Notice: Any comments made by me, are my own, and should not be construed to be those of anyone else, or any organization or association.

Friday, December 28, 2012

How To Disarm Americans

Let's face it, we have those in our own government, who wish the 2nd amendment didn't exist. Many of our own citizens feel the same way. Of those who are on "the fence", they'd be okay with just an "assault weapons ban". In any case, the true reason for the 2nd amendment has been lost on many.

I've shared my thoughts about OUR 2nd amendment, so I won't rehash that now. But there are some pro-firearms, and even those who don't own a firearm, who think our government could not disarm all the 70+ million gun owners. They'd be right to a degree, but I believe there is a way for such a government to fulfil most of that goal. And here is how I believe it could be done, and actually believe we could be headed this direction sooner than later.

To start with, if I was a President, bend on banning firearms, here is what I would do -
* I must first convince "the people" that some guns, in the hands of bad people, need to be curtailed from easy access and ownership. That's easy to go along with. Even those of who legally own firearms would agree that bad people shouldn't have guns!

In times of firearms related tragedy, I would highlight, via the media, the use of a style of weapon, to support the desired ban.

* Enlist the help of media, to float the message to the masses.

* Work with the United Nations, and join them in limiting the world-wide manufacturing of small arms and ammunition. By doing this, I would have the USA simply "join" like minded nations in curtailing gun violence around the world.

* I would sign an Executive Order, bypassing congress, to implement an "assault weapons ban" of all new production and sale of the civilian models of "military type" weapons. That would stop the manufacturing and sale of civilian copies of "military weapons" to citizens. I would site the need for protections against mass killings. Most citizens will go along with that, and the media will promote it, selling it as not impairing the 2nd amendment in doing so.

(By the way - While some say a president can't bypass congress, they're wrong. Such a president can do anything, so long as he/she is not stopped by the other branches of government with a majority!)

* To soften the distaste for such a move, I would announce a program that expands current registration of classified firearms, and citizens would be able to register such firearms and pay a TAX to keep them.

* I would later site the need to also include other "semi-auto" high capacity weapons, those capable of firing more than 10 rounds without reloading. This would then include all the otherwise acceptable firearms, like the common Ruger 10/22, or even a Winchester 9422 lever action .22, that can hold as many as 17 rounds, as examples. The Ruger 10/22 comes with a 10 round magazine, it can accept higher capacity mags.

* With the MILLIONS of "assault weapons" already in civilian hands, I would then begin a voluntary "turn-in" or "buy-back" program, and work with the media to get citizens to turn those types in, without fear of prosecution or penalty. (This has worked in Canada and Australia.)

* For those who have not turned in their otherwise legally owned "assault weapons", another "Executive Order" would be issued, for mandatory turn-in of all such weapons. I also order all Law Enforcement, when in normal contact with citizens and find such weapons in "plain view", to be confiscated. (The government still has not gone house to house to collect them!)

* I would then appeal to all citizens, that while they can still own their "home protection" firearms, maintaining "their 2nd amendment right", such as shotguns and pistols (under 10 rds) and deer rifles, that all other weapons will have to be turned in within 60 days. After 60 days, should a citizen still be found in possession of such a classified weapon, such weapons would be taken as evidence, they would be fined, by way of a heavy TAX. Such a tax would be collected and enforced by the IRS. This would be a tax code violation, tacked onto current tax codes. (Sounds like Obamacare!)

The average citizen, is "law abiding", and that while they won't like it, will continue to be a "law abiding citizen", and follow such law. (The Jews kept following the directions of German officials, right up to the point of not having a choice.) Such a government will depend on the overall lawfulness of the law abiding citizen, to "cooperate".

* The "government" will then make examples of those "unlawfully" possessing a newly classified weapon, with IRS prosecution for Failing to Obtain a Tax Stamp, which would make it a "tax evasion" case.

* In an effort to further the collection of those "classified weapons", I would instruct all Law Enforcement to ask with every contact, if a citizen had such a firearm, then "ask" permission to search their vehicle or home.

(I can tell you for certain that the law enforcement "highway interdiction" program for drugs, works by "asking" citizens if they have anything to hide, and then asking if you can just confirm that a citizen doesn't. Massive amounts of drugs have been found during car-stops this way. Same goes for "knock and talk" when contacting a person at the front door of their home. It works!)

* By now, even it takes a few years to do, I would have removed a huge number of firearms from the hands of citizens. This doesn't even include those taken from criminal investigations. And it would all have been done with mostly "cooperating" efforts by the citizens, and some prodding by the IRS to comply or get fined. Still, NO criminal law was yet needed. The TAX code, which could be expanded, is used to compel compliance.

* With an overwhelming amount of citizen compliance and cooperation, any remaining "classified weapons" in the hands of citizens, would then be targeted with new laws. I would appeal to my majority, to pass a law that would make it a felony to own such a classified weapon, with a TAX stamp, and begin a plan to recover those. I would start something like a DARE program in lower grade schools, and give programs of the dangers of firearms, and let little kids tell about the guns their parents have. Using that information, warrants would be sought, having probable cause to believe an "illegal" firearm is in the house, and conduct a raid to recover them, for the child's safety. (Add it to child protection laws!)

* I would offer rewards, for information leading to the recovery of such firearms. Much like Crime Stoppers, I would provide for rewards so people (family members, neighbors, co-corkers, mailmen, garbage men, etc) could report anonymously, and get money for their tips.

* Now, I have removed MOST semi-auto type firearms, leaving more simple and limited capacity firearms to deal with.

* For those remaining firearms, continue a "buy back" program.

* Increase the media blitz on the dangers of firearms in the homes, and encourage reporting.

* Enlist well know celebrities to help get the message out.

* Have my Hollywood friends make movies about guns being evil.

* By this time, I would have collected a majority number of all sorts of firearms, and the remaining ones would be collected upon detection.

No One, except the Law Enforcement and the Military, would possess firearms. Well except those criminals who get them from the black market.

Now, do you feel safer now?

Yes, I AM a Christian

Recently, I read some posts by people highly critical of "God", and that "Satan" was more "open minded" and "accepting", than "God". Wow. I was struck by that. Struck, because it MY belief that is exactly what Satan would have people believe, and act on. And they are right! Right, in respect to Satan being more accepting. Absolutely more accepting of "anything goes". After all, Satan will NEVER dissuade anyone from abortions, doing drugs, cheating on spouses, and other wrong doings.
THAT is what Satan is all about, complete acceptance of anything!

Some are also offended by "judgemental Christians". THAT, I understand. I 'm not guilt free, but I can't stand people who "throw stones", while "living in glass houses". But that isn't God's fault, or even Christianity's fault. That's OUR fault! (I saw a great bumper sticker, "Christians aren't perfect, Just forgiven!") If any Christian strays from God's Word, that isn't "Christianity". That's sin by a Christian.

More specifically, some view Christianity as being "anti-gay", or gay hating. I think that is misconstrued. I, as a Christian, do NOT believe being "gay" is following MY understanding of the Bible and God's plan for us. But I AM NOT ANY ONE'S JUDGE. NO ONE, can say a gay person can not go to Heaven. God loves them too. God loves ME, as flawed as I am, but that does not mean he accepts my actions. He doesn't. It is not me to judge, but His on each person's judgement day. I would never exclude a gay person from church, or from any of our nation's rights. But that does not preclude me from believing marriage is meant for a man and a woman. That is MY personal belief, and I feel that is how God intended.

Some don't believe in God, or at least, don't believe a "god" would allow such terrible things to happen to children. Trust me, I have had MANY personal conversations with God about why things happen to people. Try some time after a hot battle in the jungle, after you've lost friends! "Oh God", and "Why God", are common cries at such times. I know!

I AM a Christian. I am so very flawed and have been such a sinner all my life, but I DO believe in God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. I DO believe I will be judged by God one day, and also believe that God forgives anyway, when asked for forgiveness and we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior (NOT Obama!). Thank God for that! I am NOT a Bible thumper, and for most all outward appearances, a stranger would not know I am a Christian. Also MY fault! I do not attend organized church (For reasons I will not go into.), and that is MY fault too. While I "justify" that to myself, it is still MY fault. Even though I  may not be going to a church near you, I will not sit silent  and not be vocal in defending MY belief. I know too, that I need to do better at being a Christian, and show it by example. Not in an "in your face" thing, but a public acknowledgment of God and Jesus Christ. Because I DO believe in God, and Jesus Christ as MY personal Savior.

