Notice: Any comments made by me, are my own, and should not be construed to be those of anyone else, or any organization or association.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Illegal Immigration - One man's view

The HOT news of the day, is Arizona's "illegal" immigration bill. Arizona, wants to find, and arrest, "illegal" immigrants, and boy-oh-boy, are the liberals and illegal supporters PO'd!

While the new law is bantered about, and the lawyers prepare to butt heads, I couldn't help but take note of a Mexican, quoted as saying, "This new law gives us no other option than to leave ... I'm going back to Mexico, where I feel more comfortable." Isn't that exactly what we want to see? He had been working in Mexico as a fisherman, and he's going back to that.

I've written here before, but to repeat myself, I want to offer this up for consideration - I AM NOT opposed to "legal" immigration. NOT ONE BIT. I do believe there are the vast majority of those who come here, even those that do so "illegally", who want nothing better than to better their lot in life, for themselves and their families. I would want the same thing, if I lived in third-world conditions.

I also think we do need to find a better way for the immigration process to work, for those folks who want to legally enter, stay if they want, and better their lives. I think there can be ways to do that.

BUT - I DO NOT want people, from any country, to come here, "illegally". We have Ports of Entry. I want those POEs used. They have a purpose. And our laws concerning such, should be enforced. Otherwise, the "border" is useless. And our laws concerning the border, are toothless.

Permit this analogy. You and I have a company. That company owns a very nice mall, with lots of shopping and lots of choices in merchandise and restaurants. We have hours that we have that mall open. There are main entry ways, and posted at each, are rules for coming in. Those rules, such a shoes and clothing expectations, as well as conduct, are expected of those who wish to come in. Otherwise, you can't come in, or can be escorted out. And, ONLY those entries can be used, and ONLY during the hours of operation. Simple. We see it all the time.

However, IF some people decide to slip in through the closed access areas for the different businesses, or come in after hours through the roof, or break in at night through a glass door, then we have a problem. Those same people COULD be welcome, if they came in like everyone else who follows the rules, and laws. But they chose to break in, because they didn't like the rules, or the laws, or simply the hours we were open. In anyone's mind, they broke the law and would be arrested if caught. No question.

So, WHY do we not look at our borders the same way? Why do we give some people a pass for breaking into OUR COUNTRY? To blatantly disobey our laws? I know the line to get in is long...but it IS the law of our land!

None of this even discusses the HIGH RISK to our citizens, by way of drug violence, and perhaps even a terrorist act!

It is WAY PAST time for Washington to act. And maybe, just maybe, Arizona will get Washington's attention to get off its ass and fix the problem, and not ignore it any longer.

BTW - I talked to a "legal" immigrant (Mexican) today, who was complaining about the lack of work. He said (and this is NO lie), "It's getting harder for us (the company he works for) to get the jobs. I hate to say this about my own people, they underbid us so bad, we can't get the jobs. If we bid $1.25 a foot to lay flooring, they (the illegals) bid $1 a foot. We can't compete with that, and still pay the guys and the costs of doing business."

OSHAMA! Wake the hell up dumb-ass! "The people" are talking here! So before you condemn Arizona, try living WITH their problem first!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Peace through Superior Firepower

Peace...Through Superior Firepower - I always liked that slogan... but never bought the t-shirt. Anyway, just a little something I thought I'd jump onto.

The 2010 Corvette. What a car. I'd love to own one, but don't. Why? I couldn't afford it. Or, at least, I'm not willing to pay what it would cost me.

I saw a beautiful home on 210 acres listed for sale not long ago. I would love to own it, but I don't. Why? The cost was far too high.

Funny thing about such things we wish to have, they often come at too high a price for what we can, or are willing, to pay. Take waging war on America. Throughout our history, some have tried and paid a terrible price for it. Many might hate us enough to want to wage war, but don't. Why? They hate us enough, so why? What is it that stops them?

It strikes me that the slogan, "Peace...through superior firepower", suggests that to have peace, one would have enough firepower that anyone wanting to challenge that peace would pay a very high price for the attempt. The whole Cold War and the Arms Race was built on such a theory. We won that Cold War and Arms Race, because we were able to amass such weapons, that the opposition could not keep up, to do attack us, would lead to their certain demise.

