Notice: Any comments made by me, are my own, and should not be construed to be those of anyone else, or any organization or association.

Monday, December 12, 2011

WHO Do You Believe?

I don't know about anyone else, but I am sick and tired of the lies and deceptiveness from Washington, and Politicians in general. And today, I include major news outlets in the same light.

In national debates for offices; in national news releases from either party and The White House; and even from network pundits ..... WHO do YOU believe?

Does EVERYONE have an agenda? Even the various news media, seems to have their own agendas, and the reporting is slanted in that way.

So, I ask, WHO do YOU believe?
WHAT IS the truth?
And WHY do I doubt everyone so much any more?

I'll take on the last one first. -

The major news outlets, have LET ALL OF US down. THEY have failed us, and continuing to fail us daily. I say this, because THEY DO have their own agendas. And their reporting, is a direct result of that bias on what we will get from them.

Ideally, the real news outlets and reporters, would report THE FACTS, and investigate the sources of such information to confirm the trust worthiness of the information being reported to us.

I want to make up MY OWN MIND, and I can only do that with as honest and as complete of the information as possible. And if it is on-line or in print or electronically provided, I need to know I can TRUST the source of the information. I need to know that what I am being given, is as much of the truth as can be found, and NOT only what some journalist or media outlet wants me to know.

The good, the bad, the ugly...I want to know it all. I want to make up MY OWN MIND, and I want to do it based on the fair and impartial reporting of the facts.

But today, I just don't now WHERE I can get that. I don't trust Washington, Politicians in general, AND the media. They could ALL be trying to sell me a lemon, for all I know.

I challenge ALL media outlets, to wash themselves of ALL agendas, and just report facts. I challenge them to also have REAL discussion panels, that can honestly and impartially discuss the facts and stories from all over the globe, WITHOUT their attempts to side with one side of an issue or another. I challenge them to take a pledge, of telling the truth and all the facts. No more chill up a leg for a candiate, or some favored comments of one candidate over another, or vilifying one and glorifying another.

Newspapers, and all other news agencies, should be OUR watchdogs. Not, the attack dog for any one entity or another. Otherwise, I am left to do what I can to decipher the news and do what I can do come to a reasonable decision on any important matter, on my own.

As it stands, Politicians (of all parties), and news media, dine at the same club. And that club, doesn't seem to include "the people".

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