None of this, is to suggest mis-treating anyone else. In fact, mis-treating anyone for their differing view, is NOT what God would have us do. But to accept what is believed to be "wrong", as being "right", I can not do. (Montgomery Gentry has a good song for this occasion, "You do your thing, I'll do mine.") No matter what "in thing" might be, I have to hold to what I believe.

To ME, and MY belief - God gave us "choice", beginning with Adam and Eve. "Choices" were made, and WE are a result in choices we all make. It is also MY belief, that God, who provides an "eternal" life after this one, does not necessarily intercede on things, as much as gives us peace and spiritual support to endure life on earth. I KNOW that I have had periods of time that without my own prayers, I would not have been as strong to endure. THAT is an extremely valuable aspect of having faith, even faith as weak as mine. Those who have terrible things happen, and have no such faith to fall back on, may be personally strong to endure, but I don't feel I would be at peace with things as much with Him. Even when horrible things happen to children, I feel some comfort, believing that all their pain and suffering are over, as well as memories of such, while they enjoy "heaven". If anyone doesn't have that belief, that's on them, and they are "free" to believe or not. (But don't condemn me for believing ... Bill Mahr!)

With that:
Dear Lord, forgive me, for I am a sinner. Forgive those too, who deny You, and are attempting to persuade others to deny You, for they do not know what they are doing. In light of all MY faults, as well as those of my fellow citizens, forgive us. God, I ask for you to Bless America, and her leadership, and save us from ourselves. In Jesus name, Amen.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Assault Weapons and the 2nd Amendment

In recent days and weeks, more funerals have taken place for murdered children. This time at a Newtown, CT elementary school. An extremely sad and tragic loss, perpetrated by a mentally sick young man, who murdered his own mother, took her guns, went to a school and murdered an additional 26 unarmed adults and children. There is no amount of reasoning that can ever understand such an act.

With such acts, we (society) rush to seek answers and solutions to such an act. In this case, one of the weapons used was a so-called "assault weapon", and the call for a renewed ban is under way, believing that will stop the next such tragedy. We've had one of those before, and it had NO measurable affect on the crime rates, and the 10 year run of that ban was let to expire because it had no affect.

This is a complex discussion, with many sides and issues to take into consideration. First and foremost, is the 2nd amendment, with calls to repeal it, or to re-define it. In either case, the whole purpose for the 2nd amendment would be tossed out in such a process. It was put into our Bill of RIGHTS, as a safeguard over possible government tyranny, not just your personal defense. An "armed" populace, would not be an easily controlled populace. The "right" to bear arms, "shall NOT be infringed". And NO, it isn't about "hunting".

Freedoms are a delicate thing. Freedoms come with responsibilities. Freedoms comes with the freedom of choices. Freedoms, come with risks. To circumvent our responsibilities, to restrict our choices, to attempt to protect us against all risks, would require the elimination of most all our freedoms. So we have to ask ourselves, Is freedom worth the risk of abuses that can go with them? As sad it it can be at times, Yes, I believe so. It is our LAWS that are to handle the abuses, not curtail our freedoms.

The so-called "assault weapons", those by prior definition as civilian versions of current military arms, could hold clips and/or magazines of over 10 rounds of ammo, and/or had a bayonet lug (just silly), and/or were semi-automatic in actions. (Full automatic firearms are already heavily regulated, and not part of this issue.) A lot of weapons were included, and people were surprised at what those were, because aside from lacking the cosmetic features of a military weapon, many fired the same way, fired the same ammunition, and could hold and/or reload in much the same way. Those weapons were far more common for sport shooters and hunters than people first thought. (An Henry Repeating Rifle, holding 15 rounds in the tube, could be classified as an assault rifle!)

But what are AR-15 and other civilian versions of military weapons really used for today? WHY would anyone need an AR-15, is the common mantra of the anti-gun folks.

To start with, they have been and are "legal" to own, by law abiding citizens. And of the MILLIONS of such firearms in civilian hands, those used in crimes are barely measurable. That's MILLIONS of such firearms, in law abiding civilian hands! And while any murder, is tragic and senseless, those murdered by such weapons measure very few by comparison.

The military style weapons, rifles for the most part, have become a huge sporting firearm, used for sport shooting and plinking, and even to more serious competitions around the country. One such sport, known as "3-gun" competition shooting, has grown all over the country. Civilians, police, and military have teams that compete in this shooting sport.

Most people likely don't know, but there has been a Civilian Marksmanship Program for many years. In 1871, the National Rifle Association, backed by the War Department, began a civilian marksmanship program in order to have men become proficient in the use of and marksmanship with firearms of the day. That program continued on, to include the WWII battle rifle, the M1 Garand. The M1 Garand was even offered at a government "at cost" rate to civilians who applied to participate in that program.

(A word about the NRA. The NRA was started by a group of National Guardsmen, and it's first president was retired Army General Winfred Scott Hancock, and was followed in later years by General Ulysses S. Grant, General Sheridan, and Theodore Roosevelt. Roosevelt himself was a Life Member of the NRA. Also, the NRA has been the premiere driver behind Law Enforcement firearms training standards, as well as training armorers for police departments, and is also instrumental in marksmanship programs and competitions for all levels of law enforcement, and branches of the military.)

I would also submit that the AR-15 type firearms of today, are just an extension of the growing technology of firearms development, used largely by the military, but have always been adopted for use by the civilian population. This has always been true, dating back to the Springfield Trap-door that vastly improved the rate of fire in war time of that day, and was adopted by civilians to use. Most such firearm development has grown by the needs of the military, and then have been adopted for use by citizens for sport, hunting, and competition. (Much of the technology we use today, began by the needs of our military in one form or another!)

I find it almost humorous to imagine, but does anyone actually believe that a Minutemen at Lexington would not have chosen an AR-15 to own, had one been developed in that day? The AR-15 types of today, are the muskets of yesteryear.

I think it is important to know that the US, because we do have a "gun culture", likely has the best civilian marksmen in the world. China, who by the way is in favor of more gun control in the US, has NO legal firearms ownership for the citizens, and has about 2.4 million military members. (China, who also has one of the worse human rights records in the world, but hey, they have gun control!) The US has about 2 million military, and over 70 MILLION legal firearms owners. Wow. Now that's a potential "militia" to draw upon!

In the end, there are those who are genuinely trying to find answers to this horrid problem of such mass murders, but I believe are looking at the wrong solution. Mass murder is not new. Even mass murders at schools are not new. A very thorough look at WHY such people, armed with anything, would want to kill a bunch of defenseless children, is a must. No amount of gun laws will answer that or correct that. With over 22,000 gun laws across the country, chasing that dog will not get us anywhere.

With freedom, comes responsibility. And as for such mass murders, our responsibility is do what we reasonably can to protect our children and citizens, to deal with the reasons such perpetrators do such things, and to punish those who abuse our rights, which includes our right to bear arms. I DO NOT support arming everyone. Most people, are ill-equipped to be responsible enough to be proficient. But every law abiding citizen, should never be curtailed from taking advantage of enjoying the benefits of even one of our rights.

Honestly, IF we, as a nation, really cared more about our kids safety, than some political end-game, we would include a good "firearms safety" program in every elementary school. The NRA's "Eddie Eagle" program does NOT support gun ownership, but safety for our children when they encounter a firearm. (If you haven't seen the program, then don't even bother criticising it!) This isn't about teaching them to shoot. It's about how NOT to get shot by a found gun!

As it is, I stand firmly against any "assault weapons ban", and ask for ALL the laws currently on the books, be enforced, while we seek answers as to how and why some people are so mentally deranged, that they would kill innocent children!

By the way - I can verbally demonstrate how a 7 shot pistol, can be used for a high death toll, before the police could ever get to me. See


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Portrait of a "Gun Nut"

Many years ago, growing up in the Midwest, I was as normal and playful as any kid. We played back-lot baseball, football, hide-n-seek, flashlight tag, played with Tonka toy trucks and earth movers, buried green Army men in dirt trenches, and I had a very prised Hopalong Cassidy gun-belt and holster set (complete with black hat and black shirt!). And yes, we did play "Cowboys and Indians".

