Notice: Any comments made by me, are my own, and should not be construed to be those of anyone else, or any organization or association.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Big Brother

In case you haven't read it, or heard about it, there is a new bill introduced by the government, to take control over the Internet, in time of national emergency.

In part, and in essence, here is the jest of it:

The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs has approved a cybersecurity bill, Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act (PCNAA), that would give the president far-reaching authority over the Internet in the case of emergency.

(also included)
As we wrote here, the bill would also see the creation of a new agency within the Department of Homeland Security, the National Center for Cybersecurity and Communications (NCCC). Any private company reliant on "the Internet, the telephone system, or any other component of the U.S. 'information infrastructure'" would be "subject to command" by the NCCC, and some would be required to engage in "information sharing" with the agency, says CBS4.

So, in today's growingly bigger government, WHO decides what is a national emergency Let me point out - Any private company reliant on "the Internet, the telephone system, or any other component of the U.S. 'information infrastructure'" would be "subject to command" by the NCCC, and some would be required to engage in "information sharing" with the agency, says CBS4.

But, IF we, as a nation, decide that we have had enough of BIG GOVERNMENT, and decide to call for a march on Washington, calling for millions to protest, could THAT be construed by some in government, as a "national emergency"? And to stop such a movement, could they then shut down the Internet to stop the nation-wide spread of communication and organization? And what about the "telephone system", or any other component of the U.S. 'information infrastructure'". Does that part of the bill, which states, "subject to command" over private businesses, bother YOU?

One of the major proponents to this bill, is Sen. Joe Lieberman. My question for the Senator, who is Jewish, is this - What IF, Joe was in 1930's Germany, there was today's technology in that day, with the Internet. Would Joe be so quick to give Hitler such sweeping power and authority? And IF they had such technology in 1938, just how many people could have been better prepared, more informed, and how many lives may have been saved in those years that followed?

This is just ONE MORE control mechanism being thrust upon Americans. We are losing what freedoms we have enjoyed as a free nation. BIG BROTHER is already here, so just how much more do we want to surrender to him?

As of this morning, I have called the Senator's office, and wrote him an email. I have also contacted my own Senator on this issue, and ask that you do the same.

1 comment:

  1. starts to smell a tad bit familiar if ya get my drift...start with this then what?
