Notice: Any comments made by me, are my own, and should not be construed to be those of anyone else, or any organization or association.

Friday, November 2, 2012


Sometimes, I just scratch my head and wonder, What The Hell????

Hurricane Sandy hit the Northeast HARD. Billions of dollars of damage, unknown what economic cost, and most of all - lost lives. A horrible natural disaster, and honestly, just how prepared can we be for such events that are beyond our imagination?

But in this case, I feel people have gone overboard with the accolades, for the President, NJ Gov. Christie, NYC Mayor Bloomberg, and whomever else. I have seen press events, where such notable people were glad-handing each other on doing such a good job in the response.

But ....... there are STILL so many people (hundreds of thousands?) without power; no gasoline, or very limited; no heating fuel (it's November!); limited or no food; limited or no fresh water; streets still covered in sand and mud and debris; homes destroyed, businesses destroyed, and NYC was going ahead with a Marathon! The JOB is far from being done. Yet, so quick with the accolades.

With this method of giving praise, along with this President being awarded a Nobel Peace Prize before he ever did anything (and now has his own "kill list"!), should we just go ahead and give out of Heisman Trophy, before the season is even over? How about handing out the Academy Awards, before the new releases are even out? Doctors, God Bless those who want to be, don't need to wait until they are through with their residencies, just give them their MD certificates now!

Those still hurting, hungry, cold, stranded, moneyless, without changes of clothes, will someday get help and straightened out. But NOW is no time for the political uppity-ups to be glad-handing each other on a job well done. You might want to look around, talk to those buried in debris, because -

Just sayin'.

It's Okay to NOT Vote for Obama

Well, we're down to just a few days until the election. The so-called fact checkers are busy trying to keep up with every word spoken by either candidate. The pundits have drawn lines in the sand. Purely partisan voters stand firmly, no matter what is said or shown. And the average voter, middle of the line Democrats and Republicans, as well as Independents, are just trying to cautiously decipher fact from fiction, and prepare to cast their vote on Nov. 6th.

I know a few people, even friends, who voted for Obama last time. I even know a couple Republicans who did. I know there are those who did vote for Obama, for purely historical reasons, maybe coupled with the idea that such a charismatic, if not mysterious, mixed race man might just give us a jolt. Someone who WOULD be different, bring "change", bring renewed "hope", who might be the way to go.

There are those of us, who because of our disdain for Obama's policies and actions, and even such shadowy personal history, have been called "racists" because we dared speak against Obama. There are those who may be thinking of voting against Obama, but don't want to be labeled "racist". There are even those Blacks, who have been vocal about not supporting Obama, who have been called "racists" (or Uncle Toms, etc.)!

But, anyone.... ANYONE .... who would look, with open and objective eyes, at where we are today, with 16.2 Trillion in debt, 13+ MILLION completely unemployed, some 6-9 MILLION more, severely under-employed, 30% increase on food-stamp assistance, a true lack of an energy policy, and the undermining of Congress, then those who voted for Obama before may very well see that it hasn't worked. And I know some people just like that, and they will NOT be voting for Obama again.

There are some of those, who WILL NOT speak out against Obama, or even say they will not for vote for Obama, because of verbal retribution for doing so. Being called a "racist" or turn-coat, or what ever, is keeping them mute. I've read comments from prior Obama supporters, who have implied that they would even SAY they are voting for Obama, but they will not be voting that way. They are trying to just get along in their own world of friends, family, co-workers, and party affiliations.

To all those types, I'd say this. It is OKAY to not vote for Obama. IF your vote is cast, based on what YOU feel is right for the country, and is NOT based on color or party loyalty, then  it will be the right vote. It's OKAY to vote for Romney, IF you feel he will do a better job. You thought Obama would do a better job, but it didn't pan out. It's okay. It is time for a chance to change that.

Voting against Obama IS NOT racist, unless it is because, and only because, of his mixed race. It's okay, if you don't tell anyone you didn't vote for Obama. That is YOUR decision, YOUR vote. Vote with your mind, not any social or party expectation.

For my Republican friends, welcome back. I appreciate your private notes that you will be voting FOR Romney!

To my Tea Party affiliated friends, WE will keep an eye on ALL elected persons, to keep them in line with the "constitution". Not in line with the "right" or the "left", but in line with upholding our constitutional framework. That goes for President Romney too. We EXPECT, we should expect, ALL elected officials to follow the laws, uphold their oath to protect the Constitution, and above all else, BE AMERICANS first!