As I got a bit older, I had a "Fanner 50" western six-shooter, that used a roll of caps, as well as a "coon-skin cap" and musket that fired caps. When I got the "Burb-gun", machine gun with a windup key for making shooting sounds, I was the soldier in a make believe battlefield.

Before long, I graduated, as it were, to BB guns, and would shoot the green army men, that I had hid in the dirt, pretending they were "Germans" or those commie North Koreans. I'd shoot targets, clods of dirt, and cans. Cans were the best!

Since I was old enough to hold a toy gun, I had some kind of gun. When I was old enough, I was introduced to a pump shotgun, and a .22 rifle. I didn't own either, but used my great Uncle's on his farm. And I loved shooting crows, always watching my background, as Uncle Ray taught me.

When I entered the Army, I was again shooting something. We were introduced to the 1911 .45 Auto pistol, and the M-14. Later, I was shooting the M-16. While I learned other weapons to later be used in war, I was especially taken with the M-14 and the M-16. I shot well with both.

A few years after my tour, I began a career in Law Enforcement. By then, I had acquired a .22 Six-shooter, a .22 semi-auto rifle, and had friends with bigger guns that I was planning to pick up some day. Upon becoming a LEO, I bought my first Smith & Wesson .38 spl, followed by a Colt Detective, then a Browning Hi-Power 9mm semi-auto pistol, and on to more handguns and rifles and shotguns.

I've been a shooter of some kind of "gun" most all my life. I've shot trap, handgun and rifle silhouette shooting, was a sergeant on a Police SWAT team, and have competed on a Police Pistol Team. I've also taught 4-H Shooting Sports "air rifle" to 10-18 year olds. I own many of the guns I've enjoyed shooting throughout my life, to include enough ammo on-hand to go to the range on any given day, and enjoy more than a box or two of shooting fun. Some of those guns, include "military" type firearms that are made for civilians. To some people, and the "lame stream media", I'd be considered a "gun nut".

Aside from serving my country in the jungles of Vietnam, this "gun nut", has been a Deputy Sheriff and a Police Officer, served on the board of a local CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate), volunteered time and energy to the American Red Cross, was an active member of a local Optimist Club, and delivered "meals on wheels". I have grown professional kids, with one of them serving our country today. And I am also a Life Member of the National Rifle Association.

Even after serving my country (with honor) and my communities, some would still think I was some kind of ticking time bomb of a gun nut, as well as come kind of extremist who doesn't care about our communities or our children, because I like shooting and belong to the NRA.

With all that said, I am an absolute believer in our Constitution and our Bill of Rights, and still honor my personal commitment to protect OUR rights and OUR country, in what ever capacity I might find myself in. If someone wants to paint me as a "nut" of any kind, I can't stop them. But there are a great many NRA members (4 million strong) who are very much the same kind of person I am. And while some critics won't care, those who know me, know that I would be there for them in times of trouble, with a helping hand, or armed defense!

I also believe that our government has the ability to go outside its design, and take OUR freedoms away (it's already happening). And with that, it is my absolute belief that OUR 2nd amendment is OUR back-up to prevent such government from taking all our rights away. If that makes me a nut, then I'm a nut! But I won't let my rights, OUR rights, be taken away without resistance.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I AM the NRA

For those who aren't avid hunters, sport shooters, competitors, firearms enthusiasts or such, the NRA (National Rifle Association) may seem like some ultra right-wing organization. At least that is what most of the mainstream media and those in the anti-gun camp would have you believe.

However, all anyone would need to do is pick up a copy of any of the NRA publications, like the American Rifleman or the America's 1st Freedom magazine, and check near the back of the magazines. What one would see, are listings of all the NRA is involved in. Most might never guess that the NRA is a foremost supporter of Law Enforcement, and provider of related marksmanship, instructor certifications, and police department armorer training. Many would not know that the NRA is a strong supporter of tough sentencing for those who use a firearm in the commission of a felony. The NRA was a huge sponsor of such gun laws, like in Virginia in 2007, when the Democrats with NRA support, improved background check systems for purchasers. The NRA also has safety related classes, such as the Refuse to be a Victim, or the Eddie Eagle firearms safety program for school kids. And the NRA is our strongest supporter of our 2nd amendment right, for ALL lawful citizens, not just the rich, politically connected, or whom ever the "government" wishes to grant special privileges to.

Of the 4 million strong membership, the general public would likely be surprised to find that membership is made up of citizens from all professions and economic backgrounds. Which brings me to this -

I AM a NRA member. I come from modest means and background, but am a Combat Veteran, a former Law Enforcement Officer/Detective of many years, a former Cub Scout Leader, former 4-H Shooting Sports instructor, a formerly served on the Board for a local Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) for children, have been a past President of an Optimist Club, have volunteered my time and labor for the Red Cross and community projects, donated blood, raised honest and hard working professional children, make donations to Veteran and community related non-profits, and support my community. I am not the bogey man, or an extremist, or a potential home grown terrorist. With that, I'm here to say that - I AM the NRA.

Other members, run the diverse gambit from construction worker to surgeons, lawyers to home-makers, from Cops to Active Duty Military, and every other occupation one could think of. We, all 4 MILLION members, are "law abiding" citizens, interested in maintaining our 2nd amendment rights, who "bear arms" for any and every legal reason we choose.

If you're not a NRA member, I encourage you to join. If you are, then jump in here and say, I AM the NRA! If you are not a member, then please check out the website and join the NRA -

If you choose to still bash us, and the NRA, then read the history and the purpose of the NRA first. Otherwise, you just don't know what you're talking about.

Our 2nd amendment rights depend on the strongest support possible. And those rights, are for ALL of us.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Tragedy in Connecticut

Today marks another very sad day. A deranged man, entered an elementary school and murdered staff members, and 18 kindergarten kids. As horrible event as one could imagine. Deep sadness across the country, and even more so with those families who lost children. No matter our views on various subjects, this is a common sadness, and God Bless those families.

No political argument can change what happened. Yet, the first knee-jerk reaction for many, is to blame the guns, and push for more gun control.

For some, that is a reaction for the lack of knowing "why", and "how" such a thing could happen, and desperately wanting to stop the madness.

For others, it is another call for gun controls that they always call for.They just don't want guns in the hands of anyone, believing that would keep guns out of the hands of the bad people.

While the investigation continues into the school shooting, and what possible motivation drove such a person to do that, the arguments are under way for and against gun control. And I'll dive in as well.

First, we must understand, that we DO HAVE gun control. We have loads of gun laws. And, for the law abiding 70+ million legal gun owners (who killed NO ONE!), they work. For the criminals, well ... they're "criminals", and they don't care. Not one Gun Free Zone sign has stopped anyone, and I expect that school had signs posted. If anything, it's a false security.

I just read about the school board in the Newtown area, where a board member said she did not feel safe at the meetings, and asked that the board meetings be transferred to a school building so as to ensure no firearms would be present. The schools are posted for No Firearms Allowed.

Secondly, there are over 300 million firearms in the USA alone. So in the US, that genie is already out of the bottle. Add to that, another 500 million in foreign citizens hands, and the numbers are staggering. And, military around the world, pro-freedom and dictatorial nations, and there is such a number, that the black market is staggering already.

Third, and I've written before on this, SEMI-AUTOMATIC rifles, of a military style, are legal and plentiful. So many so, the the one-of-three guns used in Newtown, is just ONE of over 80 million such rifles! Fact is, if Patrick Henry could have had a choice, as a citizen ready to defend his country, wouldn't he have had an "assault weapon"?

Forth, such assailants, most ALWAYS choose easy, defenseless, targets. Gun Free Zone signs pretty much assure no citizen will be armed. In the case of this school, the  murderer knew the school, and knew there was no School Resource Officer, so NO ONE would be armed. Sitting ducks. These kinds of people, will not take on the police, because they know they will likely die before they can get their deed done. And THAT, is the crux of the problem I see in today's "gun culture" (like it or not, we're there). He KNEW, that he would most likely NOT face anyone with a gun to stop him!

Fifth, we will be hoping to learn about any mental issues that person may have had. I can not imagine anyone who would do such a horrible crime, and NOT be mentally ill. But from what I have known, working a short time in a jail, about 40-60% of those in jail, have mental health issues that have gone untreated or unaddressed. We had people with serious problems, short of total lock-down, who were always in trouble, because they stayed off their meds. We are NOT taking care of those people, and how many are walking around, like walking time-bombs?

