explosions ringing my ears, I would hear the moans of the afraid and the wounded, the low voices calling out for their moms. Yes, and in fox holes, in the middle of the night, I'd even think of my own mom, and how that long past comfort of her loving arms, were a very distant past, but how we would miss that comfort and protection of our moms. Young men, quickly growing old in battle, longing for a mother's arms, to hold us safe.

I'm a dad, and a VERY proud dad at that. But I never heard a soldier call out for his dad(dy). I have written before about the importance of fathers, but it's the moms, who gave us life, nursed us, and held us to their bosoms to protect and love us first.

From the early days of nursing and bottle feedings, to school lunches, moms having been taking care of us from the start. Then on to cooking us our favorite foods, and baking us those cakes and pies, moms have brought us that comfort of being loved. Sometimes, it was that fresh smell of our cleaned school clothes, and other times, it was sharing conversation while she cooked supper.

Later in life, men take on wives, and those wives become mothers to our own children. I love being a dad, but moms are the "motherers" to our children. And we get to watch as that mothering becomes the foundation of our children's beginnings.

To my ex-wife, my children's mother, I am most grateful. We have GREAT kids, and they know love. While we, as adults, made our share of mistakes that ended in divorce, our children were always kept first when working out those difficult times. And our children are who they are today, largely because of the mothering they had.

My wife today, Diann, is a great mother too. I see every day, the depth of her love for her son, my step-kid. With the highs and lows of her and her ex's circumstances, her love has never faulted for Trev, not one bit. And her focus has always been on what she could do to help and protect her son, first and foremost...ALWAYS. Even now at 18, I don't think he yet knows and fully comprehends that depth of love and commitment she has to his best interests.

In some ways, it is because of that deep love for a child, that moms seem to bare the most pain when things go wrong. NO MAN (and dare I say, no woman who has never been a mother), will ever fully know that same pain. And, no man will ever quite know that depth of that happiness either. That child, given nurturing life within the womb of a mother, then brought out unto the world through the birth, has a bond that can never be known by a man.

To the mother of my two kids - Thank you and Happy Mother's Day.
To Diann, the mother of a great kid - I see your love for him every day, and I so appreciate you for that. Happy Mother's Day.
To my own mother - Mom, thank you for ALWAYS being there. From the earliest time I can recall, to the jungles of Vietnam, and through my adult and professional life, THANK YOU. Happy Mother's Day!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Must I Paint You A Picture?

Back on the "ILLEGAL" immigration issue. And now, for those who are stupid, or drunk on liberalism, or just want to see America fall, let me paint you a friggin picture!

We have laws. We have borders. We have rules to enter, and even exit. For those who wish to FLY, legally, anywhere, you have to show your ID, you have to be searched, or at least scanned for anything that could be contraband or weapons, and to make sure you are not a wanted person from anywhere. All done to protect our citizens and our country. There is no other reason for all those measures. The airlines, and even most of the citizens, would love to live like it was 1960 again. Fly anywhere, anytime, and not have some stranger run his/her hands all over you, just to get from Dayton, to Dallas! But we're past that, aren't we.

But, for those who want us to just ignore the laws, to just let anyone in, and think the land of the rich can handle anyone who wants in, by any method, I'll paint you a friggin picture!

We have border Ports of Entry. At those POEs, people, thousand of people, come and go with relative ease. They do so, from both sides, by following the rules and obeying the laws. THAT is all we're asking. Enter legally, and stay as long as your legal circumstances permit, and obey our laws. Simple.

But come through in the dark of night, or even in broad daylight, by any other means, and you have violated the laws of OUR land. We have no idea who you are. We have no idea what your purpose may be. We have no idea what you are bringing in with you. THAT is why we have POEs!

BECAUSE so many, so VERY many, break our laws, and enter "ILLEGALLY", we know many here are ILLEGAL, and we MUST protect our citizens and our lands, and MUST take measures to root out those who are violating the law, and SHOULD NOT be here. Arizona has simply taken it's measures to do just that. The US Government has failed them, and ALL OF US, by not protecting the border. The RISK to the citizens in Arizona, and the other border states, is HUGE. And to some, it has been deadly. To others still, it WILL BE.

If you decide to protest Arizona, or just protest the actions we MUST take to protect all of us, then YOU protest AGAINST law and order. And on top of that, YOU are stupid, or naive at the least.

