Notice: Any comments made by me, are my own, and should not be construed to be those of anyone else, or any organization or association.

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Draft

While I'm not talking about the NFL, not to worry, the DRAFT has not been re-enacted.

But this subject came up with a young man I was talking to not long ago. During our discussion, he commented that he didn't like it that he had to register for the draft when he was 18. And, his dad had even told him that if they would re-enact the draft, he (daddy) would encourage this young man, his son, to leave the country. His dad did not believe in the draft, for ANY reason.

WHAT THE F...????

Okay...I'll take a breath here. 1.....2....3... If someone should have a true objection to war, for a legitimate religious reason, then our system allows for such claims and offers alternative forms of service.

But, this man has NO such religious views. In fact, this "man" (I use that term loosely), I dare say, would say such a thing because HE is a coward. I suspect if his family was in danger, he would be the first to turn tail and hide. I know the guy. He is a narcissist who lives off women, letting them take the jobs and bring home the bacon (so to speak). I don't care that his wife just makes more (mine does - thanks Honey!), but this guy has not taken a real job in all the years I've known him. - And he hasn't worked for a living - BY CHOICE!

If someone should choose to object to doing their duty, and stands on some personal principle, then I would EXPECT such a person to stand for their convictions and take what ever the law dished out. Not run from it, but stand for it! Aside from the previously mentioned religious conviction, the rest is just cowardice! And I have NO USE for such cowards.

Such cowards will let others defend them, let others stand in defense of their homes and families. They'll let others risk THEIR lives, while the coward will NOT risk ANYTHING, for ANY ONE. For such cowards, shark feeding time surely comes each day!

Over our history, men and women have given their ALL for the freedoms we ALL enjoy. The military isn't for everyone. But alternate service could be a very good option. But let me say this - To pick and choose what wars one might agree with, opens up a huge problem. Our nation can not defend itself, should such options be available to citizens.

I hope we never need to re-enact the draft. That said, I could see being open to EVERY young man being required to serve, at least for 6 months, to get basic training out of the way, and prepared for any national emergency. Just 6 months, and some training and structured discipline, before young men moved on to college or a chosen career.

Personally, while being very out-of-shape, this 60 year old would love to take the coward camping and hiking for a few days. Better yet, I'd gladly take him to SERVE meals and clean barracks for our men and women IN Iraq! As it is though, this coward SOB will continue to hide behind skirts, and run at the first sign of danger. Too bad the "draft" wasn't retroactive!

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