We need to discuss how to better address the mental health issues, and better mental health facilities for such people that have exhibited violent behavior. Our jails are NT equipped to handle many of them, and there are MANY!

Lastly, it is simply wrong in a free society, to restrict the "rights" of the many, just to punish the very few. We have the laws, we need to better enforce those, and we need to a better job of reporting suspicious behavior. But then, law enforcement has to have a place to evaluate them and hold them.

For my views on "assault weapons", check out my prior blog entry,

Thursday, December 13, 2012

What Separation of Church and State?

Not long ago, I was listening to a radio talk show and the general topic was about the so-called "separation of church and state". On the air, was someone representing the Freedom From Religion Foundation. They profess to be protecting the constitutional principle of the "separation of church and state".

Now, as I often will do, I offer this disclaimer: I am NOT a constitutional or historical scholar. So with that, take what you wish from my words and viewpoints.

Being the simple man that I am, I tend to look at this subject in a simplistic way, believing that our Constitution was written for me, as well as you, and it isn't that complicated. I also think we should not stray from the principles of that document, and instead, find ways in our modern world to go back and really apply those ideas and principles to our country today.

But, what does the Constitution say about the so-called, "separation of church and state"? Well, as it is written, it states, "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

"Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; ..." Well, I do not see today, anywhere, that our Congress (or any town or city government) has made a law that has established a religion. Where is it that the "state", by way of Congress, or any state or city, has a law that has established a religion? Does a prayer, permitted in public, establish a religion? Do the words, In God We Trust, establish a religion? And, who has been denied ANY governmental services, or even protection, because they were not of a particular religious persuasion? If so, WHAT religion has been established? Point out to me, what religion a law has established!

If you look at the word, "establish", one can easily find as part of the definition,
1 : something established: as a : a settled arrangement; especially: a code of laws b : established church

The 1st Amendment does NOT protect people from being offended. And that, my friends and readers, is what this is really all about. Some people don't want religion in any public view and it offends them that "God" is mentioned! The fact is, no one has been harmed. No one has been denied ANY services or protection, because God is somehow mentioned in the public arena. As long as the government does not pass a law, that establishes a religion, then what is the problem? Just being offended, isn't good enough!
For over 235 years, there has NOT been any government established religion! NO ONE, is required in any way, to follow any particular religion, and NO ONE has been denied services or protections, or any of their constitutional RIGHTS, by the mention of God in a public place, or the word God on our currency and landmarks, or a public display of a Nativity scene! NONE of those, causes anyone to follow any religion. But everyone has a right to follow NO religion, if they wish, and there isn't any violation of any law, and with that, no fine or penalty for doing so, or not doing so. NO ONE would be denied any of constitutional rights, for not following some religion. NONE!

I DO NOT want our government to dictate what religion (or no religion) I must follow. We sure don't need to be denied rights, because we didn't follow some government supported religious doctrine. Our government has not, and should never, dictate that a religion must be followed. THAT would be an establishment!

In today's America, with groups such a Freedom From Religion, and Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers, "religion" IS under attack. And they are trying to use that so-called "separation of church and state" to beat us up in the weak kneed courts over it. I think cities everywhere, should stand up and demand to know, which law has been passed that establishes a religion? If they can point to a law, then let's review that for validity. But short of that, get over yourselves! Such expressions, even in public, DO NO HARM. Being offended is NOT a harm. So, be offended. I am offended when such groups try to force me to keep my religion (or any religion) behind private doors!

As it is, there is NO any such "separation of church and state", ONLY that the government shall make no law, establishing a religion. And how about that. There isn't ANY such law, and no government established religion. Only a government allowing the recognition that religion exists, and our people follow historic traditions that we first began a nation with. It just happens, that our founders brought with them, a predominately "christian" following, but they were very specific, that government DID NOT make law, that would establish any religion. I'd suggest, that also clearly says that the government shall not make any law that would prohibit the free exercise thereof. Law suits to take religion out of the public square, is doing just that! Such passages of laws, or granting for the anti-religious petitioners in civil courts, DOES prohibit the free exercise thereof!
There's my two dollars, and two cents!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Is America Dying?

Our America is in trouble. She's sick and down. From the looks of her, she could be dying. Many have attacked her, wounded her, trampled on her, tried so hard to make her disappear from the planet. But today, she is under such extreme attacks, and this time, from within her own family, and even from her own head of state. If America goes, the last vestige of hope and freedom, may die with her.

I love America - Oh, how I love my country! She has never been perfect, only because men have tried to mold her into their own liking. How sad, of what far too many are trying to do to her, make her become, make her into what she was never meant to be. Our own President, has stated that he wants to "fundamentally change" her. He is on his way to doing just that, and at a time where it is critical that we RETURN to our foundations. But our foundations, do not fit his master plan for America, and he is being aided by like minded people, as well as fools who are following the tune of a "pied piper".

Today, the government "of the people, by the people, and for the people", has been plowed under by the swarm of power hungry politicians and bureaucrats. The "government", has become the BIG manager in most all aspects of our lives and businesses, and that process is growing each day. With each cut of dissection, "we, the people" are losing more and more of what freedoms we have. Now, with trillions of dollars of taxpayer money, BIG government has now decided what to do with OUR money...and the future money of our children...and our very lives today and tomorrow.

This past year, the President of Mexico was permitted... encouraged and address our congress, and criticise one of our own states, Arizona. THIS government, OUR government (to include Arizona) has turned on one of our own. If they succeed, with the help of foreign countries, then who, or what state, will be safe in challenging the Federal "government" on the next issue?

Add to that, we see today, President Obama taking sides WITH unions, and AGAINST another state, and against those citizens who want to be free to NOT join a union, in order to be "allowed" to work. The PRESIDENT of the United States, taking sides with one group of Americans, over another group of Americans? This IS NOT a role of a United States President. Yet, this president is choosing to take sides, and further split our nation, and to drive wedges between us for his own goals. The heart of America, must be weeping.

I am absolutely convinced that our forefathers would be up-in-arms over what they see today. In fact, they WERE up-in-arms some 235+ years ago. They were fed up with the strong arms tactics, and the imposition of unfair taxes, upon the colonies and the citizens of the New World. Britain, at that time, WAS the government. And that government wanted to impose its will, and taxes, in every way it saw fit to do, unimpeded by "the people". Sound familiar? Obama and company, are doing that very same thing today!

THIS is NOT America. I am sick at what some want to make us. And in 2008, and again in 2012, we (I say we, because WE are all in this together.) voted in the biggest bunch of power hungry people in the history of our nation. And with that, we are being sold out. I weep for my America. I weep for the country that has spread freedom around the world, and helped other people and countries in times of natural disaster and tyranny. I weep for those who came before us, and died in an effort to keep America free, and keep America as a land of "for the people, by the people". The people we have in Washington today, are NOT "the people", but they are there...BECAUSE we let them be there. The personal agendas and greed for power, seems limitless with those we have in Washington now. And Americans put them there. Shame on us.

So, I sit by the death bed of the America I love and have believed in. I watch, feeling helpless, as she succumbs to the trampling on the long held belief of a nation of free people and non-intrusive government. Before long, her colors could remain, but the stripes will be removed, the stars gone, and some new "Obama-like" symbol will replace her. Letters and emails have failed, and I know of no cure to help, as long as good men sit by, while other men want to turn off her life support machine. Freedom of her people is old fashioned, in the eyes of our new power mongers. That has to end.

Pardon my ramblings, and perhaps lack of delivery in this addition, but my sadness is deep, and the grief I am feeling for what I fear is coming, has a grip on me. I prayed for HONEST change this past November 6th. But there are those who would rather be spoon fed and federally supported, than to be free to choose their own destiny. But we still MUST make them understand, that those voted, and appointed, to their seats are a temporary ones, and granted by US, to serve US - Not to rule us. While that seems lost on them for now, we MUST keep up the drumbeat of our cries for real freedom, and to get America  back to health.

God Bless America, for as long as we still have her. - Dan

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Are We the Frog in the Pan?

For many years, I was a Law Enforcement Officer (LEO), having worked for a sheriff's office and a police department. I worked in Patrol, as a Patrol Supervisor, a Detective, and a Detective Sergeant. I was fortunate enough to work most every aspect of law enforcement, including 4 years in Narcotics.

