Our America is in trouble. She's sick and down. From the looks of her, she could be dying. Many have attacked her, wounded her, trampled on her, tried so hard to make her disappear from the planet. But today, she is under such extreme attacks, and this time, from within her own family, and even from her own head of state. If America goes, the last vestige of hope and freedom, may die with her.
I love America - Oh, how I love my country! She has never been perfect, only because men have tried to mold her into their own liking. How sad, of what far too many are trying to do to her, make her become, make her into what she was never meant to be. Our own President, has stated that he wants to "fundamentally change" her. He is on his way to doing just that, and at a time where it is critical that we RETURN to our foundations. But our foundations, do not fit his master plan for America, and he is being aided by like minded people, as well as fools who are following the tune of a "pied piper".
Today, the government "of the people, by the people, and for the people", has been plowed under by the swarm of power hungry politicians and bureaucrats. The "government", has become the BIG manager in most all aspects of our lives and businesses, and that process is growing each day. With each cut of dissection, "we, the people" are losing more and more of what freedoms we have. Now, with trillions of dollars of taxpayer money, BIG government has now decided what to do with OUR money...and the future money of our children...and our very lives today and tomorrow.
This past year, the President of Mexico was permitted... encouraged and applauded...to address our congress, and criticise one of our own states, Arizona. THIS government, OUR government (to include Arizona) has turned on one of our own. If they succeed, with the help of foreign countries, then who, or what state, will be safe in challenging the Federal "government" on the next issue?
Add to that, we see today, President Obama taking sides WITH unions, and AGAINST another state, and against those citizens who want to be free to NOT join a union, in order to be "allowed" to work. The PRESIDENT of the United States, taking sides with one group of Americans, over another group of Americans? This IS NOT a role of a United States President. Yet, this president is choosing to take sides, and further split our nation, and to drive wedges between us for his own goals. The heart of America, must be weeping.
I am absolutely convinced that our forefathers would be up-in-arms over what they see today. In fact, they WERE up-in-arms some 235+ years ago. They were fed up with the strong arms tactics, and the imposition of unfair taxes, upon the colonies and the citizens of the New World. Britain, at that time, WAS the government. And that government wanted to impose its will, and taxes, in every way it saw fit to do, unimpeded by "the people". Sound familiar? Obama and company, are doing that very same thing today!
THIS is NOT America. I am sick at what some want to make us. And in 2008, and again in 2012, we (I say we, because WE are all in this together.) voted in the biggest bunch of power hungry people in the history of our nation. And with that, we are being sold out. I weep for my America. I weep for the country that has spread freedom around the world, and helped other people and countries in times of natural disaster and tyranny. I weep for those who came before us, and died in an effort to keep America free, and keep America as a land of "for the people, by the people". The people we have in Washington today, are NOT "the people", but they are there...BECAUSE we let them be there. The personal agendas and greed for power, seems limitless with those we have in Washington now. And Americans put them there. Shame on us.
So, I sit by the death bed of the America I love and have believed in. I watch, feeling helpless, as she succumbs to the trampling on the long held belief of a nation of free people and non-intrusive government. Before long, her colors could remain, but the stripes will be removed, the stars gone, and some new "Obama-like" symbol will replace her. Letters and emails have failed, and I know of no cure to help, as long as good men sit by, while other men want to turn off her life support machine. Freedom of her people is old fashioned, in the eyes of our new power mongers. That has to end.
Pardon my ramblings, and perhaps lack of delivery in this addition, but my sadness is deep, and the grief I am feeling for what I fear is coming, has a grip on me. I prayed for HONEST change this past November 6th. But there are those who would rather be spoon fed and federally supported, than to be free to choose their own destiny. But we still MUST make them understand, that those voted, and appointed, to their seats are a temporary ones, and granted by US, to serve US - Not to rule us. While that seems lost on them for now, we MUST keep up the drumbeat of our cries for real freedom, and to get America back to health.
God Bless America, for as long as we still have her. - Dan