Notice: Any comments made by me, are my own, and should not be construed to be those of anyone else, or any organization or association.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Open Letter to My Wife

Open letter to my wife, Diann.

I bring this up today, because when I saw the Facebook post of Diann and young Trevor in the tagged photo, it reminded me of the distance we've come.

Over the years, I have seen, first hand, the love and level of commitment to your son. I've seen the highs and the lows. I've seen the heartache, and the pride. I've seen the "real" sacrifices you've made to help see your son through the stages of his life.
While much can be debated about the issues surrounding his bio-dad and you (and that's another story), NO ONE, not even close, has made the sacrifices you has, to stay close, to take part, to be involved, and to lovingly support Trevor. Today, Trevor is in college, majoring in his calling of music, and is enjoying his new experience. A bright future is on store for him, as he stays focused. While "someone" may want to take credit, the real credit goes to one person, Trevor's mom, YOU.
Sometimes, this needs to be said on more than just Mother's Day. For mothers everywhere, Mother's day, is every day. Diann, you have my love and respect for all you do.