Oil - or the control of oil - can be a weapon to be used against us. And in our (USA) case, we are very vulnerable to having it used as such. Let me paint you a couple pictures to make my point.
1. Iran completes the construction of a couple nuclear weapons. With such weapons, they can either use them themselves, or make them available for our other enemies to use. Even without an effective delivery system, cross-country transport, and remote detonation, could be done. (IED anyone?)
2. The Taliban, or other radical Islamists, places nukes in strategic oil production/distribution locations, and hold hostage the oil from those locations. (Even low-yield nukes, would close oil fields from use.)
3. Iran commences a naval stand-off in the Strait of Hormuz, effectively shutting off shipping from that region, while countries and militaries maneuver some kind of stand-down.
4. Iran (#4 in oil production) also cuts all exports of oil to the US.
5. Venezuela (#11 in oil production), taking sides with Iran, shuts of all oil exports to the US.
With the above strategies put into action, or any of two such events, then here is what "I think" we could expect –
*Oil imports get drastically cut.
*US oil supplies get stifled, and prices jump drastically.
*Oil prices skyrocket, to $300 brl, or more.
*Gasoline prices in the US jump to $10 plus per gal.
*With a possible military threat, our military would be first on the list for oil/fuel, and could cause limited supplies for commercial use, and could even cause rationing, like what was seen in the 1973.
* Trickle up supply costs, would drive prices of all trucked goods, to go up exponentially.
* Consumers panic buy goods, drive prices higher.
* Small businesses suffer from exploded prices, and have to close.
* Gasoline shortages cause people to lose work, incomes dive, civil unrest erupts in hardest hit areas.
* Fear drives citizens to demand something be done.
* Government responses could escalate into wider war in the Mid-East.
By the way, Ron Paul fans – THIS is why I can’t support Paul. He doesn’t think we shouldn't tell another country they can’t have nukes!
Contrary to hostile nations and terror groups, we (the USA) don’t threaten another nation's “existence”, as Iran and extreme Islamists do!
We have to think far past gasoline prices for our cars, as oil is not JUST a commodity. It is a way of life in the industrial world, and in the US in particular, and is a needed commodity for everyday life and commerce.
Cut our oil, and cut our way of life and cause crisis all over the country.
It's a good thing, to be proud of your heritage. But if one is a Citizen of the United States of America, then before all other things, be an American 1st!
Notice: Any comments made by me, are my own, and should not be construed to be those of anyone else, or any organization or association.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Vilifying the Rich?
Today's Blog -
(This applies every day, but before Obama's State of the Union Address this date, I'd ask people to keep this in mind.)
Vilifying the Rich?
Before I begin, let me make clear the following ~ I am middle-class, at best. I am not supporting ill-gotten gains in wealth. I am not suggesting the rich be given special consideration in taxation.
I DO believe in some reasonable tax reform, where everyone pays into the system (I like the Fair Tax, but several simplified tax plans could be better than what we have now.). And in no way, should criminal activity, such as fraud, be tolerated.
This wave of blaming the rich is BS, and it's a serious diversion from the real problems in American economics and government.
But, what should we think about the RICH? Many (most?) of those Occupying Wall Street, would say we should arrest them (for what crime?) because they shouldn't have that wealth (really?). Why don't they protest a $32 million a year Alex Rodriguez of the NY Yankees? And have you noticed, many of those people doing the protesting, do so while using their Apple laptops, iPhones, iPads, and such. All those are made by one of the biggest and most successful companies out there, owned by one of the richest men in America (RIP Steve Jobs), at a net worth of around $7 billion (and their products are made in China?)!
The RICH, you know ... the ones Obama encourages many to hate and to blame for all our woes ... employ people, start businesses, and buy stuff. They buy LOTS of stuff. And that STUFF, is made, maintained, and sold by people from all walks of employment. I say, instead of vilifying the RICH, make stuff for them! Sell stuff to them! Maintain stuff for them! Make YOUR money OFF of them. Thousands upon thousands of people and small businesses are doing that right now!
Just for fun, lets make up a RICH family. A RICH family who have earned their own way, by, let's say, designing and selling the best mouse traps the world has ever known.