Even crime is the same way. Criminals (with perhaps the exception of "crimes of passion" or someone's spontaneous stupidity), at least go through some calculation of the "cost factor" to them before committing their crimes. If there is little chance of getting caught, and if the "cost" isn't deemed too high, then the criminal just may think it "pays". But if the perceived "cost" is too high, then the likelihood of the criminal to commit it is far reduced. "Crime doesn't pay", would come into play. I think the same can be said for, "War with America doesn't pay".

This all leads me to this point. If every legally permissible citizen was to be armed, every would-be criminal would have a whole lot more to worry about, such as losing his/her life, in their pursuit of mis-justice on their fellow man. Therefore, the "Peace through superior firepower", by virtue of not having an unarmed and easy citizenry to prey upon, could provide for less crime and fewer victims. The "cost" could be death to anyone wanting to victimize people. That's a high price for jewelry, TVs, cash, or what ever. MOST crimes are not worth dying for.

This same thought process (of mine anyway) extends to the world and those who would want us dead. And, also goes for those who wish to stand by and let others cause our demise. If the threat isn't the ultimate price, then their calculation may likely be that it "could be" worth it to do us harm, or stand by and permit others to do so.

Fear is powerful. Fear of dying is the most powerful, and that's why the terrorists use it. We don't. But we should. say. Okay, bare with me.....Here's where all this is leading to - As a powerful and wealthy nation, we need to use both hands in our foreign policies.

In one hand ... we offer help (money, manpower, what ever help we can provide) to those who want it, and are willing work beside us while we're doing it.

In that other hand ... FIREPOWER! With NO limit set on what ever it takes to get a job done. You screw with us, or a very close ally, then we should take all measure to inflict as much damage and pain as we can, and in the shortest time possible. We should instill as much destruction and fear as our "power" can deliver. And, this means to all those who stand by and let our enemies attack us, while letting them use their neighborhoods and cities to attack from and hide in.

Who said, "Walk softly and carry a big stick"? (Teddy Roosevelt?) Well, that should be us today. Not to "rule" any other country, but if someone causes us harm ... ALL means of destruction should befall them.

We ARE the mightiest nation on earth (and we should stay that way Obama!). We need to act like it when it comes to such matters. War is hell. War is ugly. War kills people. If we enter into a war upon a nation of people, we need to make it as ugly as possible, and get it over with as soon as possible. Anyone wanting to do us harm, needs to know, with absolute certainty, that it will cost them dearly. So dearly, that survival is NOT likely. So dearly, that those around them would rather try stopping their neighbor from committing such an act against us, than face what hurt would come by standing by and letting it happen.

This goes for our current actions in Iraq and Afghanistan. If a neighborhood is the launching point of an aggressor's attacks on us, they need to know that their neighborhood will cease to exist. They need to know that life, as they have known it, will no longer be the same. THAT, in MY view, would cause those people who might otherwise sit by and let terrorists use their neighborhoods, to rise up and at least point out those terrorists and let us take the fight only to them. Otherwise, those people who let their homes and neighborhoods be used by the bad guys, will pay dearly.

Like him, or not, President Bush was right to say, "You're either for us, or against us" in the war on terror. Standing by, doing nothing, is just what the terrorists want. That, in my view, aids our enemies, if not directly participating.

Harsh? YES. That's war. We bombed whole cities, just to get at the German military machine, in WWII. Now, we are trying to kill our enemies ... surgically. A nice idea. Very civilized. But WRONG! THIS is war and we are being hampered by our unwillingness do get dirty. The fear the terrorists instill in people, is so much more so, than the fear of what we might do. People fear THEM more than us. That needs to change.

Of late, Obama has stated openly, that he wants to reduce our nuclear weapons, and will NOT use them in some circumstances. I think that taking ANY weapon off the table, is a mistake. Our enemies, and anyone who may toy with becoming one, needs to know the commitment will are willing to WIN any war someone causes us to be in.

And politicians beware - YOU need to be ONE LOUD VOICE in the world, saying this - SCREW WITH US, AND YOU PAY...HEAVILY! You want our help, then we'll do all we can. But screw with us....and God help you.

In our neighborhoods, and around the globe - Peace...Through Superior Firepower!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

We should thank Obama?

Obama says we should Thank him, for some tax cuts.

