Notice: Any comments made by me, are my own, and should not be construed to be those of anyone else, or any organization or association.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


The election for President is over. And for many, including myself, it's all so surreal that we could be in such a position as to feel our constitution slipping away. With that said, as many as 22 states have citizen petitions to The White House, requesting separation from the Union, by way of "secession".

I would bet most of them do NOT want to secede. What I suspect they want, is for Washington to take notice, and REPRESENT ALL THE PEOPLE. Because, Obama does NOT, in the minds of many, including me. Plus, I feel strongly, that he fully intends to (as he stated) "fundamentally change America".

I personally DO NOT want to see any state secede from the Union. I LOVE my country and fought under our Flag. I love Old Glory. I would not want to ever fight against her.

But, IF my country ceases to be the America she was designed to be; if she becomes something closer to a socialist state; if she no longer represents American FREEDOM; and no longer attempts to maintain our Founding principles, then maybe America is no more. Maybe, the flag no longer stands for us. If I ever feel that way, just as our Founders did about the Union Jack, then I will have to live under another flag. That is one of the saddest things I can imagine. But I will NOT live in a country, where socialism is the acceptable governing method. THAT is not freedom.

I am inviting comments. Please keep it clean when making your points. No threats to any persons or groups of people. I will ONLY take a comment off, if I deem it as threatening, vile, or name calling of a racist manner. Otherwise, I'll monitor. I will not "edit". Under my few rules, if you comment, it goes up.

Tell us,
Do you want to secede from the Union?
If so, why?