The RICH family is a family of four. A 46 year old dad; his business partner wife, who is also 46 (high school sweethearts); a 18 year old daughter; a 16 year old son; two pure bred Irish Setters; and an African Grey Parrot. They live on 5 acres, in a gated community, with a pool, a 4 car garage, with a 5 bedroom, 4-1/2 bath, 3800 sq ft home.
Fred RICH, drives a new Cadillac SRT.
Betty RICH drives a new XC-90 Volvo SUV.
Sandy RICH was given a 1992 Nissan Sentra for school (Dad's character builder).
Sean RICH was given ... a ride to school (also Dad's character builder).
Fred loves golf, and belongs to a country club.
Betty loves antiques.
Fred and Betty enjoy weekend day-trips on their new full-dressed Harley-Davidson.
Sandy shows her dogs on a national level.
Sean plays baseball, on the school team and on a summer league.
They all love in-home movies, and enjoy the surround sound, fully equipped home theater system, with a 72" TV, and plush theater seating.
Fred and Sean hold weekend billiard challenges in their game room.
Betty takes in-home cooking lessons, in their large country kitchen, from a professional chef.
Sandy has learned to bake Chicago style pizzas in the brick-oven (yeah, nice kitchen!).
Okay, nice, uh! Yep, the RICH have what many would think of as a well to do life. They earned it, and at a rate of $1,200,000 a year in earnings and investments. And, they have an accountant, to make sure they follow the law, and pay only what the insanely complex tax code requires. They are, by any standard normal people would say, RICH.
So, I ask ....
And how many people were involved in building their house?
What about the sub-contractors for the pool, landscaping, tennis court, gazebo, fence, ect?
How about the suppliers of all the plumbing? The electrical? The appliances? The cabinets?
How many people work in the Cadillac and Volvo factories?
Or work in the sales rooms, finance departments, service shops?
How many people work at the billiard company? Or the factory show rooms? Or the delivery and set-up crews?
How many people make and install the TVs, stereos, all the home theater furnishings?
How much gets spent in travel to all the baseball games (gas, meals, even over-nights)?
How much to maintain the Pure Bred Irish Setters, and travel for the dog shows?
How about the Veterinarians for the dog and parrot?
How many people maintain the country club, and golf greens?
What about the personal tennis instructor and batting coach?
While I don't contribute, HOW much has the RICH family spent at a two-week summer vacation at a south Florida beach condo?
When Fred and Sandy go to work, how many people are employed in the parking garage, or work in building maintenance?
And HOW MANY PEOPLE, do the RICH's employ, pay, provide benefits to?
And how many people, collectively, design, build, supply, sell, and maintain all the RICH stuff?
And how many of those protesting at Wall Street, will be hiring YOU?
Protest REAL fraud and criminal conduct!
Protest bad government! (Try DC, and not Wall Street!)
Protest wasteful government spending!
Protest government elected officials and appointees who abuse their power, and getting life-long benefits, when the rest of us have to follow laws and rules they don't!
Are YOU employed by a broke person? Or has someone with money to invest, provided a means of earning a living to you?
To Protest "the RICH", because they have, and you don't, IS STUPID. Unless - SOCIALISM is your preferred form of government!
(This applies every day, but before Obama's State of the Union Address this date, I'd ask people to keep this in mind.)
Vilifying the Rich?
Before I begin, let me make clear the following ~ I am middle-class, at best. I am not supporting ill-gotten gains in wealth. I am not suggesting the rich be given special consideration in taxation.
I DO believe in some reasonable tax reform, where everyone pays into the system (I like the Fair Tax, but several simplified tax plans could be better than what we have now.). And in no way, should criminal activity, such as fraud, be tolerated.
This wave of blaming the rich is BS, and it's a serious diversion from the real problems in American economics and government.
But, what should we think about the RICH? Many (most?) of those Occupying Wall Street, would say we should arrest them (for what crime?) because they shouldn't have that wealth (really?). Why don't they protest a $32 million a year Alex Rodriguez of the NY Yankees? And have you noticed, many of those people doing the protesting, do so while using their Apple laptops, iPhones, iPads, and such. All those are made by one of the biggest and most successful companies out there, owned by one of the richest men in America (RIP Steve Jobs), at a net worth of around $7 billion (and their products are made in China?)!
