Notice: Any comments made by me, are my own, and should not be construed to be those of anyone else, or any organization or association.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Wish for those in all Uniforms

With the season of Christmas now upon us, I am writing this post with Peace on Earth, and Good Will Toward Men in mind. No words of any political nature in this message.

To those of us who are Christian, and those who may be on the fence with the whole Jesus thing, I wish you all a Merry Christmas. Those of the Jewish faith, I hope you had a Happy Hanukkah. To all others - I wish you Peace. And I truly mean that.

I must admit that I am not a "religious" man, i.e. that I rarely attend church. I do believe in Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. I believe in God, my Father. I believe in the Birth of Jesus, and in MY heart, Christmas is the celebration of that Holy event. God knows, I am a sinner, and I pray for His forgiveness all the time, as I don't know but what day might be my last and I will have to answer to Him. But, I also believe in a Heaven, and I do believe I shall be there some day.

All that said, I DO wish there to be Peace. But I also know that evil lurks in the land, and Peace may not likely come upon the earth anytime soon. So until then, we still have to rely upon good men and women to step forward and help do what they can to protect us, protect our freedoms, and provide emergency services to us.

In this spirit of Christmas, I am taking this opportunity to say THANKS to all those men and women, who provide emergency services, and are our protectors, at home and abroad.

I speak often of our men and women in uniform, of those in our military, who stand guard, and fight, in the name of freedom. I know what the Christmas season is like for our military. And for those in the harsh areas of a combat environment, it can be specially difficult. To all those folks, my deepest respect, and warmest wishes for your safety and peace of mind. So too, for the families of those men and women.

I want us to also focus on those in our own communities, who put on their uniforms, and take our calls for aid.

Those who carry a gun and wear a badge...and who would confront our home-grown bad guys for us...Thank you. I know too what it's like to be in a patrol car, instead of being at home with your families on a Christmas Eve or Day.

To those who wear the uniform of a firefighter or EMT, and answer the calls for medical help or threat of fire, Thank you too. I've never worn bunker boots and helmet, but have a deep respect for what you do. I know you too would prefer to be home with your families, instead of answering those dangerous calls.

For all of you, I wish you the best that you can have this Christmas. And may your families have you safely home as soon as your shift is over.

Thanks to you all, for ALL you do for us.
Merry Christmas!

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