Notice: Any comments made by me, are my own, and should not be construed to be those of anyone else, or any organization or association.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

3:10 to Yuma - Not what you think

Have you seen the 2007 western movie release, 3:10 to Yuma? I really enjoy westerns, and this one is a good'n. For those who have seen it, you will know the part I am about to reference. For those who haven't, I will try to describe the scene. (I have a point in all this, and it ain't about western movies.)

The scene I want to reference is like this - The bad guys want their bad-guy boss back from the custody of the good-guys. While their bad-guy boss is being held by some authorities, the gang offers money to anyone in town who would turn on the good-guys, and help get their boss back. The result of that offer, turned 7 bad-guys into more than 30. More than 30, who were willing to take their chances of getting killed, to earn that money trying to kill the good-guys.

Well, the odds of 5 against 7 was one thing....but 5 against 30 plus? Sorry, the Marshall says, they didn't count on that. So the Marshall and his Deputies chose to give it up, left their guns on the floor, came out with their hands up. The bad-guys....were BAD guys. And, they did the BAD guy thing. When the Marshall and his deputies came out, hands up, the BAD guys shot them down. It's what evil people do.

See where I'm headed, do ya? Whether its the middle east, Columbia, the Philippines, or where ever, negotiating with evil people (or "Evil doers" as President Bush so rightly said), will never work. Their "word" or agreements can never be counted on. As long as they are alive, they will do evil things. "Can't we all just get along", won't work with them. What I worry about today, is that President Obama doesn't understand EVIL and evil doers, and is adopting "Can't we all just get along" foreign policy. And THAT will get our troops killed, get us killed over here, and under-mind every thing we have tried to do for the past number of years for our allies.

President Bush is gone...out of Office...not President any more. But the BAD guys are still out there. They still want us...ALL OF US...dead. They want Israel gone. They want Christianity gone. They want women back in the homes and not in school or work. They want the world to go back to the stone age. And they are willing to die to make that happen. Nothing else matters to them. So how, how in the rational world, do you negotiate with them. You don't. You hunt them down and kill them. And while that goes on, you try to show all who will (or can) watch, that the FREEDOM to choose, FREEDOM to worship (or not), FREEDOM to learn and work and play and enjoy life, is a better choice than killing everyone who isn't a Muslim extremist!

Meanwhile, if you enjoy westerns, and haven't seen it, check our 3:10 to Yuma, just for the entertainment.

God Bless our troops. God Bless America. And please Lord, Bless and guide President Obama.

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