The RICH, you know ... the ones Obama encourages many to hate and to blame for all our woes ... employ people, start businesses, and buy stuff. They buy LOTS of stuff. And that STUFF, is made, maintained, and sold by people from all walks of employment. I say, instead of vilifying the RICH, make stuff for them! Sell stuff to them! Maintain stuff for them! Make YOUR money OFF of them. Thousands upon thousands of people and small businesses are doing that right now!
Just for fun, lets make up a RICH family. A RICH family who have earned their own way, by, let's say, designing and selling the best mouse traps the world has ever known.
The RICH family is a family of four. A 46 year old dad; his business partner wife, who is also 46 (high school sweethearts); a 18 year old daughter; a 16 year old son; two pure bred Irish Setters; and an African Grey Parrot. They live on 5 acres, in a gated community, with a pool, a 4 car garage, with a 5 bedroom, 4-1/2 bath, 3800 sq ft home.
Fred RICH, drives a new Cadillac SRT.
Betty RICH drives a new XC-90 Volvo SUV.
Sandy RICH was given a 1992 Nissan Sentra for school (Dad's character builder).
Sean RICH was given ... a ride to school (also Dad's character builder).
Fred loves golf, and belongs to a country club.
Betty loves antiques.
Fred and Betty enjoy weekend day-trips on their new full-dressed Harley-Davidson.
Sandy shows her dogs on a national level.
Sean plays baseball, on the school team and on a summer league.
They all love in-home movies, and enjoy the surround sound, fully equipped home theater system, with a 72" TV, and plush theater seating.
Fred and Sean hold weekend billiard challenges in their game room.
Betty takes in-home cooking lessons, in their large country kitchen, from a professional chef.
Sandy has learned to bake Chicago style pizzas in the brick-oven (yeah, nice kitchen!).
Okay, nice, uh! Yep, the RICH have what many would think of as a well to do life. They earned it, and at a rate of $1,200,000 a year in earnings and investments. And, they have an accountant, to make sure they follow the law, and pay only what the insanely complex tax code requires. They are, by any standard normal people would say, RICH.
So, I ask ....
And how many people were involved in building their house?
What about the sub-contractors for the pool, landscaping, tennis court, gazebo, fence, ect?
How about the suppliers of all the plumbing? The electrical? The appliances? The cabinets?
How many people work in the Cadillac and Volvo factories?
Or work in the sales rooms, finance departments, service shops?
How many people work at the billiard company? Or the factory show rooms? Or the delivery and set-up crews?
How many people make and install the TVs, stereos, all the home theater furnishings?
How much gets spent in travel to all the baseball games (gas, meals, even over-nights)?
How much to maintain the Pure Bred Irish Setters, and travel for the dog shows?
How about the Veterinarians for the dog and parrot?
How many people maintain the country club, and golf greens?
What about the personal tennis instructor and batting coach?
While I don't contribute, HOW much has the RICH family spent at a two-week summer vacation at a south Florida beach condo?
When Fred and Sandy go to work, how many people are employed in the parking garage, or work in building maintenance?
And HOW MANY PEOPLE, do the RICH's employ, pay, provide benefits to?
And how many people, collectively, design, build, supply, sell, and maintain all the RICH stuff?
And how many of those protesting at Wall Street, will be hiring YOU?
Protest REAL fraud and criminal conduct!
Protest bad government! (Try DC, and not Wall Street!)
Protest wasteful government spending!
Protest government elected officials and appointees who abuse their power, and getting life-long benefits, when the rest of us have to follow laws and rules they don't!
Are YOU employed by a broke person? Or has someone with money to invest, provided a means of earning a living to you?
To Protest "the RICH", because they have, and you don't, IS STUPID. Unless - SOCIALISM is your preferred form of government!
Sunday, January 22, 2012
The 2nd Amendment and YOU - Updated
From many in today's world, and in particular our country, OUR 2nd amendment is under constant attack. So, I blog about my concerns and beliefs.
Internationally, the U.N. has designs on restricting America's gun ownership, as part of an overall desire to eliminate armed societies. There are those in our country, in THIS administration, who are in favor of such a movement, but know the fight will be hard to get around the 2nd amendment.
