Notice: Any comments made by me, are my own, and should not be construed to be those of anyone else, or any organization or association.

Monday, July 23, 2012

We're Soooo Civilized

The following is NOT for the weak of stomach.

Another tragic mass murder of innocent people, unsuspecting men, women, and children, has taken place. Committed by another deranged person, hell bent on committing unspeakable acts of evil. Planned out over time, and committed in just a moment of time. In this case, the suspect was at least captured and arrested, to be held accountable for those acts.

But now, as it is with our system, this person is receiving all the advantages of our criminal justice system, which also includes three meals a day, prepared for any "special needs" he may have (Diabetic, or other), and will be assuring a safe environment in which to eat, sleep, read, watch TV, observe what ever religious practice he can be safely provided, and get in a little jail-yard sun each day of his life. He is PROTECTED from harm, be it from other inmates, himself, or from Officers who would rather choke him to death than hand him a tray of food.

The coming months, or even years, will provide him with free medical, free access to books and magazines, free food, free legal representation, and every opportunity for all the facts to be weighed. IF convicted, and IF sentenced to death, he will get free appellate representation, and that process could drag on for many years. All the while, this POS (Piece Of Shit) will be PROTECTED from harm, as much as a jail or prison can provide.

Our civilized criminal justice system will provide every possible legal review and consideration possible, until his sentence is confirmed, and/or his death penalty is carried out.

Even then, our civilized society will offer its last civilized act with an execution of the death penalty, by injecting drugs into the inmate's body, putting him/her to sleep, not to feeling anything after that. The other chemicals to be injected after the POS is unconscious, bringing him/her to a quiet, peaceful death. Very civilized. Very "just", specially when you consider the following:

In the case of the Aurora Colorado mass murders by a POS, those victims were taken WITHOUT any trial and judgment of their lives, without months or years of warning, without any consideration of their needs, without warning that their life would be taken. In some cases, we can only assume, some of those who were murdered may have had a few moments of knowing the horror of their situation. Others may have perished immediately. The "survivors", will FOREVER know those horrible moments, and there will really never be an end to the sentence handed out by the POS. For them, the victims, it was NEVER civilized.

While I don't like this system, I understand it and mostly accept it. At least up to the point of CONVICTION. From that point on, in such cases at this, I am for dropping ALL civility, and present him forthwith for a quick execution. Furthermore, I would devise a system, by which the convicted POS would be strapped in an electric chair, wired for maximum voltage, and devise a tripping device by which the POS would trip the mechanism him/herself (doing nothing would trip a timer). The voltage would start off slowly, about like a 9v battery tingle, and slowly rise to maximum, all the while, facing a screen with the photos of his/her victims shown. In the end, should the POS's head explode, then a trained clean-up crew could take care of it. In any case, the remains would be cremated, and all ashes buried in a dirt hole at a pauper's grave site (wouldn't want them in the air or water).

Extreme? Maybe, but I don't think so. The horror of THEIR crime, needs to be born in such a POS before their own passing. And the whole world should know of that end. It might not stop others, but it would stop that one! But if the above were to be streamlined, and not the YEARS of worthless appeals for THIS type of case, we could then ... Git'r done.

Disclaimer: THIS case, I expect, should end by leaving NO DOUBT of this POS's guilt. It won't be a matter of ,"beyond a reasonable doubt". With cases in which ALL doubt is gone, then a swift execution should follow. Why the wait! But there are MANY cases (see Dallas County's record!) where conviction was by such shallow evidence, that years later DNA testing has over-turned more than 2 dozen cases! Except in cases where ALL doubt is absent, a thorough review of all cases are warranted before any execution should be carried out, if at all.

I believe in JUSTICE. But JUSTICE for the victims, and society too. As far as I'm concerned, we are FAR too civilized toward those who commit such horrible acts. Ruthless Capital Punishment? Yep ... And Fast Track such POSs!