My wife and I have two dogs. Both are pretty smart, which is common with Border Collies (ours are mixed). But the younger one seems to have Attention Deficit Disorder. Any shiny object, will quickly distract her from what ever else we are doing. My wife will often say, "There she goes ... she saw a shiny object."
Sadie is a smart dog. She's just easily distracted, often by such simple little things that are completely unrelated to what we (and that includes the other dog) are doing. Hannah will stay focused on what we're doing or where we're walking. Sadie will suddenly dart off and completely be drawn away.
Most citizens are smart people too. Most people can think and make good decisions about their lives and about their communities and country. Most citizens will evaluate a Presidential candidate, and make a rational decision, based upon how they perceive a particular candidate will serve the country.
But some people can be easily distracted, and miss the big picture. A candidate will throw out a shiny object to get the focus away from the bigger picture, because the bigger picture doesn't bode well for them or their record. Romney's "un-required" additional tax records, or his lawfully gained wealth, are just shiny objects. And Obama knows it. Obama is hoping there are enough people who will chase the shiny object, and not focus on the REAL issues.
(Side note: It is MY belief, that Obama is playing the class warfare game, by trying to embarrass Romney about his weath [legally gained] at a time where a LOT of people are struggling. But Obama doesn't want the fact that people are struggling, is because the unemployment rate is STILL over 8%, and even over 12% for minorities!)
The Romney tax return issue, is nothing more than a diversion ... a shiny object. Why do I say that? Because Obama and friends KNOW, that Romney does not have to do anything more than what is required by law. They only want to distract some of their potential voting block from seeing the REAL issues and concerns.
If I were Romney, I'd provide a few more tax returns, just to get them to move off that issue. But then, I would expect Obama and friends to take on another insignificant issue to pick at ... and throw out another shiny object so Romney would have to divert from the important issues, to address the new shiny object. For that reason, I believe Romney has already calculated that, and isn't paying their game.
I know ... ALL politicians play that "bright shiny object" game, when avoiding the really important issues that don't favor them. But WE, "the people", need to stay on point and not get drawn away by the shiny objects. WE need to stay focused on what is REALLY important to our nation.
Anyone who has read my blogs before, knows I am NO fan of Obama. I am a self professed Conservative, and vote Republican most the time (not a straight ticket voter - ever). But I do not see a running candidate who is currently more qualified to get our country moving again, than Mitt Romney. In the BIG picture, I believe Romney has more to offer ALL of us, than Obama has or will.
But I believe Obama and friends are throwing out shiny objects, because his record ... his REAL record ... is a failed one. And to me, I feel his professed goal, to "fundamentally change America", is counter to our constitutional design. Obama has also said that there is more he would like to be able to do, but, "sometimes, the constitution gets in the way". THAT statement .... that mindset ... is so troubling to me, that I fear what damage he could do with four more years. Obama IS a "big government" person. He's not alone either. There has been a growing number of people who think too many Americans can not make good decisions, and only they, "the government", know best what is good for us. They are NOT a "by the people, for the people" kinda of supporter. THEY feel that THEY are special, and THEY know what is best for all of us.
I reject that whole heartedly. Most of us, WILL make good decisions ... IF ... we are provided with FACTS and information. Most of us, will arrive at decisions that are best for the country. We may have slightly different ways to get there, but the end results are more often a common one. Obama seems to think that only HE knows best, and would prefer all of us just watch the shiny object, and not pay attention to what he is doing.
No matter who anyone chooses to vote for, don't get distracted by nonsense. Don't accept that the thrown out piece of fluttering foil, is more important than the real issues. Don't dart after the shiny objects. We all need to stay on point. The REAL issues are far too important to be chasing shiny objects.