This is America. If you are here "legally", then welcome. If you are here "illegally", then get the hell OUT! Don't dare come in here, "Illegally", and DEMAND anything from us. And for anyone else to DEMAND anything for you...BS! You are here "illegally", and get the hell out!

Lastly, as this Blog was started with, I wish for ALL Americans, no matter where you came from, or where our ancestors came from, to identify yourselves as an AMERICAN 1st!

Sign me,
Tired of the Bull Shit!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Illegal Immigration - One man's view

The HOT news of the day, is Arizona's "illegal" immigration bill. Arizona, wants to find, and arrest, "illegal" immigrants, and boy-oh-boy, are the liberals and illegal supporters PO'd!

While the new law is bantered about, and the lawyers prepare to butt heads, I couldn't help but take note of a Mexican, quoted as saying, "This new law gives us no other option than to leave ... I'm going back to Mexico, where I feel more comfortable." Isn't that exactly what we want to see? He had been working in Mexico as a fisherman, and he's going back to that.

I've written here before, but to repeat myself, I want to offer this up for consideration - I AM NOT opposed to "legal" immigration. NOT ONE BIT. I do believe there are the vast majority of those who come here, even those that do so "illegally", who want nothing better than to better their lot in life, for themselves and their families. I would want the same thing, if I lived in third-world conditions.

I also think we do need to find a better way for the immigration process to work, for those folks who want to legally enter, stay if they want, and better their lives. I think there can be ways to do that.

BUT - I DO NOT want people, from any country, to come here, "illegally". We have Ports of Entry. I want those POEs used. They have a purpose. And our laws concerning such, should be enforced. Otherwise, the "border" is useless. And our laws concerning the border, are toothless.

Permit this analogy. You and I have a company. That company owns a very nice mall, with lots of shopping and lots of choices in merchandise and restaurants. We have hours that we have that mall open. There are main entry ways, and posted at each, are rules for coming in. Those rules, such a shoes and clothing expectations, as well as conduct, are expected of those who wish to come in. Otherwise, you can't come in, or can be escorted out. And, ONLY those entries can be used, and ONLY during the hours of operation. Simple. We see it all the time.

However, IF some people decide to slip in through the closed access areas for the different businesses, or come in after hours through the roof, or break in at night through a glass door, then we have a problem. Those same people COULD be welcome, if they came in like everyone else who follows the rules, and laws. But they chose to break in, because they didn't like the rules, or the laws, or simply the hours we were open. In anyone's mind, they broke the law and would be arrested if caught. No question.

So, WHY do we not look at our borders the same way? Why do we give some people a pass for breaking into OUR COUNTRY? To blatantly disobey our laws? I know the line to get in is long...but it IS the law of our land!

None of this even discusses the HIGH RISK to our citizens, by way of drug violence, and perhaps even a terrorist act!

It is WAY PAST time for Washington to act. And maybe, just maybe, Arizona will get Washington's attention to get off its ass and fix the problem, and not ignore it any longer.

BTW - I talked to a "legal" immigrant (Mexican) today, who was complaining about the lack of work. He said (and this is NO lie), "It's getting harder for us (the company he works for) to get the jobs. I hate to say this about my own people, they underbid us so bad, we can't get the jobs. If we bid $1.25 a foot to lay flooring, they (the illegals) bid $1 a foot. We can't compete with that, and still pay the guys and the costs of doing business."

OSHAMA! Wake the hell up dumb-ass! "The people" are talking here! So before you condemn Arizona, try living WITH their problem first!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Peace through Superior Firepower

Peace...Through Superior Firepower - I always liked that slogan... but never bought the t-shirt. Anyway, just a little something I thought I'd jump onto.

The 2010 Corvette. What a car. I'd love to own one, but don't. Why? I couldn't afford it. Or, at least, I'm not willing to pay what it would cost me.

I saw a beautiful home on 210 acres listed for sale not long ago. I would love to own it, but I don't. Why? The cost was far too high.

Funny thing about such things we wish to have, they often come at too high a price for what we can, or are willing, to pay. Take waging war on America. Throughout our history, some have tried and paid a terrible price for it. Many might hate us enough to want to wage war, but don't. Why? They hate us enough, so why? What is it that stops them?

It strikes me that the slogan, "Peace...through superior firepower", suggests that to have peace, one would have enough firepower that anyone wanting to challenge that peace would pay a very high price for the attempt. The whole Cold War and the Arms Race was built on such a theory. We won that Cold War and Arms Race, because we were able to amass such weapons, that the opposition could not keep up, to do attack us, would lead to their certain demise.

