Not long ago, I was listening to a radio talk show and the general topic was about the so-called "separation of church and state". On the air, was someone representing the Freedom From Religion Foundation. They profess to be protecting the constitutional principle of the "separation of church and state".
Now, as I often will do, I offer this disclaimer: I am NOT a constitutional or historical scholar. So with that, take what you wish from my words and viewpoints.
Being the simple man that I am, I tend to look at this subject in a simplistic way, believing that our Constitution was written for me, as well as you, and it isn't that complicated. I also think we should not stray from the principles of that document, and instead, find ways in our modern world to go back and really apply those ideas and principles to our country today.
But, what does the Constitution say about the so-called, "separation of church and state"? Well, as it is written, it states, "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
"Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; ..." Well, I do not see today, anywhere, that our Congress (or any town or city government) has made a law that has established a religion. Where is it that the "state", by way of Congress, or any state or city, has a law that has established a religion? Does a prayer, permitted in public, establish a religion? Do the words, In God We Trust, establish a religion? And, who has been denied ANY governmental services, or even protection, because they were not of a particular religious persuasion? If so, WHAT religion has been established? Point out to me, what religion a law has established!
If you look at the word, "establish", one can easily find as part of the definition,
1 : something established: as a : a settled arrangement; especially: a code of laws b : established church
The 1st Amendment does NOT protect people from being offended. And that, my friends and readers, is what this is really all about. Some people don't want religion in any public view and it offends them that "God" is mentioned! The fact is, no one has been harmed. No one has been denied ANY services or protection, because God is somehow mentioned in the public arena. As long as the government does not pass a law, that establishes a religion, then what is the problem? Just being offended, isn't good enough!
For over 235 years, there has NOT been any government established religion! NO ONE, is required in any way, to follow any particular religion, and NO ONE has been denied services or protections, or any of their constitutional RIGHTS, by the mention of God in a public place, or the word God on our currency and landmarks, or a public display of a Nativity scene! NONE of those, causes anyone to follow any religion. But everyone has a right to follow NO religion, if they wish, and there isn't any violation of any law, and with that, no fine or penalty for doing so, or not doing so. NO ONE would be denied any of constitutional rights, for not following some religion. NONE!
I DO NOT want our government to dictate what religion (or no religion) I must follow. We sure don't need to be denied rights, because we didn't follow some government supported religious doctrine. Our government has not, and should never, dictate that a religion must be followed. THAT would be an establishment!
In today's America, with groups such a Freedom From Religion, and Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers, "religion" IS under attack. And they are trying to use that so-called "separation of church and state" to beat us up in the weak kneed courts over it. I think cities everywhere, should stand up and demand to know, which law has been passed that establishes a religion? If they can point to a law, then let's review that for validity. But short of that, get over yourselves! Such expressions, even in public, DO NO HARM. Being offended is NOT a harm. So, be offended. I am offended when such groups try to force me to keep my religion (or any religion) behind private doors!
As it is, there is NO any such "separation of church and state", ONLY that the government shall make no law, establishing a religion. And how about that. There isn't ANY such law, and no government established religion. Only a government allowing the recognition that religion exists, and our people follow historic traditions that we first began a nation with. It just happens, that our founders brought with them, a predominately "christian" following, but they were very specific, that government DID NOT make law, that would establish any religion. I'd suggest, that also clearly says that the government shall not make any law that would prohibit the free exercise thereof. Law suits to take religion out of the public square, is doing just that! Such passages of laws, or granting for the anti-religious petitioners in civil courts, DOES prohibit the free exercise thereof!
There's my two dollars, and two cents!