Reeeealy? Let me get this straight. The government, that's Obama and friends (and needs to include every Republican who helped in this mess along the way), have done nothing but SPEND our money since they got into office. They have also promised away MORE of OUR money for years (maybe generations) to come.

But, a little "tax cut", is enough that Mr. Narcissist says we should Thank Him? I think not oh struck-on-yourself-bama.

On the other hand - You have captured the minds of the mentally weak and stupid, to the degree that taking untold THOUSANDS per household in the coming years, then to give back (our money, mind you) a fraction of that as a small tax cut, and we should THANK YOU?

Some will, no doubt. Those same people are also happy to have "the government" give them anything. But, for the government to GIVE anyone ANYTHING, means to take it FROM SOMEONE else! The "government" has NO money. NONE. Nada. Zilch! EVERY dollar the "government" spends and the American Tax Payer's money! ALL OF IT!

And Bill Clinton - May I have a word....dumb-ass..... While the original Tea Party folks WERE protesting "taxation without representation". This new age Tea Party is protesting Taxation, in spite of the public outcry to NOT pass such spending bills, like health care. In spite of the polls (the top 10 were very clearly against the bill that was passed)....which is "the people's" voices... this administration passed the spending bill anyway. They ignored "the people". We may have "representation", but it isn't listening to "the people", and it amounts to the same thing as "taxation, without representation"! Hey....dumb-ass...CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW? It's amounts to the SAME THING!

THE PEOPLE, and even those who don't get it yet, should be heard, and heeded. Until then, the Tea Parties will continue, and their voices will grow stronger. "The people" must be heard.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Fundamentally changing the face of America

Mr. Obama, Fundamentally changing the face of America?

Well, you're doing it! With nearly half of America giving you the ability to to it, you, and your co-conspirators, think America is "fundamentally" wrong, are in deed changing America.

"Fundamentally", according to Webster's ~
Main Entry: 1fun·da·men·tal
Pronunciation: \ˌfən-də-ˈmen-təl\
Function: adjective
Date: 15th century

1 a : serving as an original or generating source : primary b : serving as a basis supporting existence or determining essential structure or function : basic
2 a : of or relating to essential structure, function, or facts : radical ; also : of or dealing with general principles rather than practical application b : adhering to fundamentalism
3 : of, relating to, or produced by the lowest component of a complex vibration
4 : of central importance : principal
5 : belonging to one's innate or ingrained characteristics : deep-rooted
Oshama, and those who follow your lead, I DO NOT WANT America "fundamentally" changed. In fact, I want us to return to the "fundamentals" of our Constitutional design. We have strayed FROM our fundamentals, we don't need to change them.

Unless...YOU think our original design is flawed. Unless...YOU don't like the Constitution. And YOU don't! You DO want to change America's "fundamental" design. YOU don't like America. YOU are "un-American". And that said, then just what are you? All our enemies share your belief, and that is, they too want to see America changed.

And for ANYONE who may read this - it has NOTHING to do with race. It has everything to do with THIS man, wanting to change the very foundation of America. Not to fix some things that may have strayed from that "fundamental" design, but to CHANGE it.

That is CHANGE I want no part of. And I pray (yes, I'll cling to my religion and my guns) that America wakes up and tosses your ass, and those co-conspirators in Washington, out at the next two elections.

Pissed off in Texas!

Friday, April 2, 2010

The Island is Capsizing....the Island is Capsizing!

Just when I was working up being really pissed off, along comes some real humor to make me laugh my butt off. Thanks Georgia! Thanks Congressman Johnson!

If you haven't seen this YouTube video, it is a must-see-TV moment. (By the way, he also brought in "Global Warming"! What next? Global Island tipping?)

Laughter aside, one must consider a few things here.
1. This Congressman, is on the "Armed Services Committee". Does that bother anyone else?
2. This same guy, equated those who voiced opposition to the auto bail-outs, akin to the KKK.
3. He's a "congressman". (How did THAT happen?)
4. He supported Obama-care. (Does Ovomit really want THAT stamp of approval?)
5. He, and those like him in THIS government, will be in control of our health-care, student loan program, auto manufacturing, Wall Street, and what ever else is hidden in that obscene measure.

Is it any surprise, that a bunch of ultra-liberal lawyers (did you know Congressman Johnson is a LAWYER!) drafted this monster? We'll be paying for this mess for a long time to come.