While I was far from perfect, and made my share of mistakes, I truly wanted to be a Good Cop, and serve my communities well. In doing so, I executed Arrest Warrants, Search Warrants, Warrantless Searches on Probable Cause and Search Incident to Arrests, etc. I've broke up fights, drew down on armed or suspected of being armed, suspects, and was in just one Officer Involved Shooting.

Every good LEO will work their hardest to get "the job done". In the course of doing that, split second decisions are made every day. It could be the taking of a life. Most often, it concerns the "rights" of individuals, on one side or the other. And in courts of law, maybe months or years later, lawyers and juries will have all the time in the world to decide the fate of those involved, criminally or civilly.

A LEO has to decide, in a split second or over many hours, the legality of his/her actions. LEOs depend on their knowledge, training, and experience to guide them through. They also FOLLOW ORDERS of those above them. I have been on both side of the ordering business.

Long way to the barn, and I apologize. - But all this leads me to an important question and dilemma in today's world. In MY humble opinion, I see our communities and nation, being more and more lead by people who will stretch, if not outright break our civilian laws, and knowingly violate our Civil Rights. I have know LEOs who would "just follow orders" and not question the actions they should know are illegal by violating the civil rights of people.

For this writing, I will address the 2nd amendment in particular, and a citizens RIGHT to bear arms. I know of some LEO command types, who believe that only the military and police should have guns. They think that a call to 9-1-1 is all a citizen should do, and the Police will take care of it. Got news for those idiots ... That 9-1-1 call is usually AFTER there is a crime committed, and a victim has been harmed!

In todays world of Obama-types, they believe in gun control. At the very least, they believe in banning all weapons THEY deem as inappropriate for "citizens" to own. It is MY fear, that at the pace this president is going in bypassing Congress and thumbing his nose at the constitution, we could actually see some form of gun "confiscation". Such "confiscation" would be against the constitution, but I expect they will justify it as taking away ONLY those firearms THEY believe are dangerous in the hands of citizens.

But to do that, they will need one or both of two things. They will need an obedient Law Enforcement, and/or an obedient Military, to do the street work of going house to house and "ask" for any of the listed firearms to be "turned over". While I know many would think this is a stretch, I don't think it is. I think its worth the discussion, and to guard against. I believe it is more than a possibility, and is headed toward a probability. We have just such power hungry types in DC already.

But my question is this - Where does a Cop stop, when asked to do something that should be expected as being against citizens "rights"? Germans, during the WWII war crimes trials, claimed to have "just followed orders". I can't help from wonder, how gradual was that transition, before they were well outside the scope of proper human and even military conduct? Look at the Jews of those times, they were slowly moved into smaller and smaller areas, corralled as it were, until lead to the slaughter!

As the old tale goes, put a frog into a pan of cool water and it won't jump out. Then slowly turn up the heat, and the frog won't know its in trouble until its too late. The everyday German soldier was the frog, as were the Jews.

Are WE the frog in the pan? Are we already in hot water and don't know it? Our challenge, is to stay out of that pan. The challenge to Cops and Military, is to KNOW what is right, and what is NOT, and conduct business accordingly. Their "oath" is to protect the Constitution, from enemies foreign AND domestic.  It could be a tough business, should the Obama types extend more control "over the people", more than what this government has already been doing for decades.

I am and have always been a "law and order" type person. But I don't believe I would follow orders that I know were wrong. But as a citizen, I do NOT intend to sit by, until the heat is too much. I WILL resist anyone who should come to my door, and violate MY rights. That isn't a threat. That's an American, who will not surrender my Rights, and am prepared to stand for those Rights we have.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Guns and Murder

In tragic news of late, a Kansas City Chief football player, committed the murder of his girlfriend, then a short time later, turned the handgun on himself. Two people dead. Many other lives affected.

In typical knee-jerk reaction, some have come out to blame "the gun", and/or our "gun culture". As Bob Costas said during a NFL Halftime show, repeating and agreeing with a sports writer, said that had the player not had the gun, they would both still be alive. Really? There is NO WAY for them to support that!

Fox Sports writer, Jason Whitlock, stated (and Costas agreed) that “if he didn’t possess/own a gun, he and Kassandra Perkins would both be alive today,”. That statement is extremely presumptuous. For it presumes that the player would not have found another way to express his rage. To blanketly say such a things, is shear foolishness.

Secondly, I find it disheartening for such people, with audiences, to rush to judgement on such matters. We don't know yet the complete motive for the murder-suicide. In matters of rage, I can tell you that people have found all sorts of extremely brutal methods to exact some revenge. And a gun is simply a tool, but not the only tool. No doubt, a firearm is a very convenient weapon, but we need to look at the WHOLE picture, least of which is the primary importance of the 2nd Amendment rights, upheld by the Supreme Court as an individual right.

If you look at the 2011 statistical table (below), you will see that the number of murders, have DECREASED over the last five years. This, while firearms ownership is at an all-time high. Over 70 MILLION citizens lawfully own over 300 MILLION firearms. 70 MILLION citizens, compared to the overall murder rate? My math ain't great (nor my grammar?), but that firearms total murders of 8,583, looks like around .012 % of the firearms owners.

But look also at the other methods. Knives and cutting instruments alone, accounted for 1,587! The use of hands, feet, fists, etc, accounted for another 728 murders. Does anyone think for a minute that the NFL player couldn't have just beat his girlfriend to death in a moment of rage?

Of those other non-firearms related murders, are those victims less important and less dead, because a firearm wasn't used?

Check this out - While firearms are far less available in the Philippines, a man there murdered 10 people, and wounded 14 others (in 2007), while using a 21" knife! Rest assured, the victims didn't have gun to protect themselves, or the murderer wouldn't have caused so many victims.

I won't go into the whole 2nd amendment argument here, but I'll ask this ONE QUESTION:
With over 70 MILLION legal firearms owners, should we deny the rights of all, because of the abuse of the extreme few?

I know my answer. What's yours?

From the FBI's uniform crime reporting site: (go to site to see all 5 years)

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8  
Murder Victims    
by Weapon, 2007–2011  
Weapons 2007 2011
Total 14,916 12,664
Total firearms: 10,129 8,583
Handguns 7,398 6,220
Rifles 453 323
Shotguns 457 356
Other guns 116 97
Firearms, type not stated 1,705 1,587
Knives or cutting instruments 1,817 1,694
Blunt objects (clubs, hammers, etc.) 647 496
Personal weapons (hands, fists, feet, etc.)1 869 728
Poison 10 5
Explosives 1 12
Fire 131 75
Narcotics 52 29
Drowning 12 15
Strangulation 134 85
Asphyxiation 109 89
Other weapons or weapons not stated 1,005 853
1 Pushed is included in personal weapons.  

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The New Rifle

As the sun was coming up and the morning mist began to clear, Paul leaves his home and starts toward town. The air had a sweet smell from the honeydew bushes, and squirrels were busy with their daily gathering of nuts.

Paul had business to attend to, or he would have climbed from his horse to pop a couple squirrels for dinner. He gripped his long gun, wishing he had the time to take such pleasures.

But the business of the day, was a serious one, and Paul knew well the risks. Paul was to meet with friends at a barn outside town. Such a meeting, was forbidden by the British authorities. Arrests, or worse, could happen if caught.

As Paul arrived, he was let into the barn and his horse was stalled with the others. A number of local men were assembled, and some rousing debates were already being exchanged. While they shared similar views about the future of the New World, the "how" to get there was sometimes a continuous point.

When all were assembled, including those calling themselves, the Sons of Liberty, John called everyone over to a crate, that he was opening. "Gentlemen, these are the best rifles to ever come along", he said as he took a rifle out. The group was in awe, as well as inquisitive of the rifle's features.

Henry spoke up. "John, that's a fierce looking gun, and I bet it'll shoot a long way. I fear it will be misused by some."

"Henry, our very existence depends on our ability to match gun for gun, that of our enemies, our enemies of freedom. They will be well armed, and in greater numbers."

"But shouldn't such rifles be reserved for the Army Regulars?"

"I can understand your reservations Henry, but they already have the best. We need to have our own, to grab in a minutes notice, and be able to repel our enemies. I've loved my ol' musket, but this will give me the edge to match what my enemies will come at me with."