Even crime is the same way. Criminals (with perhaps the exception of "crimes of passion" or someone's spontaneous stupidity), at least go through some calculation of the "cost factor" to them before committing their crimes. If there is little chance of getting caught, and if the "cost" isn't deemed too high, then the criminal just may think it "pays". But if the perceived "cost" is too high, then the likelihood of the criminal to commit it is far reduced. "Crime doesn't pay", would come into play. I think the same can be said for, "War with America doesn't pay".

This all leads me to this point. If every legally permissible citizen was to be armed, every would-be criminal would have a whole lot more to worry about, such as losing his/her life, in their pursuit of mis-justice on their fellow man. Therefore, the "Peace through superior firepower", by virtue of not having an unarmed and easy citizenry to prey upon, could provide for less crime and fewer victims. The "cost" could be death to anyone wanting to victimize people. That's a high price for jewelry, TVs, cash, or what ever. MOST crimes are not worth dying for.

This same thought process (of mine anyway) extends to the world and those who would want us dead. And, also goes for those who wish to stand by and let others cause our demise. If the threat isn't the ultimate price, then their calculation may likely be that it "could be" worth it to do us harm, or stand by and permit others to do so.

Fear is powerful. Fear of dying is the most powerful, and that's why the terrorists use it. We don't. But we should. say. Okay, bare with me.....Here's where all this is leading to - As a powerful and wealthy nation, we need to use both hands in our foreign policies.

In one hand ... we offer help (money, manpower, what ever help we can provide) to those who want it, and are willing work beside us while we're doing it.

In that other hand ... FIREPOWER! With NO limit set on what ever it takes to get a job done. You screw with us, or a very close ally, then we should take all measure to inflict as much damage and pain as we can, and in the shortest time possible. We should instill as much destruction and fear as our "power" can deliver. And, this means to all those who stand by and let our enemies attack us, while letting them use their neighborhoods and cities to attack from and hide in.

Who said, "Walk softly and carry a big stick"? (Teddy Roosevelt?) Well, that should be us today. Not to "rule" any other country, but if someone causes us harm ... ALL means of destruction should befall them.

We ARE the mightiest nation on earth (and we should stay that way Obama!). We need to act like it when it comes to such matters. War is hell. War is ugly. War kills people. If we enter into a war upon a nation of people, we need to make it as ugly as possible, and get it over with as soon as possible. Anyone wanting to do us harm, needs to know, with absolute certainty, that it will cost them dearly. So dearly, that survival is NOT likely. So dearly, that those around them would rather try stopping their neighbor from committing such an act against us, than face what hurt would come by standing by and letting it happen.

This goes for our current actions in Iraq and Afghanistan. If a neighborhood is the launching point of an aggressor's attacks on us, they need to know that their neighborhood will cease to exist. They need to know that life, as they have known it, will no longer be the same. THAT, in MY view, would cause those people who might otherwise sit by and let terrorists use their neighborhoods, to rise up and at least point out those terrorists and let us take the fight only to them. Otherwise, those people who let their homes and neighborhoods be used by the bad guys, will pay dearly.

Like him, or not, President Bush was right to say, "You're either for us, or against us" in the war on terror. Standing by, doing nothing, is just what the terrorists want. That, in my view, aids our enemies, if not directly participating.

Harsh? YES. That's war. We bombed whole cities, just to get at the German military machine, in WWII. Now, we are trying to kill our enemies ... surgically. A nice idea. Very civilized. But WRONG! THIS is war and we are being hampered by our unwillingness do get dirty. The fear the terrorists instill in people, is so much more so, than the fear of what we might do. People fear THEM more than us. That needs to change.

Of late, Obama has stated openly, that he wants to reduce our nuclear weapons, and will NOT use them in some circumstances. I think that taking ANY weapon off the table, is a mistake. Our enemies, and anyone who may toy with becoming one, needs to know the commitment will are willing to WIN any war someone causes us to be in.

And politicians beware - YOU need to be ONE LOUD VOICE in the world, saying this - SCREW WITH US, AND YOU PAY...HEAVILY! You want our help, then we'll do all we can. But screw with us....and God help you.

In our neighborhoods, and around the globe - Peace...Through Superior Firepower!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

We should thank Obama?

Obama says we should Thank him, for some tax cuts.

