Notice: Any comments made by me, are my own, and should not be construed to be those of anyone else, or any organization or association.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Church and State

What a topic! On the way home today, I was listening to a radio talk show, and this was the general topic. On the air, was someone representing the Freedom From Religion Foundation. They profess to be protecting the constitutional principle of the separation of state and church.

Now, as I often will do, I offer this disclaimer: I am NOT a constitutional or historical scholar. So with that, take what you wish from my words and viewpoints.

Being the simple man that I am, I tend to look at this subject is a simplistic way, trying to imagine what our forefathers were wanting to accomplish with our most precious national document. I also think we should not stray from the spirit of that document, and instead, find ways in our modern world to go back and really apply those ideas and principles, and spirit, to our country today. I believe it can be, and should be, done.

So, just what does the Constitution say about the so-called, "separation of church and state"? Well, as it was written, it states, "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

"Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; ..." Well, I do not see today, anywhere, that our Congress has established a religion. Where is it that the "state", by way of Congress, has established a religion? Where is it, that Congress, or any state or city, has established a religion? Does a prayer, establish a religion? Do the words, In God We Trust, establish a religion? And, who has been denied ANY governmental services, or even protection, because they were not of a particular religious persuasion?

If you look at the word, establish", one can easily find as part of the definition,
1 : something established: as a : a settled arrangement; especially : a code of laws b : established church

Wouldn't a government who would "establish" a religion, have that same religion as part of some established order and cause its people to acknowledge their religion, before receiving some part of the government's graces in services, protection, or other benefits?

It would also seem to me, that there should be some kind of "harm" that such inferences to God in a public prayer, aside from just being offended, should be shown in a measurable way, before demanding that the inference be removed. The 1st Amendment does NOT protect people from being offended. And that, my friends and readers, is what this is really all about. Some people don't want religion in any public view and it offends them that God might be somehow lurking around, watching them! The fact is, no one has been harmed. No one has been denied ANY services or protection, because God somehow is mentioned in the public arena.

Our Founders, knew that men are weak and subject to corruption. Our Founders, knew that it could only be by the guidance of a higher power, of a higher power of conscience and of right and wrong, that people might....MIGHT....keep that higher power in mind when conducting ourselves with out fellow citizens.

Let's face it, while there are those who hate the mention of God, where DO we get our foundation of right and wrong? Where are the writings of how to treat our fellow man, if not in the writings of someone referring to some higher power. Man, is weak. Man, is corruptible. Man, without someone higher to answer to, will drift towards self above others. It is God, in what ever religion you may find him, that sits on our shoulders and whispers to us when we might stray from what is right or wrong.

God, is mankind's "father". And like a loving father, God guides us and is our conscience. But we are free to choose and free to disobey. Man surely has, and surely will. But that is not to say we should strive to follow the teachings of His word.

What would be our right and wrong foundation, otherwise? What else is it seated? By what other measure, do we know right and wrong? Without God, or that higher power of justice, would we even have laws?

I'm sorry. I've strayed. My point is this. For about 235 years, there has been NO government established religion. NO ONE, has to follow any particular religion, and NO ONE has been denied services or protections, or any of their RIGHTS, by a prayer, the mention of God in a public place, or the word God on our currency and landmarks. Sorry if that offends you, but if it does, then you offend me. But you have a right to follow no religion, if you wish.

Before I conclude, I will say that I DO NOT want our government to dictate what religion I must follow. We sure don't need a religion that dictates that we cut off your head for following some other religion. Or be denied rights, because we didn't follow some religious doctrine. We can see that in bombings elsewhere! Our government has not, and should never, dictate a religion to follow. THAT would be an establishment!

God Bless You!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Need help with my car

I am asking all of you to chip in and help buy me a new car. Please, I need a new car.

Now, I do have a car. But my transmission needs work, and I don't want to just fix it. The rest of the car is pretty good. Oh, a little air leak by the window, but I get pretty good mileage. I change the oil on regular intervals, and it runs good. The body has a few dings, but is still without rust. And, it does what it needs to do, I guess, i.e. get me to and from work, to the store, and so on.

But I want a new one. My car has some routine costs ... like tires, wiper blades, and such, and is paid off. But I want a new one. An all shinny and new and completely different one. And, I want you to help buy me one.

I know... I know. For far far less money, I can fix my transmission and have a good working car. But I want an all new one, and I don't want to fix what I have.

What? Why toss out the whole car, just to fix the transmission issue? Because, my neighbors have a new car, and I want one too, and why can't you help buy it for me? After all, I'm a good guy, so shouldn't I get a new car , and not have to spend my own money to fix the one I have?

Come on ... you've helped buy a bunch of other people get new cars, and you've helped bail-out big banks, and if you're willing to pay for a whole new health care plan ......why NOT buy me a new car? Please Mr. Obama ... Buy me a new car!!!!!

Some of our health care entities may need some overhaul. But let's not throw it all out, in favor of a government mandated plan that will cost us ALL and, from all appearances, will weaken the best health care services in the world. Some of it may be broken and need fixed. But not the whole thing ... and NOT at the cost of billions and billion and billions to all of us. And NOT managed by a government, who has NO BUSINESS, being "in business"!

BIG government. It's been coming for a long time, and it's here. I plan on watching to see who votes for this Obamacare plan and do everything I can to vote them out. And I don't care what party they may be in! We need to take back our country and set the record straight on who works for who!

By the way ... Don't report me Bro. Don't report me to The White House!