Notice: Any comments made by me, are my own, and should not be construed to be those of anyone else, or any organization or association.

Friday, December 28, 2012

How To Disarm Americans

Let's face it, we have those in our own government, who wish the 2nd amendment didn't exist. Many of our own citizens feel the same way. Of those who are on "the fence", they'd be okay with just an "assault weapons ban". In any case, the true reason for the 2nd amendment has been lost on many.

I've shared my thoughts about OUR 2nd amendment, so I won't rehash that now. But there are some pro-firearms, and even those who don't own a firearm, who think our government could not disarm all the 70+ million gun owners. They'd be right to a degree, but I believe there is a way for such a government to fulfil most of that goal. And here is how I believe it could be done, and actually believe we could be headed this direction sooner than later.

To start with, if I was a President, bend on banning firearms, here is what I would do -
* I must first convince "the people" that some guns, in the hands of bad people, need to be curtailed from easy access and ownership. That's easy to go along with. Even those of who legally own firearms would agree that bad people shouldn't have guns!

In times of firearms related tragedy, I would highlight, via the media, the use of a style of weapon, to support the desired ban.

* Enlist the help of media, to float the message to the masses.

* Work with the United Nations, and join them in limiting the world-wide manufacturing of small arms and ammunition. By doing this, I would have the USA simply "join" like minded nations in curtailing gun violence around the world.

* I would sign an Executive Order, bypassing congress, to implement an "assault weapons ban" of all new production and sale of the civilian models of "military type" weapons. That would stop the manufacturing and sale of civilian copies of "military weapons" to citizens. I would site the need for protections against mass killings. Most citizens will go along with that, and the media will promote it, selling it as not impairing the 2nd amendment in doing so.

(By the way - While some say a president can't bypass congress, they're wrong. Such a president can do anything, so long as he/she is not stopped by the other branches of government with a majority!)

* To soften the distaste for such a move, I would announce a program that expands current registration of classified firearms, and citizens would be able to register such firearms and pay a TAX to keep them.

* I would later site the need to also include other "semi-auto" high capacity weapons, those capable of firing more than 10 rounds without reloading. This would then include all the otherwise acceptable firearms, like the common Ruger 10/22, or even a Winchester 9422 lever action .22, that can hold as many as 17 rounds, as examples. The Ruger 10/22 comes with a 10 round magazine, it can accept higher capacity mags.

* With the MILLIONS of "assault weapons" already in civilian hands, I would then begin a voluntary "turn-in" or "buy-back" program, and work with the media to get citizens to turn those types in, without fear of prosecution or penalty. (This has worked in Canada and Australia.)

* For those who have not turned in their otherwise legally owned "assault weapons", another "Executive Order" would be issued, for mandatory turn-in of all such weapons. I also order all Law Enforcement, when in normal contact with citizens and find such weapons in "plain view", to be confiscated. (The government still has not gone house to house to collect them!)

* I would then appeal to all citizens, that while they can still own their "home protection" firearms, maintaining "their 2nd amendment right", such as shotguns and pistols (under 10 rds) and deer rifles, that all other weapons will have to be turned in within 60 days. After 60 days, should a citizen still be found in possession of such a classified weapon, such weapons would be taken as evidence, they would be fined, by way of a heavy TAX. Such a tax would be collected and enforced by the IRS. This would be a tax code violation, tacked onto current tax codes. (Sounds like Obamacare!)

The average citizen, is "law abiding", and that while they won't like it, will continue to be a "law abiding citizen", and follow such law. (The Jews kept following the directions of German officials, right up to the point of not having a choice.) Such a government will depend on the overall lawfulness of the law abiding citizen, to "cooperate".

* The "government" will then make examples of those "unlawfully" possessing a newly classified weapon, with IRS prosecution for Failing to Obtain a Tax Stamp, which would make it a "tax evasion" case.

* In an effort to further the collection of those "classified weapons", I would instruct all Law Enforcement to ask with every contact, if a citizen had such a firearm, then "ask" permission to search their vehicle or home.

(I can tell you for certain that the law enforcement "highway interdiction" program for drugs, works by "asking" citizens if they have anything to hide, and then asking if you can just confirm that a citizen doesn't. Massive amounts of drugs have been found during car-stops this way. Same goes for "knock and talk" when contacting a person at the front door of their home. It works!)

* By now, even it takes a few years to do, I would have removed a huge number of firearms from the hands of citizens. This doesn't even include those taken from criminal investigations. And it would all have been done with mostly "cooperating" efforts by the citizens, and some prodding by the IRS to comply or get fined. Still, NO criminal law was yet needed. The TAX code, which could be expanded, is used to compel compliance.

* With an overwhelming amount of citizen compliance and cooperation, any remaining "classified weapons" in the hands of citizens, would then be targeted with new laws. I would appeal to my majority, to pass a law that would make it a felony to own such a classified weapon, with a TAX stamp, and begin a plan to recover those. I would start something like a DARE program in lower grade schools, and give programs of the dangers of firearms, and let little kids tell about the guns their parents have. Using that information, warrants would be sought, having probable cause to believe an "illegal" firearm is in the house, and conduct a raid to recover them, for the child's safety. (Add it to child protection laws!)