In OUR country, there have been a number of anti-gun activists through the years, and in this administration, it is rife with such people, namely the US Attorney General, the Secretary of State, and the President himself. In turn, they are supported by various left-wing organizations, and strangely enough, even the ACLU (who usually defends individual rights!). They argue the 2nd amendment is NOT about an "individual" right, but only about a "militia", which would be organized and called out by the government. (The Supreme Curt has said it IS about an individuals right.)
Many non-gun and gun-owning Americans, fit into four basic positions: 1) Don't own one, and have no opinion on the subject either way; 2) Totally against firearm ownership, and believe only the police and/or military need to posses a firearm [these folks want each of us to depend on 9-1-1 to save us, and are NOT concerned that our government would ever turn on us]; 3) Believe in limited gun ownership [where one can own for protection, but don't think we should have so-called assault weapons]; and 4) those of us, who believe that the bottom line for a strong 2nd amendment, and firearms ownership, to protect ourselves AND our country. (I'm in the 4th group by the way.)
I am not speaking as a constitutional scholar, or an expert on the 2nd amendment. I am just an average citizen who reads on the various issues that concern me, and make decisions based on what I read and believe, and not what I'm told to believe (Anyone who knows me personally, can attest to that!).
But to me, one average American citizen (for whom The Constitution and Bill of Rights were written for), firmly believes the 2nd amendment was not about hunting. The 2nd amendment is about the "individual's right to bear arms, because, as George Mason has ".... believed that governmental tyranny was the primary evil against which the people had to defend ...". Having come from a country and government where the standing armies were used to control its populace, our founders wanted some measure of protection against having our own army turned against us, buy some "governmental tyranny".
If a government, insistent of "protecting" it's citizens, decides to disarm them, then what other freedoms will "they" decide is in our so-called best interest? And, if a president decides to subvert the constitutional structure of our nation, and conduct him/herself outside congressional approval, then how far is that from a dictatorship, i.e. tyranny?
If one is to accept that concept, then being able to "bear arms", to own firearms, not only protects one self and their family, but could be called upon to join with one's neighbors for a common defense, then just like the "Minutemen", a citizen would be prepared at any given moment, to help defend their community, or even their country. That principle didn't end with the Revolutionary War either.
As far as the so-called "assault weapon" issue, does one think for a moment that if our forefathers had access to a better firearm, they would buy what ever they could afford? Does anyone really think, that Patrick Henry would have said, "Yes, I know it's a better rifle to fight our well armed enemies with, but I don't think anyone needs to have more than the ol' Brown Bess!
My point is, that if firearms ARE for self defense, as well as a ready arm for a tyrannical government, then is keeping the citizens held to just a shotgun, and maybe a revolver, really acceptable? In the face of our enemies, foreign and possible domestic, who would CERTAINLY be armed with the latest in firearms, would YOU want to be saddled with such limited arms? If your enemies come to your neighborhood with AK-47s, wouldn't you prefer to have the same, or it's equivalent? And have ready access to it? (Storing them at an armory, which is controlled by the government, IS NOT ready access.)
I want to own what ever I can afford to purchase, maintain, safely store, and learn to shoot well with. Anything less, is a handicap.
Our 2nd Amendment Rights are constantly under attack. Politicians and anti-gun activists every day, are working to limit (and even eliminate) the 2nd Amendment, or at least cause it to not apply to YOU, the Individual. I will not sit quietly by and let that encroach on my freedoms and safety. I blog and write letters to Representatives, to help in my small way to keep MY rights....ALL of my rights! While many don't like my out-spokeness about such issues, I shall not, EVER, remain silent.
By the way, the NRA is the oldest and most organized organization, with 4 million strong members, who constantly watch and fight for our 2nd amendment rights. That's why I belong to the NRA. I ask you to join too.
Lastly, I want to add the following. In light of the terror and death brought upon those in Aurora Colorado, by one deranged person, I will say this -
As a former Law Enforcement Officer of 13+ years "on the street", I will ALWAYS be armed with what ever I think will best suit my needs. The Police, for all their want and try, are RESPONDERS. The call for aid/help, is most always as a result of a criminal act ALREADY committed, and victims ALREADY victimized. And friends, EVIL will always exist in the hearts and minds of the few, and no law will change that.
Internationally, the U.N. has designs on restricting America's gun ownership, as part of an overall desire to eliminate armed societies. There are those in our country, in THIS administration, who are in favor of such a movement, but know the fight will be hard to get around the 2nd amendment.
