Notice: Any comments made by me, are my own, and should not be construed to be those of anyone else, or any organization or association.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

We should thank Obama?

Obama says we should Thank him, for some tax cuts.

Reeeealy? Let me get this straight. The government, that's Obama and friends (and needs to include every Republican who helped in this mess along the way), have done nothing but SPEND our money since they got into office. They have also promised away MORE of OUR money for years (maybe generations) to come.

But, a little "tax cut", is enough that Mr. Narcissist says we should Thank Him? I think not oh struck-on-yourself-bama.

On the other hand - You have captured the minds of the mentally weak and stupid, to the degree that taking untold THOUSANDS per household in the coming years, then to give back (our money, mind you) a fraction of that as a small tax cut, and we should THANK YOU?

Some will, no doubt. Those same people are also happy to have "the government" give them anything. But, for the government to GIVE anyone ANYTHING, means to take it FROM SOMEONE else! The "government" has NO money. NONE. Nada. Zilch! EVERY dollar the "government" spends and the American Tax Payer's money! ALL OF IT!

And Bill Clinton - May I have a word....dumb-ass..... While the original Tea Party folks WERE protesting "taxation without representation". This new age Tea Party is protesting Taxation, in spite of the public outcry to NOT pass such spending bills, like health care. In spite of the polls (the top 10 were very clearly against the bill that was passed)....which is "the people's" voices... this administration passed the spending bill anyway. They ignored "the people". We may have "representation", but it isn't listening to "the people", and it amounts to the same thing as "taxation, without representation"! Hey....dumb-ass...CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW? It's amounts to the SAME THING!

THE PEOPLE, and even those who don't get it yet, should be heard, and heeded. Until then, the Tea Parties will continue, and their voices will grow stronger. "The people" must be heard.