Notice: Any comments made by me, are my own, and should not be construed to be those of anyone else, or any organization or association.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Are You Anti-Gun?

The world is not always a friendly place. With our wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the constant threat to our very existence by terror groups, the world scene is scary enough. Throw in the drug wars just across our southern border, as well as the day-to-day victimization from hoodlums, it can be down right deadly right here at home.

So, with all that potential, let's say all hell did brake loose. A nation on our highest alert. Emergency services pushed to their limits. An attack has caused major black-outs of electricity. People panic and start looting the stores. Police are swamped with calls for emergencies. Cell phones quit working. Gas pumps won't work (no electricity), so leaving the city is not an option. ATM's can't work, so you can't get your cash out. City services, including water and sewer, stop working. Food is gone off the store shelves. Human predators start walking the streets, looking to take what they want from others, be it their property, or their lives.
(If you prefer - Just consider a major earthquake or Katrina-like disaster, if that helps you get the idea.)

You are now in fear for your family's safety. Police are NOT available. EMT's aren't available. Gangs of hoodlums are a block away, and you hear breaking glass and people screaming for help. Hordes of hoodlums comb the streets, carrying baseball bats, pieces of steel rebar from a nearby construction site, and knives, and they are coming your way. Your spouse has fear in her/his face. The kids tremble with fear. They are all looking to you ... someone ... to protect them.

Next door to your left, is a very out-spoken anti-gun neighbor, who has always been very adamant about gun control. "It's the Police's job to protect us, people don't need to own guns," has been a common chant of his.

The other neighbor to your right, has NRA stickers on his car windows. In past days, you've smiled and shook your head, as you've often seen him, the "gun nut", leave for the range each week, carrying his cased AR-15 and assorted other firearms, and ammo. You recall one of your conversations with him, an old Vietnam Vet and sport shooter, whom you had just told that you didn't think anyone needed an "assault weapon", and you "weren't interested in joining the NRA".

You don't own a firearm. And now, you have no chance to go buy one, practice with one, or show your family the safe uses of one. So, now ... what are YOU going to do? Are you going to run to the anti-gun neighbor, and hope the "Gun Free Household" sign on his door will protect you?

Or will you be going to your "gun nut" NRA member neighbor to the right, and ask if he could help protect you and your family?

I don't advocate firearms ownership for everybody. Some people will not be responsible enough to learn proper use and care of one. Some too, are simply not able to pull the trigger on another person, even if their own life depended on it. For those people, get a good dog.

Otherwise, I am a firm believer that each of us are our own "first line of defense", and should be prepared to act in the face of threat to your family or yourself. And I highly recommend joining the NRA. The NRA is our single most important advocate for the 2nd amendment, and for personal protection.

By the way, it doesn't take such a dire set of circumstances for that need to protect your family. Victims are made every hour of every day. If nothing else, know this - For all their desires to do otherwise, the Police respond to a call AFTER there has already been someone victimized. For that victim, it is often too late. THAT is where murder trials start from.

If you choose to not own a firearm, that's okay by me. But don't try to impose YOUR choice on me.