Paul spoke up, "Henry, I'm with John. Why should I have have less of a weapon than my foe? Why should I have to stick to my bird gun, when my enemies will come at us with better weapons? Any threat of abuse by the corrupt, pales in the face of the threat that may be coming from our enemies. Besides, just last week, the Brits raided the weapons stores in Worcester, and the local men who didn't keep their own rifles, were left without any. Then the Brits had no trouble rounding up the list of so-called "rabble rousers"! Those Brits took their only means to resist such force."

The new rifle was passed around for everyone to look at. Such a long slim rifle, that had fine rifling for longer and far more accurate shots. Such a rifle had never been used before, but these men knew if the alarm was sounded, there would be no time to get to the storehouse, and they better be ready in a minutes notice. Each of the men were to take one with them when they left.

While the above is a fictional account of otherwise historically significant events, I wish to make a point. The "military" styles of rifles today, or "assault weapons" by the Clinton and Obama standards, are nothing more than a far more modern weapon of today, than those of 236 years ago. Keeping in mind that the 2nd amendment is about keeping men free from enemies and tyrants, and not about hunting, how could anyone not think Paul Revere and other such men would NOT have chosen such a rifle if they had a choice?

Today, Obama is in favor of the United Nations Small Arms Treaty, as well as an "Assault Weapons Ban". Tragic mass shootings cause a flinched reaction to ban the weapons used by such bad people. But in fact, such murders have happened throughout history, and such bans, ONLY ban "law abiding" citizens from owning what is otherwise legal to own.

I'd add this - The average "non-shooting" citizen doesn't know much about firearms, and easily buys into the "assault weapon ban", because those who promote such most often make it sound like such "militaristic" style weapons, have a "machine gun" capability. They do not. Machine guns, those firing many rounds at a time - with one pull of the trigger - are NOT legal by average citizens, and have been heavily regulated since 1934. Yet, the proponents of such new laws, report the weapons they target, as machine guns and "automatic" weapons.

No matter the "look" of a weapon, if it is used to kill people, it is an ASSAULT weapon . As for many people being shot, most any weapon can do such harm. I can promise anyone, that with a little practice, a 5-shot pump shotgun, fired rapidly and reloaded rapidly, can kill and wound a LOT of people before most law enforcement would ever get to the scene. Would those wounded, feel better about being shot by a  bad guy who didn't use an "assault weapon"?

As a nation, we have failed to properly deal with those who commit crimes, and those who have expressed such intents. As for the others, there will ALWAYS be evil in the land, and no amount of laws will stop evil. All we can do then, is stop evil when it raises its ugly head. And for that, I'd prefer the best firearm or other tool of defense, as I can afford!

I fully expect that had our Forefathers had a choice, their statued depiction would have included an AR-15!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


The election for President is over. And for many, including myself, it's all so surreal that we could be in such a position as to feel our constitution slipping away. With that said, as many as 22 states have citizen petitions to The White House, requesting separation from the Union, by way of "secession".

I would bet most of them do NOT want to secede. What I suspect they want, is for Washington to take notice, and REPRESENT ALL THE PEOPLE. Because, Obama does NOT, in the minds of many, including me. Plus, I feel strongly, that he fully intends to (as he stated) "fundamentally change America".

I personally DO NOT want to see any state secede from the Union. I LOVE my country and fought under our Flag. I love Old Glory. I would not want to ever fight against her.

But, IF my country ceases to be the America she was designed to be; if she becomes something closer to a socialist state; if she no longer represents American FREEDOM; and no longer attempts to maintain our Founding principles, then maybe America is no more. Maybe, the flag no longer stands for us. If I ever feel that way, just as our Founders did about the Union Jack, then I will have to live under another flag. That is one of the saddest things I can imagine. But I will NOT live in a country, where socialism is the acceptable governing method. THAT is not freedom.

I am inviting comments. Please keep it clean when making your points. No threats to any persons or groups of people. I will ONLY take a comment off, if I deem it as threatening, vile, or name calling of a racist manner. Otherwise, I'll monitor. I will not "edit". Under my few rules, if you comment, it goes up.

Tell us,
Do you want to secede from the Union?
If so, why?

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Mr. Obama, Lead By Example!

Now that we are past the national election, and Mr. Obama won for a second term, I offer the following challenge to him.

Obama pounded the "tax the rich" drum ... a LOT ... during the whole campaign. He said that people like him, could pay a little more, and should be taxed more. I have no doubt, they can handle a "little more" in taxes. If it were as simple as that, I'd agree.

But a couple things still strike me as, BULL SHIT!

To start with, I don't recall (please correct me if I'm wrong!) EVER Obama presenting a proposed new and simplified tax code. Let's face it, the tax code LEGALLY provides for a LOT of tax deductions and deferments, most of which only the wealthier people can legally exploit.

And if the deductions are there, why wouldn't anyone use them? Why wouldn't they want to keep more of their own money? I know we do in our house. Even Obama does!

In fact, in the Obama's released tax return for 2011, they earned a combined income of $789,674. But they took advantage of the lawful deductions, and paid $162,074 in federal taxes. Had they just filed a short form, the tax rate for such an income would have been 35%, or $276,385 in taxes. But the Obama's paid just 20.5%, which by the way, was LESS than the President's own secretary's tax rate! (And he pounded Romney for paying a smaller tax rate than his staff!)

I do NOT fault the President for taking all the deductions he was legally entitled to. I DO fault him, for talking as though the rich are somehow evil for not paying more. He's rich ($10 million and counting) and he DIDN'T pay more! And if he thinks he should have, then I'd say, HE COULD HAVE! He could have paid the full 35%, to put HIS MONEY WHERE HIS MOUTH WAS!!

Why didn't he? Because, he TOO wanted to keep as much of HIS money as he could! Simple. Reasonable. Lawful. And paying only 20%, compared to a rate of 28% his own secretary was tagged with, is his own example of a tax system that DOES favor the more wealthy among us.

So, simplify the tax code! Simplify the tax system, so it is more fair. So why haven't they? Two reasons that I see.

1. They, those WE vote into offices, want to keep all the money they can. Both parties do it. And they can even vote themselves raises, and provide additional benefits to themselves. We can't do that!

2. A truly FAIR tax system, in MY view, would have EVERYBODY paying something. Everybody would have some investment into the services and protections the federal government provides to ALL of us. But they, Democrats more than Republicans, do NOT want to piss of the lower income American voters, those who make less than $200,000 per year. And those who pay NO federal taxes, will forever be in the debt of the Dems for never requiring them to chip in!

But, back to my "challenge" -
President Obama, until a new tax code is written and passed, PAY the full 35% for 2012 and on! In fact, be a martyr and make it publicized, and in turn, CHALLENGE all politicians to do the same! LEAD in a new wave of "Patriotic" tax responsibility, and pay the 35%. Or, for those in the other brackets (28 & 33%), pay the full amounts and not take deductions.

Otherwise, I am sick and tired hearing about "taxing the rich"! If Obama wants to do that, then FIX the BS Tax Code, wich is at over 71,000 pages (at 2010 count), and which grew (from both parties) from nearly 17,000 pages in 2006!

Seriously, there is NO way to know how to take advantage of every possible deduction, without paying expensive and knowledgeable accountants! And who can do that, except wealthier people?

Obama, accept my challenge! Stand before the public, and announce that for your 2012 taxes, you will file the short form, and pay your 35%. Then, YOU challenge ALL politicians to follow your LEAD! (Meanwhile, pass a simplified tax code!)

So Lead, or SHUT UP already! (If I were President, and to make a point, I'd wave that 35% paid in front of ALL Congressmen and women, as well as Senators, and by public support and pressure, cause them all to PAY UP!)

BTW - I searched, and of the top 10 Congress persons, 7 were Democrats!  (To be fair, of the top 50, 31 are Republicans.) Yet, none of them that I know of, have supported a Fair Tax or Flat Tax plan!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

I Cry

    Ever have a day, that for what ever reason, an old memory slips in? Maybe of a passed relative, or close friend. Silly as it may be to some, I still have thoughts of our Irish Setter of nearly 14 years, who passed a couple years ago. And have any of those memories brought a tear, when those around you don't understand?

    I miss our dog Cali. I miss my Uncle Charley, who seemed to know more about fixin' "stuff" than anyone I knew. I miss other family members, who have long passed. I miss friends too.