Reeeealy? Let me get this straight. The government, that's Obama and friends (and needs to include every Republican who helped in this mess along the way), have done nothing but SPEND our money since they got into office. They have also promised away MORE of OUR money for years (maybe generations) to come.

But, a little "tax cut", is enough that Mr. Narcissist says we should Thank Him? I think not oh struck-on-yourself-bama.

On the other hand - You have captured the minds of the mentally weak and stupid, to the degree that taking untold THOUSANDS per household in the coming years, then to give back (our money, mind you) a fraction of that as a small tax cut, and we should THANK YOU?

Some will, no doubt. Those same people are also happy to have "the government" give them anything. But, for the government to GIVE anyone ANYTHING, means to take it FROM SOMEONE else! The "government" has NO money. NONE. Nada. Zilch! EVERY dollar the "government" spends and the American Tax Payer's money! ALL OF IT!

And Bill Clinton - May I have a word....dumb-ass..... While the original Tea Party folks WERE protesting "taxation without representation". This new age Tea Party is protesting Taxation, in spite of the public outcry to NOT pass such spending bills, like health care. In spite of the polls (the top 10 were very clearly against the bill that was passed)....which is "the people's" voices... this administration passed the spending bill anyway. They ignored "the people". We may have "representation", but it isn't listening to "the people", and it amounts to the same thing as "taxation, without representation"! Hey....dumb-ass...CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW? It's amounts to the SAME THING!

THE PEOPLE, and even those who don't get it yet, should be heard, and heeded. Until then, the Tea Parties will continue, and their voices will grow stronger. "The people" must be heard.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Fundamentally changing the face of America

Mr. Obama, Fundamentally changing the face of America?

Well, you're doing it! With nearly half of America giving you the ability to to it, you, and your co-conspirators, think America is "fundamentally" wrong, are in deed changing America.

"Fundamentally", according to Webster's ~
Main Entry: 1fun·da·men·tal
Pronunciation: \ˌfən-də-ˈmen-təl\
Function: adjective
Date: 15th century

1 a : serving as an original or generating source : primary b : serving as a basis supporting existence or determining essential structure or function : basic
2 a : of or relating to essential structure, function, or facts : radical ; also : of or dealing with general principles rather than practical application b : adhering to fundamentalism
3 : of, relating to, or produced by the lowest component of a complex vibration
4 : of central importance : principal
5 : belonging to one's innate or ingrained characteristics : deep-rooted
Oshama, and those who follow your lead, I DO NOT WANT America "fundamentally" changed. In fact, I want us to return to the "fundamentals" of our Constitutional design. We have strayed FROM our fundamentals, we don't need to change them.

Unless...YOU think our original design is flawed. Unless...YOU don't like the Constitution. And YOU don't! You DO want to change America's "fundamental" design. YOU don't like America. YOU are "un-American". And that said, then just what are you? All our enemies share your belief, and that is, they too want to see America changed.

And for ANYONE who may read this - it has NOTHING to do with race. It has everything to do with THIS man, wanting to change the very foundation of America. Not to fix some things that may have strayed from that "fundamental" design, but to CHANGE it.

That is CHANGE I want no part of. And I pray (yes, I'll cling to my religion and my guns) that America wakes up and tosses your ass, and those co-conspirators in Washington, out at the next two elections.

Pissed off in Texas!

Friday, April 2, 2010

The Island is Capsizing....the Island is Capsizing!

Just when I was working up being really pissed off, along comes some real humor to make me laugh my butt off. Thanks Georgia! Thanks Congressman Johnson!

If you haven't seen this YouTube video, it is a must-see-TV moment. (By the way, he also brought in "Global Warming"! What next? Global Island tipping?)

Laughter aside, one must consider a few things here.
1. This Congressman, is on the "Armed Services Committee". Does that bother anyone else?
2. This same guy, equated those who voiced opposition to the auto bail-outs, akin to the KKK.
3. He's a "congressman". (How did THAT happen?)
4. He supported Obama-care. (Does Ovomit really want THAT stamp of approval?)
5. He, and those like him in THIS government, will be in control of our health-care, student loan program, auto manufacturing, Wall Street, and what ever else is hidden in that obscene measure.

Is it any surprise, that a bunch of ultra-liberal lawyers (did you know Congressman Johnson is a LAWYER!) drafted this monster? We'll be paying for this mess for a long time to come.


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Mexican Drug Cartels, Drugs, and the End User

Headlines, on most any given week -

"A senior member of a Mexican drug cartel has been arrested on suspicion of involvement in the murders of 17 people at a rehab centre, reports say."

