Notice: Any comments made by me, are my own, and should not be construed to be those of anyone else, or any organization or association.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

What would TJ do?

I can't help but wonder... What would Thomas Jefferson do?

Just look at the size and power of today's government. It was NEVER intended to be this way. TJ and the boys would NEVER have let this happen. But WE did. I say WE, because as a nation, WE have let, and often demanded, that this government get this big.

All parties are guilty. This didn't happen over night. In my view, it has taken an even uglier pace in it's growth with Obama, but this has been coming for some time, and it's OUR fault.

But it isn't too late to turn the tide. It's time to get out the vote and vote OUT every person, regardless of party, who has voted for these expansive taxes, programs, and pork-barrel projects.

For the the people. Professional, career, politicians are NOT "the people". They no longer are part of the working public, taking time off to represent us. Today's politician, for the most part, are too often people who want their terms to last until retirement. And when they MOVE to their Washington office, seldom to return to their beginnings, they take on that Washington mentality and become washed in the politics of the next term, NOT representing their constituents and the country's BEST interest.

Take back our country. Vote OUT everyone who has help grow the government, and not grow America!

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