Notice: Any comments made by me, are my own, and should not be construed to be those of anyone else, or any organization or association.

Friday, April 2, 2010

The Island is Capsizing....the Island is Capsizing!

Just when I was working up being really pissed off, along comes some real humor to make me laugh my butt off. Thanks Georgia! Thanks Congressman Johnson!

If you haven't seen this YouTube video, it is a must-see-TV moment. (By the way, he also brought in "Global Warming"! What next? Global Island tipping?)

Laughter aside, one must consider a few things here.
1. This Congressman, is on the "Armed Services Committee". Does that bother anyone else?
2. This same guy, equated those who voiced opposition to the auto bail-outs, akin to the KKK.
3. He's a "congressman". (How did THAT happen?)
4. He supported Obama-care. (Does Ovomit really want THAT stamp of approval?)
5. He, and those like him in THIS government, will be in control of our health-care, student loan program, auto manufacturing, Wall Street, and what ever else is hidden in that obscene measure.

Is it any surprise, that a bunch of ultra-liberal lawyers (did you know Congressman Johnson is a LAWYER!) drafted this monster? We'll be paying for this mess for a long time to come.


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