    But some days, for no real reason, I think about a couple guys in particular, that I knew from days gone by. A couple guys, just red-blooded Americans, doing their jobs, and doing it with honor. I miss them. And some days, I can't help but get a bit teary eyed, and maybe a lump in my throat. But today, Veteran's Day, I know why.

    While I still miss them, I have to remind myself, to celebrate their lives. Celebrate, that I knew them for a short time, knew their smiles, as I knew their anguish. I knew Foreman's laugh, but it was a quiet laugh, unlike Brock's, who was so "kid like", and sometimes loud. Brock smiled ... a lot. It's hard to even imagine, either of them being soldiers, "warriors". Wishing they didn't have to, I know, but warriors who each and every day, did their jobs, as the military expected them to do. Every day, they would dredge through rice paddies, or sweat the jungles, and do everything they could to take care of each other, as well as taking care of all those who walked with them.

    Yet, I can't seem to recall a day that I didn't see a smile, or hear a laugh, from either of them. They were good guys. Guys you'd be proud to know. They were good American "boys", doing a man's job in the battle fields of Vietnam. They shouldn't have been taken. They should have seen their date of departure come at their scheduled times. But they left for home early. Far too early. And they laugh no more. That is sad, and worthy of a tear.

    KIA's, SSG Terry William Foreman and CPL Robert Lee Brock, are not forgotten. Ever. I can't say, "Happy Veteran's Day". I can only say to Foreman and Brock, and to all Veterans, You Are Remembered on this day we set aside, as Veteran's Day.

    Remembering their faces, their smiles, and their laughs. And I cry.

Note: SSG Terry Foreman and CPL Robert Brock were killed by hostile fire on May 24, 1970. Both were fellow unit members of Co. C, 3rd Bn, 187th Inf., 101st Airborne Airmobile Div., I Corp, Vietnam

Friday, November 9, 2012

Old, White, Male, Christian, Conservative - Obsolete?

Well, with the national election over, I've been reading tweets and blogs about each sides perspective of it all. Some of what I've read, is rather amusing. Some of it, rather vile. And while I've seen it from both sides, it has been my observation that the "left" is a lot more vile.

To read some of their postings, one could surmise that Old White Male Christian Conservatives, are obsolete and should just go away. Many have taken Obama's re-election, as some mandate to shove some of us aside, and make room for the new citizen. Pot smokers can toke themselves out of their minds in a few states now. Women can feel more secure to murder their unborn right up until their baby crowns. (Yeah, the RIGHT to murder your unborn. And you're proud of that "choice"?) And don't hurt yourselves standing in ideological line to pick up your free shit.

Well, I ain't going anywhere. Between now and 2014 and 2016, I'll still blog, watch, and push for accountability by ALL those who hold office (that means BOTH sides).

This Retired Middle-class Old While Male Christian Conservative Tea Party supporter, who is a Life Member of the NRA, a father of highly successful children, a crusty ol' Combat Veteran, Ex-Cop, Taxpayer, Republican, and Patriot, WILL be watching ALL those in office, and look for opportunities to take back America. I'll wave The American Flag (not some Obamanation of a flag), stand at attention when she's raised or passes, show reverence to God, respect my elders, treat the women in my life with respect, support the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and will keep my powder dry. We may have lost the recent election, but we ain't done, and we ain't obsolete!

For those who say I should STFU. Well, unless they take free speech away, that won't be happening any time soon. F--k with me all you dare, but know that I DO cling to my free speech AND my guns. So suck it up butt-wipes. I'm here to stay!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Veterans Day - 2012

This coming Sunday, November 11th, is Veteran's Day. At the time of this writing, our nation is consumed with the national election, the tragedy of deaths and destruction from Hurricane Sandy in the New England states, continued high unemployment, and just trying to live life as free as we can.

But in far off lands, we still have men and women in uniform, keeping the peace, guarding against aggressors, maintaining combat readiness, and engaged in combat actions. And with those duties, we lose men and women to direct combat assaults. Such is the way of "war", and in the wars of the past.

This Veteran's Day, as with all those years in the past, please take time to acknowledge those who have passed, in service of OUR country. No matter one's opinion on the war of today, or any past war, OUR men and women in uniform, deserve such respect and acknowledgement.

Flag the Flag, say Thanks to those you see in uniform, and be thankful to those who have given ALL, for what we sometimes take for granted - Our Freedom.

To those in uniform today, Thank You for making such a commitment. To those who have served in the past, Thank You for your service.

To those who we have lost in the service of OUR country, my deepest Thanks, and God Bless those surviving families of those lost. We owe so much.

God Bless Our Troops, and God Bless America
Respectfully - Eagle3187, Vietnam Vet 69-70

Friday, November 2, 2012


Sometimes, I just scratch my head and wonder, What The Hell????

Hurricane Sandy hit the Northeast HARD. Billions of dollars of damage, unknown what economic cost, and most of all - lost lives. A horrible natural disaster, and honestly, just how prepared can we be for such events that are beyond our imagination?

But in this case, I feel people have gone overboard with the accolades, for the President, NJ Gov. Christie, NYC Mayor Bloomberg, and whomever else. I have seen press events, where such notable people were glad-handing each other on doing such a good job in the response.

But ....... there are STILL so many people (hundreds of thousands?) without power; no gasoline, or very limited; no heating fuel (it's November!); limited or no food; limited or no fresh water; streets still covered in sand and mud and debris; homes destroyed, businesses destroyed, and NYC was going ahead with a Marathon! The JOB is far from being done. Yet, so quick with the accolades.

With this method of giving praise, along with this President being awarded a Nobel Peace Prize before he ever did anything (and now has his own "kill list"!), should we just go ahead and give out of Heisman Trophy, before the season is even over? How about handing out the Academy Awards, before the new releases are even out? Doctors, God Bless those who want to be, don't need to wait until they are through with their residencies, just give them their MD certificates now!

Those still hurting, hungry, cold, stranded, moneyless, without changes of clothes, will someday get help and straightened out. But NOW is no time for the political uppity-ups to be glad-handing each other on a job well done. You might want to look around, talk to those buried in debris, because -

Just sayin'.

It's Okay to NOT Vote for Obama

Well, we're down to just a few days until the election. The so-called fact checkers are busy trying to keep up with every word spoken by either candidate. The pundits have drawn lines in the sand. Purely partisan voters stand firmly, no matter what is said or shown. And the average voter, middle of the line Democrats and Republicans, as well as Independents, are just trying to cautiously decipher fact from fiction, and prepare to cast their vote on Nov. 6th.

I know a few people, even friends, who voted for Obama last time. I even know a couple Republicans who did. I know there are those who did vote for Obama, for purely historical reasons, maybe coupled with the idea that such a charismatic, if not mysterious, mixed race man might just give us a jolt. Someone who WOULD be different, bring "change", bring renewed "hope", who might be the way to go.

There are those of us, who because of our disdain for Obama's policies and actions, and even such shadowy personal history, have been called "racists" because we dared speak against Obama. There are those who may be thinking of voting against Obama, but don't want to be labeled "racist". There are even those Blacks, who have been vocal about not supporting Obama, who have been called "racists" (or Uncle Toms, etc.)!

But, anyone.... ANYONE .... who would look, with open and objective eyes, at where we are today, with 16.2 Trillion in debt, 13+ MILLION completely unemployed, some 6-9 MILLION more, severely under-employed, 30% increase on food-stamp assistance, a true lack of an energy policy, and the undermining of Congress, then those who voted for Obama before may very well see that it hasn't worked. And I know some people just like that, and they will NOT be voting for Obama again.

There are some of those, who WILL NOT speak out against Obama, or even say they will not for vote for Obama, because of verbal retribution for doing so. Being called a "racist" or turn-coat, or what ever, is keeping them mute. I've read comments from prior Obama supporters, who have implied that they would even SAY they are voting for Obama, but they will not be voting that way. They are trying to just get along in their own world of friends, family, co-workers, and party affiliations.

To all those types, I'd say this. It is OKAY to not vote for Obama. IF your vote is cast, based on what YOU feel is right for the country, and is NOT based on color or party loyalty, then  it will be the right vote. It's OKAY to vote for Romney, IF you feel he will do a better job. You thought Obama would do a better job, but it didn't pan out. It's okay. It is time for a chance to change that.