"The authorities in the Mexican border city of Tijuana have found 16 bodies in 24 hours, in what police believe is part of a wave of drug-related murders."

"An ultra-violent drug cartel has launched a ferocious campaign against the Mexican government, torturing and killing 12 federal agents before piling their bodies by the side of a road."

"The family of a Mexican Marine killed in action were murdered in their home a few hours after his funeral in retaliation for the death of the drug lord Arturo Beltran Leyva."

What do ALL these stories have in common? DRUGS! WHO pays for the DRUGS? WHO helps fuel that drug money, to pay those who commit such acts? Far too damn many Americans!

And don't give me some B.S. about legalizing drugs will solve the friggin problem! EVERY American, who buys and/or uses, CONTRIBUTES to these extremely violent acts.

Just a little snort at a party? Maybe just a toke with a friend who has some "good stuff"? Having a little to mellow out from a hard day at work?

GUILTY! GUILTY! GUILTY! If that is YOU, then YOU contribute to the murdering Cartels and their hired guns, no matter where they are. It's just not Mexicans who are dying either. Some mule/dealer/what ever, killed an Arizona rancher, who has been giving water to thirsty illegals! THIS is what the drug trade brings.

THE answer, at least in a large part, is for Americans to suck it up and STOP buying and using illegal drugs. Just Say No, should have been taken seriously. And I am sick and tired of the stupid ass dopers in THIS country, who excuse their own ILLEGAL drug use. And California....I can't even go there. What a bunch of LOSERS!

Sign me -
Pissed in Texas!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Is She Terminal? (updated)

This is an updated rewrite of my earlier entry.

It saddens me, to see her so sick. She is down, and from the looks of her, she could be terminally ill. She's been through so much in her life. Many have attacked her, wounded her, trampled on her, tried so hard to make her disappear from the planet. Today, she is under such extreme attacks, and this time, from within her own family. If she goes, I just don't know what I'll do, and I am sad at the prospect.

America. Oh, how I love her name. America. Oh, how I love my country. America. Oh, how sad I am of what far too many are trying to do to her, make her become, make her into what she was never meant to be.

Why do I say all this? Because, today, it looks to me like the "government of the people, by the people, and for the people", has been plowed under by the swarm of hungry...power hungry... politicians and bureaucrats. The "government", even on local levels, has become the BIG manager in most all aspects of our lives and businesses. Now, with trillions of dollars of taxpayer money, BIG government has now decided what to do with OUR money...and our future money...and with our very lives.

While I liked George W. Bush, I had a number of disagreements with some of his policies. But today, with this new administration, what I am seeing, frankly, scares the crap out of me. The BIG government of today, is looking to be the GIGANTIC government in the coming few years. And with that, WILL come "socialism". How else can one say it? With the government injecting itself into our personal lives and business, and the government distribution of OUR personal wealth....what IS socialism otherwise? And can anyone count the Czars? And why Czars? Can't the officials who pass congressional scrutiny handle the jobs? Or, is the CONTROL Obama gets with Czars a bigger reason for them? (No congressional scrutiny!)

I am absolutely convinced that our forefathers would be up-in-arms over what they see today. In fact, they WERE up-in-arms some 230+ years ago. And WHY were they up-in-arms? They were fed up with the strong arms tactics and imposition of unfair taxes upon the colonies and the citizens of the New World. Great Britain, at that time, WAS the government. And THAT government wanted to impose its will, and taxes, in every way it saw fit to do. Sound familiar?

Well, TRILLIONS of dollars promised by THIS government, on top of the .7 Trillion before Bush left office, WHO will pay for all that? WHO will be taxed to pay for the sins and mistakes by our own government and big business? And when it comes down to it - just how many, what percent, of our citizens really wanted this, or want to pay for it? The top ten polls were clear - a majority of Americans were against THIS bill. But it didn't matter to those who hold the power.

THIS is NOT America. This is something else, but it is NOT America. Businesses grow. Businesses go under. The natural evolution of capitalism has been circumvented by the rich and powerful. Now, our government will decide who makes it, and who won't. The ever increasing government hand, has now grown to control the direction of business, and us...we, the people.

BTW - Don't get me wrong here. I DO NOT blame the wealthy people who earned their way and are good citizens and stewards of our national interest. But, there are those who will sell all of us down the river, for GREED of money and power. And there is the problem ... unbridled GREED for power.

