Recent Headlines:
January 31,2013 - "Kaufman County Courthouse Shooting: Two Suspects Open Fire On Prosecutor In Texas"
April 1, 2013 - "Kaufman County District Attorney Mike McLelland, wife killed "
While the investigation into all three murders go on, I'm jumping in ... with both feet ... to condemn a group of people.
While it is entirely possible that the murders, 2 months apart, are unrelated, I can't imagine them not to be. And it is also possible, the murders were part of some revenge for other than gang/drug related convictions. But I seriously doubt that.
What I do suspect is that when the investigation is concluded, drug trafficking will play a part, in part or in whole. Whether its the Aryan Brotherhood, who funds themselves in large part by trafficking in drugs, or drug gangs working directly/indirectly for Drug Cartels, I'm betting the bottom line is drug money related.
Now add to that, the drug related murders in the US and Mexico, over the turf wars and enforcement of, the drug trade. The murders do not just involve other gang members, who no one would miss, but public officials (like the Kaufman County DAs), uninvolved bystanders, and those who have some peripheral association with those killed (death by association).
So where am I headed with all this? Here it is - ANYONE, who buys cocaine, heroine, imported marijuana, etc., are CONTRIBUTORS to all that death. I know many will jump on this with some justification or denial, but here is the absolute truth of the matter -
Regardless of any one's argument for legalized pot or such, we ALL know such substances are currently ILLEGAL. We also know that by buying any of those, we are committing a crime, most often a felony. So those who engage in those activities, KNOWINGLY commit crimes, to include felony crimes. And we ALL know that with cocaine especially, the Mexican cartels run the drug trade and are behind most of all the drug related deaths, in one way or another. Those illegal drug cartels, and all the dealers big or small, make money off the drug trade, and that money helps fuel the the murders.
So ... EVERY purchase of illegal drugs, contributes to the end result of death. And by extension, bare some responsibility for the deaths of those Prosecutors, and one wife, in Kaufman County Texas. YES, they DO! The profits, which start at the lowest street user, helps pay for guns, assassins, government pay-offs, even drug production slavery. Like any legitimate business, every dollar gets pieces of it taken out for each participating entity along the way to the top.
If ANYONE buys/deals drugs, that person CONTRIBUTES to the DEATHS of all those murdered for that drug dollar! If you use illegal drugs, those murderers KILL to get and keep YOUR DOLLARS!