Notice: Any comments made by me, are my own, and should not be construed to be those of anyone else, or any organization or association.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

MY version of a US Foreign Policy

Iran is said to have made it's first nuclear rod fuel rods. IED's and suicide bombers still causing deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan. In Afghanistan, zealots kill Americans and violently protest the burning of some Korans. Korans by the way, that were properly disposed of, because they were defaced by the inmates in a military prison.

Obama rushed to apologize to the Afghans, and I expect some troops to eventually be thrown under the bus by their Commander and Chief.

*We have a foreign policy of appeasement and apologies, which is to say we don't have one.
*We don't have an energy policy that promotes new exploration, no new refineries, and gas is at an all time high for this time of year.
*Afghan president Karzai has asked for all our troops there, to confine themselves to our main bases, and to stay out of the villages (where our troops have developed relationships with locals), due to a single incident of one of our guys going nuts and killing civilians (and yes, that was a terrible thing).
*We have exhausted our troops, and their families, with multiple deployments.
*Our president has set a get-out-of-Afghanistan date, so the Taliban, and Karzai, are now just holding out for our exit.
*We still give money to countries who either hate us, or aid our enemies through the back door.
*We still have about 9% unemployment, and higher in industrial cities and poorer neighborhoods.
*Obama wants to continue borrowing our way out of the economic mess we're in (has that EVER worked?).
*Our southern border, in spite of the hard work our Border Patrol is trying to do, still leaks like a sieve. (Laredo Nueva is the deadliest city in the world, and it's right across the river!)
*Our own screwed up government conducted a FAILED gun running operation, that so far has been part of the murder of one of our Border Patrol Agents, and has lost track over some 2,000 guns to Mexican dope and gun runners!

Our leadership has FAILED, and it ain't all Obama! Many people in our highest offices and positions, are failing us.

I'm sick of these people and their policies. And with my own brand of audacity, I'll make a few suggestions for whom ever comes into office from this November's elections.

Foreign Aide -
    End ALL foreign aide. ALL countries wanting foreign aide, will have to re-apply, and convince us 
    that they should get ANY. If it does not serve OUR best interest, and does not improve the lives and
    human rights for their citizens, then NO WAY.

United Nations -
   Worthless, toothless, and full of far left leaders, who DO NOT have our best interest in their scope
   at all. End their USA home, and let them move elsewhere. Then get out of the UN!

Military engagements/wars -
   1. Other than an required immediate response to a direct threat to us, or a very close ally, then ALL
       military action on foreign soil (and air space), will ONLY happen with Congressional approval.
   2. In such an event, clear objectives are to be defined, and all manner to be given to achieve it.
   3. In such events, ALL manner of force will be used for the quickest possible defeat of our enemy,
       and NO occupation longer than the action calls for.
   4. Rules Of Engagement will be open to all measures needed to rain hell on the enemy, and any
       places they use to hide, launch attacks, use as shields, and what ever else the Field Commanders
       need to bring the conflict to a quick conclusion. (In WWII, we bombed whole cities, young, old,
       women, children, just to stop the enemy war machine, and bring them to their knees.)
   5. I would make clear to the world, this: The USA does not want to occupy any other nation; the
       USA does not want war in any other country; but if any country causes the USA to engage in war,
       ALL HELL will be brought down on the earth our enemy stands on. NO MERCY on anyone who
       combats us, or aides those who do. George Bush had it right, in that you're either for us, or you're
       against us. I'd only add that you don't have to be for us, as long as you're not participating in some
       way against us. Leave us, and our close allies, alone, and we'll leave you alone. If other 3rd world
       countries want to kill each other, then it's not our concern. If it's genocide, then the world can
       petition the UN to do something about it!

      WAR IS HELL .... not a surgical operations with pain killers and sterile surroundings! And HELL
      is what any potential enemy needs to be sure of coming with us!

Border -
    1. All Troops on foreign nation bases to be evaluated for placement in strategic locations to protect
        America, protect our allies, and sufficient enough to conduct multi-front battle grounds if needed.
    2. Other troops, will be used at new base camps along various border areas of the USA. These
        troops will have clear ROE and means to protect our border from illegal crossings and assaults by
        terrorists and narco terrorists.
             A. Border fences to be placed along all border areas when humans could cross.
             B. A 100 yard NO MAN'S LAND to be cleared  along the US side of the fence.
             C. Clearly marked in the "neighboring" language and English, the warning of the KILL
                 ZONES for illegal border crossings are considered assaults on our national sovereignty. If
                 anyone crosses such areas, then we must assume they intend to do us harm. (WHO does not
                 understand a fence, and Ports Of Entry?)
             D. A clear ROE will apply. This WILL NOT be law enforcement action, as this WILL BE
                  national security and defense. (And if Mexico doesn't like it - TUFF SHIT!)
    3. Border Agents and ICE will conduct ALL law enforcement responsibilities on those entering
        Posts of Entry, as well as take charge of immigration enforcement on those businesses who might
        be using illegals to work.  (Illegal includes those with expired visas.)
    4. Border "Protection", will be a Military function!
    5. All force needed to stop insurgencies and illegal crossings, shall be employed.... From non-lethal,
        to scorched earth beneath their feet!

Economy -
    1. The federal government WILL NOT take on any function that competes with private business,
        nor run any private business.
    2. The government will remove or suspend ALL impediments for businesses to conduct business. 
        Short of REAL issues of public and employee health issues, as well as real fraud issues, the
        government needs to stay out of private business.
    3. The Fed would be abolished.
    4. Some tax money could be used as incentives to increase the number of employees. Better to take
        the amount we use for "unemployment", and pay companies with incentives to "employ" people.
    5. Unless a LAW is broken, stop threatening businesses for this or that.
    6. While all reasonable measure should be taken to protect wild-life, and potential extinction of
        animals, PEOPLE come first. (BTW - We weren't here, when the giants of the earth, dinosaurs,
        died off!)
    7. A system of cash awards to companies who design and PROVE new viable innovations in
        technologies, i.e.  new battery technology, alternative energy uses, etc., shall be explored for
        validity and implementation. The cash awards should only be commensurate with the expected
        financial gains such innovation would bring in a certain number of years. Incentives will be the
        goal! Even prize money for individual citizen ideas to advance the well being and advancements
        of America.

Taxes -
   1. EVERY ONE who works, pays taxes of some kind.
   2. Some level of a "national sales tax" should be implemented, so EVERYONE pays in.
   2. The tax books and regs, get tossed out, and the IRS would be reduced to only that needed to
       actual collection of those limited taxes levied.
   3. A smooth transition to the Fair Tax would begin.
LINE ITEM VETO - Shall be the rule! I feel this would go a long way to reducing "pork" that gets added on to bills, just because a bill might have merit and would likely pass, adding crap on to them is BS!

Term Limits
   I've resisted them in the past, but with less than half the citizens taking part in the voting, I'd be in
   favor of them. It works for the office of president!

In all cases, the Constitution and Bill of Rights shall be our guide, and the 10th amendment shall be followed. The federal government would be reduced to only those areas of TRUE federal authority, and that which the states request as federal assistance (within the law).

In all other cases, state and local government shall impose those rules, laws, and taxes, as approved and voted on by each state's citizens.

Pretty arrogant, I know. But it's my way of thinking, so there ya go!