Notice: Any comments made by me, are my own, and should not be construed to be those of anyone else, or any organization or association.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Party of No?

The Democrats have been calling the Republicans, the party of no. I am a Republican. I am in favor of that moniker. I WANT to be in the party of NO. Sadly, I don't think the Republicans are saying NO enough! They too, have been "party" to the huge growth of this government. So, I want to the Republicans to embrace the moniker, and say -

"NO" to big government.
"NO" to more taxes.
"NO" to a government run health care system.
"NO" to bail outs.
"NO" to government take over of ANY private business or enterprise.
"NO" to federal government, subverting state and local governments.
"NO" to more spending.
"NO" to having "the government" being the answer to every problem.
"NO" to pork.
"NO" to 2,000 page Bills.
"NO" to having bills offered, that aren't read by those who would be voting on them.
"NO" to IGNORING "the people".
"NO" to life-long politicians! (Term limits CAN be OUR votes!)

Republicans, let's embrace the Party of NO!