It seems to me that far too many in America, WANT the government to save us from ourselves, save us from our debt and the personal consequences of bad decisions. As long as the government hands us money, we'll go along with IT (big government). Give me a $600 or $400 tax rebate, and I'll shut up and let you do what ever you want......

I am sick at what we have become. And in November, we (I say we, because WE are all in this together.) voted in the biggest bunch of greedy people in the history of our country. And with that, we are being sold out. I weep for my America. I weep for the country that spread freedom, helped other people and countries in times of natural disaster and pain. I weep for those who came before us, and died in an effort to keep America free, and keep America as a land of "for the people, by the people". The people we have in Washington today, are NOT "the people", but they are there...BECAUSE we let them be there. The personal agendas and greed for power, is limitless. And Americans put them there. Shame on us.

So, I sit by the death bed of the America I love and have believed in. I watch helplessly as she succumbs to the trampling on the long held belief's of a nation of free people and non-intrusive government. Before long, her colors could remain, but the stripes will be removed, the stars gone, and some new "Obama-like" symbol will replace her. Letters and emails have failed, and I know of no cure to help. Good men sit by, and other men want to turn off her life support machine. Freedom of her people is old fashioned, in the eyes of our new power mongers.

Pardon my ramblings, and perhaps lack of delivery in this addition, but my sadness almost over-takes me and the grief I am feeling for what I fear is coming, has a grip on me.

Am I alone? Are there any other voices that share in this feeling?

God Bless America, for as long as we still have her. - Dan

PS. While not exclusive to Veterans, the sound of her name, America, and the songs about her, America, America the Beautiful, God Bless America, The Star Spangled Banner, etc., bring goose bumps to us, as does the raising or passing of our Flag. What is happening to America, is hard to swallow for THIS Veteran.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Attention Veterans

Due to recent events and discussions with a couple other Vets, I thought I'd post these thoughts.

Our WWI Vets are gone. We are losing our WWII Vets every day. Our slightly older brothers-in-arms from the Korean War, are also getting older and they'll be following our WWII Vets home more and more. And for my generation, us Vietnam Vets are no spring chickens anymore.

When our Veterans go home, they take with them all their memories. If no one captures those memories on recordings or on paper, then no one can learn anything from what they could pass on.

I have started something of a journal or book. I have no plans on marketing such a thing (although many do so with much success), but do want to have it copied, at least for my kids, and their kids. I want it to tell MY story, and share my thoughts and memories. I want it to be here, long after I go home one last time.

Everyone has to deal with their experiences in what ever way it right for them. But, my fellow Vets, from all conflicts, I would encourage you to document YOUR thoughts and experiences, and keep them for those who will follow some day. With today's computers and flash drives, it is easier that ever to write such thoughts down, and safe them, until YOU are ready for anyone else to read them, even it's to be read only have you have gone home.

I would encourage all Veterans to do so. And for the record, I am still working on my own memories, and it's taking me more than 10 years, and I'm still not done. You too may have some things you can't say to yourself yet, but don't let that stop you from starting, and putting down those things you can say to yourself.

THANK YOU to all our Vets, past and present.
God Bless you all.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Open letter to Obama

(I post this here for anyone else to read, as I seriously doubt he will read the one I mailed to him.)

Dear Mr. President,

I write this with great concern for our nation. And, with a greater concern for who is at the helm.

Mr. President, you ran as the Democratic nominee for President of the United States of America. As such, you won that election, and became THE President of the United States of America.

Sir, you are NOT the Democratic President of the United States. You are THE President of the United States of America....President - to all Americans. The election is over, and it is time that you consider ALL Americans in your decisions, not just the democratic majority (by a very slight margin). Mr. President, I expect YOU to also look out for me, even if I am a Republican.

Sir, the Presidential election results were about 53% for you, and about 46% for McCain. And for the healthcare ideas YOU are pushing, the top ten poll averages are running about 53% AGAINST the currently proposed plans, and about 38% FOR it.

Mr. President...PLEASE...BE the AMERICAN PRESIDENT, and not just the president of half (or less) of America! The decisions you make, affect ALL of us.

You want my support? You want the support from the "other half"? How about LISTENING to the other half?

Be the AMERICAN President. Stop being the President of just Democrats! You sold yourself as being the President of change, and would stop "politics as usual". Now show ALL of us that you will follow through. Otherwise, you are no better than any other self indulgent politician, from either side of the isle.