In OUR country, there have been a number of anti-gun activists through the years, and in this administration, it is rife with such people, namely the US Attorney General, the Secretary of State, and the President himself. In turn, they are supported by various left-wing organizations, and strangely enough, even the ACLU (who usually defends individual rights!). They argue the 2nd amendment is NOT about an "individual" right, but only about a "militia", which would be organized and called out by the government. (The Supreme Curt has said it IS about an individuals right.)
Many non-gun and gun-owning Americans, fit into four basic positions: 1) Don't own one, and have no opinion on the subject either way; 2) Totally against firearm ownership, and believe only the police and/or military need to posses a firearm [these folks want each of us to depend on 9-1-1 to save us, and are NOT concerned that our government would ever turn on us]; 3) Believe in limited gun ownership [where one can own for protection, but don't think we should have so-called assault weapons]; and 4) those of us, who believe that the bottom line for a strong 2nd amendment, and firearms ownership, to protect ourselves AND our country. (I'm in the 4th group by the way.)
I am not speaking as a constitutional scholar, or an expert on the 2nd amendment. I am just an average citizen who reads on the various issues that concern me, and make decisions based on what I read and believe, and not what I'm told to believe (Anyone who knows me personally, can attest to that!).
But to me, one average American citizen (for whom The Constitution and Bill of Rights were written for), firmly believes the 2nd amendment was not about hunting. The 2nd amendment is about the "individual's right to bear arms, because, as George Mason has ".... believed that governmental tyranny was the primary evil against which the people had to defend ...". Having come from a country and government where the standing armies were used to control its populace, our founders wanted some measure of protection against having our own army turned against us, buy some "governmental tyranny".
If a government, insistent of "protecting" it's citizens, decides to disarm them, then what other freedoms will "they" decide is in our so-called best interest? And, if a president decides to subvert the constitutional structure of our nation, and conduct him/herself outside congressional approval, then how far is that from a dictatorship, i.e. tyranny?
If one is to accept that concept, then being able to "bear arms", to own firearms, not only protects one self and their family, but could be called upon to join with one's neighbors for a common defense, then just like the "Minutemen", a citizen would be prepared at any given moment, to help defend their community, or even their country. That principle didn't end with the Revolutionary War either.
As far as the so-called "assault weapon" issue, does one think for a moment that if our forefathers had access to a better firearm, they would buy what ever they could afford? Does anyone really think, that Patrick Henry would have said, "Yes, I know it's a better rifle to fight our well armed enemies with, but I don't think anyone needs to have more than the ol' Brown Bess!
My point is, that if firearms ARE for self defense, as well as a ready arm for a tyrannical government, then is keeping the citizens held to just a shotgun, and maybe a revolver, really acceptable? In the face of our enemies, foreign and possible domestic, who would CERTAINLY be armed with the latest in firearms, would YOU want to be saddled with such limited arms? If your enemies come to your neighborhood with AK-47s, wouldn't you prefer to have the same, or it's equivalent? And have ready access to it? (Storing them at an armory, which is controlled by the government, IS NOT ready access.)
I want to own what ever I can afford to purchase, maintain, safely store, and learn to shoot well with. Anything less, is a handicap.
Our 2nd Amendment Rights are constantly under attack. Politicians and anti-gun activists every day, are working to limit (and even eliminate) the 2nd Amendment, or at least cause it to not apply to YOU, the Individual. I will not sit quietly by and let that encroach on my freedoms and safety. I blog and write letters to Representatives, to help in my small way to keep MY rights....ALL of my rights! While many don't like my out-spokeness about such issues, I shall not, EVER, remain silent.
By the way, the NRA is the oldest and most organized organization, with 4 million strong members, who constantly watch and fight for our 2nd amendment rights. That's why I belong to the NRA. I ask you to join too.
Lastly, I want to add the following. In light of the terror and death brought upon those in Aurora Colorado, by one deranged person, I will say this -
As a former Law Enforcement Officer of 13+ years "on the street", I will ALWAYS be armed with what ever I think will best suit my needs. The Police, for all their want and try, are RESPONDERS. The call for aid/help, is most always as a result of a criminal act ALREADY committed, and victims ALREADY victimized. And friends, EVIL will always exist in the hearts and minds of the few, and no law will change that.
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