Notice: Any comments made by me, are my own, and should not be construed to be those of anyone else, or any organization or association.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

An Argument FOR Concealed Carry

Why is the 2nd Amendment important? Among all the important reasons of a free America, and a free citizen, is that of simple self protection.

There are those who are totally against gun ownership by private citizens. And there are those who sorta support the second amendment, but not Concealed Carry. In the minds of some, "let the police do it", would be their response. That last thought it where I'm headed with this.

Just this past week, a woman in our office building was out for her walk over lunch. She walks around the sidewalk that surrounds the building. She walks each day the weather is nice, and at just before noon. On this day, it was a beautiful day, sunny,warm temps, and perfect for walking. There were plenty of people coming and going in and out of the bank building. No one would expect this to involve any danger.

While she was walking, near the underground garage entrance, a man approached her, pandering for money. When she tried to back away, he grabbed her by her arm. Fortunately, she was able to pull away and run to the building for help. At that time, one of the building maintenance men saw what happened and went toward the man. The man then pulled out a box cutter and lunged at him. He was able to dodge the thrust and the man then took off. (It was later learned that after those assault, he tried to assault another woman a block away.)

9-1-1 was immediately called. A second call was made. And the wait began. And more wait, After about 35 minutes .... yes, 35 minutes .... the police arrive. Once they began getting the story, the building security told them that the suspect was ON CAMERA, almost two blocks away, drinking a beer. The police then were able to go grab the guy and haul his ass to jail.

35 minutes. If you're a victim of a violent crime, "3" minutes is alreay way to long. But "35" minutes, is a lifetime. A frustrating and anxious time to "wait for the police". Had that event turned deadly, someone would have bled out and a chalk outline would be there after the body is taken away!

In this case, it was very fortunate that no one was injured. THIS TIME, with THIS CASE, no one was injured. But it very easily could have turned out differently. And no one around, could have stopped it. (Security for the bank, who are armed, can not [and should not] leave their posts inside.)

I am not advocating that every citizen be armed. I AM advocating that ANY citizen, who can legally own and carry a firearm, and who will take the required course to do so, should be permitted to carry. And should be permitted to carry most everywhere, for violent crime happens everywhere.

As I have said and written about before, for all the desire of the police to get to a scene BEFORE a violent incident happens, the fact is that they don't even know it's happened until someone calls it in. That means a VICTIM has already be made and the crime has already happened, at least in part. Waiting for the police to do handle it, is great for the response and investigation, but is almost always too late for the victim.

I want MY opportunity to protect myself and my family. And I don't want anyone to tell me I can't have that right. I totally get the training and background check being required, and the expectation (legally and morally) of being responsible for my own actions. But I should, an in my view, have the right to protect my family and myself. One man with a knife, or 4 men with bats, is defendable against with a good handgun!

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