* I would offer rewards, for information leading to the recovery of such firearms. Much like Crime Stoppers, I would provide for rewards so people (family members, neighbors, co-corkers, mailmen, garbage men, etc) could report anonymously, and get money for their tips.

* Now, I have removed MOST semi-auto type firearms, leaving more simple and limited capacity firearms to deal with.

* For those remaining firearms, continue a "buy back" program.

* Increase the media blitz on the dangers of firearms in the homes, and encourage reporting.

* Enlist well know celebrities to help get the message out.

* Have my Hollywood friends make movies about guns being evil.

* By this time, I would have collected a majority number of all sorts of firearms, and the remaining ones would be collected upon detection.

No One, except the Law Enforcement and the Military, would possess firearms. Well except those criminals who get them from the black market.

Now, do you feel safer now?

Yes, I AM a Christian

Recently, I read some posts by people highly critical of "God", and that "Satan" was more "open minded" and "accepting", than "God". Wow. I was struck by that. Struck, because it MY belief that is exactly what Satan would have people believe, and act on. And they are right! Right, in respect to Satan being more accepting. Absolutely more accepting of "anything goes". After all, Satan will NEVER dissuade anyone from abortions, doing drugs, cheating on spouses, and other wrong doings.
THAT is what Satan is all about, complete acceptance of anything!

Some are also offended by "judgemental Christians". THAT, I understand. I 'm not guilt free, but I can't stand people who "throw stones", while "living in glass houses". But that isn't God's fault, or even Christianity's fault. That's OUR fault! (I saw a great bumper sticker, "Christians aren't perfect, Just forgiven!") If any Christian strays from God's Word, that isn't "Christianity". That's sin by a Christian.

More specifically, some view Christianity as being "anti-gay", or gay hating. I think that is misconstrued. I, as a Christian, do NOT believe being "gay" is following MY understanding of the Bible and God's plan for us. But I AM NOT ANY ONE'S JUDGE. NO ONE, can say a gay person can not go to Heaven. God loves them too. God loves ME, as flawed as I am, but that does not mean he accepts my actions. He doesn't. It is not me to judge, but His on each person's judgement day. I would never exclude a gay person from church, or from any of our nation's rights. But that does not preclude me from believing marriage is meant for a man and a woman. That is MY personal belief, and I feel that is how God intended.

Some don't believe in God, or at least, don't believe a "god" would allow such terrible things to happen to children. Trust me, I have had MANY personal conversations with God about why things happen to people. Try some time after a hot battle in the jungle, after you've lost friends! "Oh God", and "Why God", are common cries at such times. I know!

I AM a Christian. I am so very flawed and have been such a sinner all my life, but I DO believe in God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. I DO believe I will be judged by God one day, and also believe that God forgives anyway, when asked for forgiveness and we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior (NOT Obama!). Thank God for that! I am NOT a Bible thumper, and for most all outward appearances, a stranger would not know I am a Christian. Also MY fault! I do not attend organized church (For reasons I will not go into.), and that is MY fault too. While I "justify" that to myself, it is still MY fault. Even though I  may not be going to a church near you, I will not sit silent  and not be vocal in defending MY belief. I know too, that I need to do better at being a Christian, and show it by example. Not in an "in your face" thing, but a public acknowledgment of God and Jesus Christ. Because I DO believe in God, and Jesus Christ as MY personal Savior.

None of this, is to suggest mis-treating anyone else. In fact, mis-treating anyone for their differing view, is NOT what God would have us do. But to accept what is believed to be "wrong", as being "right", I can not do. (Montgomery Gentry has a good song for this occasion, "You do your thing, I'll do mine.") No matter what "in thing" might be, I have to hold to what I believe.

To ME, and MY belief - God gave us "choice", beginning with Adam and Eve. "Choices" were made, and WE are a result in choices we all make. It is also MY belief, that God, who provides an "eternal" life after this one, does not necessarily intercede on things, as much as gives us peace and spiritual support to endure life on earth. I KNOW that I have had periods of time that without my own prayers, I would not have been as strong to endure. THAT is an extremely valuable aspect of having faith, even faith as weak as mine. Those who have terrible things happen, and have no such faith to fall back on, may be personally strong to endure, but I don't feel I would be at peace with things as much with Him. Even when horrible things happen to children, I feel some comfort, believing that all their pain and suffering are over, as well as memories of such, while they enjoy "heaven". If anyone doesn't have that belief, that's on them, and they are "free" to believe or not. (But don't condemn me for believing ... Bill Mahr!)

With that:
Dear Lord, forgive me, for I am a sinner. Forgive those too, who deny You, and are attempting to persuade others to deny You, for they do not know what they are doing. In light of all MY faults, as well as those of my fellow citizens, forgive us. God, I ask for you to Bless America, and her leadership, and save us from ourselves. In Jesus name, Amen.