Voting against Obama IS NOT racist, unless it is because, and only because, of his mixed race. It's okay, if you don't tell anyone you didn't vote for Obama. That is YOUR decision, YOUR vote. Vote with your mind, not any social or party expectation.

For my Republican friends, welcome back. I appreciate your private notes that you will be voting FOR Romney!

To my Tea Party affiliated friends, WE will keep an eye on ALL elected persons, to keep them in line with the "constitution". Not in line with the "right" or the "left", but in line with upholding our constitutional framework. That goes for President Romney too. We EXPECT, we should expect, ALL elected officials to follow the laws, uphold their oath to protect the Constitution, and above all else, BE AMERICANS first!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

42 years and counting

Hard to believe at times, that it has been over been 42 years since I came home from my tour in Vietnam. On some days, it seems like such a distant thing, and on others, not so long ago.

I still have issues from those times. And for those who weren't there, or any other such place, they can not know. They may want to know, but they can't. Some may think they know, but they don't. They can't know, any more so than a man can really appreciate the birth of a child like a mother can.

There are those Vets, who's torments come from the horror and killing of our enemies. For others, it's the remembering those who had fallen around us, some of those we had grown close to. In other cases, it may be reoccurring dreams of their own near death combat actions, and the lasting physical wounds they still bare.

Speaking ONLY for myself, it was never about some enemy I had a hand in killing. Never was. Not that I never gave it a thought, but that was never something I have remorse or regrets about. To me, it was not just what I was there for, it was them, or us. There are still things that still stir my emotions.

Back then, I'd have lingering thoughts and fears of what might happen to me, when others around me, or near our unit, were killed. Those fears were almost be crippling at times. But, for most everyone I knew, and in spite of those fears, we did what we had to do anyway. Somehow, some way, putting one foot in front of the other, we went about and doing what had to be done.

Seeing fellow soldiers go down, wounded or killed, and feeling of helplessness to change that outcome, will still come back to the back of my head.

Upon our return home ... MY return home ... we were greeted with a less than a welcoming experience. In fact, the anti-war movement of that day often targeted the returning soldier, as much as the government. Some of the things that were said about us, some directly to us, pained me to hear, and the memory of that still does today. There are those, who I can never forgive.

Not long ago (early 2012), I read a post from a self-professed liberal, that she has "always supported our wonderful troops", even though she "was against the war". Bull-shit. People like this one, who I know, say those things now so they won't come off as un-patriotic. In truth, they WERE against us, the returning soldiers of those days. We WERE the target of their anger (and her vile words) about the war. We WERE chastised for our involvement. I WAS chastised for my participation. So her words, are BULL SHIT!

I've also heard expressed, that for those who stood against the war, and held to their principles, that they were somehow perceived as having a LOT of personal strength and integrity to stand up for their beliefs. But in those days, we, returning Vets, were NOT respected for OUR personal strength and integrity? We were thought of as having given in to "the government", because we answered the call. BULL-SHIT again.

In fact, I suspect it was easy to stay at home at such times, and profess some inner belief to oppose serving. The REAL brave part, is being scared absolutely shitless, and doing what you've been called to do anyway. Scared shitless to even move, to breath, that your own heart-beat might give your position away, but still do what you had to do. Keep moving forward, keep advancing on an enemy intent on killing you and your buddies. Scared shitless of the dark, of the sounds, the movements of the grass, the snapping of a twig, a smell, a thought that you might fail your buddy, all while doing your job anyway.

For some peace-nics, what was THEIR fear? Jail? Maybe, but unlikely for most. Where to live in Canada? Getting killed in their sleep? Tripping a booby-trap on the way to class? Having their next step, be their last one on earth? Seeing their buddy get blown away, having their blood splatter on you?

I volunteered to go in. I asked for my number to be moved up, to get called up sooner than later. I knew where I was likely going. That wasn't bravery. That was my DUTY as a American citizen, as I saw it. It was the DUTY of those in government, to do what they could to protect us, to support us, to permit us to win, and offer some kind of peace to the millions of South Vietnamese. People protesting against the government's lack of doing those things, would have been appropriate. The BULL SHIT the peace-nics put upon us? ..... Well, you get my drift.

Just recently, I again awoke in a sweat from dreams of those days. (Some of them have just been weird!) Other days, some smell will be familiar enough, to make my hair stand on my neck. Just my ramblings, but some days, I just get a rush of old emotions, and that old anger comes back to the surface. So I write, whether anyone reads or not, just to let it out ... a little.

I THANK GOD that today the majority of Americans,treat our Soldiers with respect and gratitude. Agree with our war involvement or not, what they do, and what they are willing to do, for all of us, is worthy of that.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Calculating Risk To One's self

Ever know someone, who would always take advantage of any situation, as long is it didn't require any risk to them?

Risks, may be in many forms. There are some risks to most all endeavors of value. Risk to the extreme, as in one's very life, in times of war or other forms of deadly confrontation; Risk to one's reputation; Risk of losing money in an investment; Risk of losing personal growth if you choose a wrong career path; etc. Risks are everywhere. Risk taking, is in all of us, to one degree or another.

But there are those, who will cautiously weave through life, working to have others assume the risks, while looking to benefit from it in some way. You know the kind, the guy who slips in at the last minute to collect accolades for work the group did. Or, the guy who will put someone else out in front, and never take point himself. Yeah, I sure know the kind.

Politicians - yeah, you know I'd get here - take risks all the time. They risk pissing off the wrong group, by taking a position on one matter or another. But, "politicians" calculate those "risks", by trying to weigh the better side (not the same as the "right" side) to be on, so they can count on the votes ... and the MONEY ... for their RE-election. They risk a little for personal gain, NOT for what is best for us. Principles and values are slogan words, but don't expect them to risk much to uphold them!

With some of those risks, compromise comes in to play. Risk something, to gain something else. It's the way that game is played. However, other than not getting re-elected, the real risk is most often to the citizens. It's our money, and even our freedoms, that get put to risk. Yep, WE are the one who's usually end up absorbing those risks, when they fail.

Then there are those who we task to take risks in our behalf. We hire Police Officers, to risk their lives, to protect us, to protect our streets. We hire Fire Fighters, to risk their lives to protect our property, and lives. And we hire Warriors, to go directly into the deadly areas of the world, to go face-on and confront those who would take our freedoms and our very lives.

Those we hire to protect us and our freedoms, expect something in return. They expect to be backed up by good regulations and proper rules of conduct, to be properly equipped and trained, to be properly supported for their professional and personal work related needs. And they expect us to "be there" when they need us to back them up, and provide all required support to help them complete missions, and still get home to their families. We owe them that. Our commanders owe them that. The Commander in Chief, the President, OWES them that.

From all information available today, those four US Citizens at the Libyan Consulate in Benghazi, expected their "government", their Commander in Chief, and all those tasked with such duties, to honor their parts of that risk, and THEY FAILED.

Obama, either directly, or indirectly through subordinates, FAILED those people, OUR people, and denied the proper equipment, security, manpower, to effectively project themselves. THEY FAILED to address the obvious dangers. THEY FAILED, in the most critical time of dire need and danger, to provide BACK-UP. THEY FAILED, and now THEY LIE about it! They hide behind closed doors, closed files, restricted memos and emails, videos, and the command structure of the military that requires the Generals and Admirals to not speak against the President. The people who know the most, CAN NOT SPEAK, because of the rules the President is using to hide behind.

You see, Obama is a very calculating man. Obama does not take risks that be can avoided at ALL costs. Risks, he would see to his "standing" in the middle eastern world; Risk of looking bad, if things go wrong; Risk of losing the election! Risks to himself, are more important to protect, than risks to others.

Our people in Benghazi, assumed ALL the risk, and Obama insulated himself from all risk. And that will only change in two ways. Vote this POS out of office, and/or GOOD men and/or women need to stand up and risk their careers, by speaking up and telling the truth. But honestly, I don't see very many of them doing that. They have "careers". Well, so did those four men in Benghazi! I saw where even Ret. Gen. Powell, sold out and is backing Obama again! I guess he doesn't want to "risk" losing any black support for any future endeavor he may have. Backing that coward, goes against everything military I can think of!

Some people will always be willing to RISK what you have, while never risking what they have. Never trust anyone, would will put their self interest, ahead of their self sacrifice! Such a person is expecting YOU to take all the risks.