The Health Care Reform bill ~
A quote from an AP on-line news story, said, The president said that "it now appears the American people will have the vote they deserve" on this important issue.
This should have read, The president said that "it now appears less than HALF the American people will have the vote they want" on this important issue.
Why? Because by any poll out there, this thing is at least split on the "for" or "against". And in some polls, the "against" runs to as much as 61%! I checked on-line polling results for Dec., with 10 different polling providers listed (see: ), and averaged them out. The "for" runs 32 - 51%, with an average of 39%. The "against" runs 44 - 61%, and an average of 51%. HOW can these politicians make such monumental decisions for ALL of us, with those numbers?
Our nation's politicians, on both sides, seem to think that if they get elected by a majority, then EVERYTHING they do is automaticially approved by the voters. NOT TRUE. We have all known, and with each day have more evidence of it, that once they get into office, the campaign promises go away and they proceed on to their own agenda, or of that of whomever promises them support for THEIR agenda.
In this case, this administration is about to take from ALL OF US, to please themselves, and less than half the rest of us!
Is health care in our country an issue? Yes. But a mixture of ideas, from both parties, may provide some relief from the growing costs. But a take-over by the GOVERNMENT? It is NOT what our Forefathers invisioned for us. It is NOT American.
BY the way, it is NOT an emgergency either. Obama just wants this pushed through before Christmas break for two reasons. 1 - The politicians will go home and find that the 51% average will be vocal; 2 - Obama wants this for HIS own personal ego, so he can say he got it pushed through while the Clinton machine could not! It's a POWER thing, pure and simple.
Also evidenced by all this, is that once these butt-holes get elected, "we, the people" no longer have a voice! We get ignored, and sometimes even vilified for expressing angst over their actions.
We do have a voice left however. It still rests in the ballot box. VOTE in 2010. VOTE out every politician who is voting away OUR money. VOTE out every one of them who have ignored "the people", even if it is only half of them.
This American is pissed, and I encourage everyone to VOTE in 2010 and 2012, and put these professional politicans back on the street to look for a job themselves! "for the people, by the people" needs to be part of our politican leadership in Washington again!
Please, forward this to everyone you know. We need to become a vocal America and MAKE our voices heard by those we put in Washington.