Notice: Any comments made by me, are my own, and should not be construed to be those of anyone else, or any organization or association.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Don't leave your horse in the barn

Generally speaking, people are okay and unchallenged by just living the life the government lets them live. And as long as any government intrusion happens to "the other guy", then people will sit quietly by, feeling smug in that they don't have anything to worry about. But, they DON'T like people to stand up in the public square (read - any public venue) and protest the government or the leaders, and to point out, sometimes loudly, what is going on around us. Nope. That makes many feel uncomfortable. Oh yes, they'll protest in the confines of their homes and among the few they are comfortable talking to, but to write a public piece, or be vocal in public? Nope.
Some 237 years ago, I expect there were those who also felt uncomfortable when some would speak out in the public square about King George. There were those who sided with the British, and would not go along with any uprising against the King. But those who were vocal about freedom, did so at their own risk. Great risk in fact.
Samuel Adams and John Hancock had to go into hiding, because of their written and spoken protests. Patrick Henry, in a publicly defiant voice, pronounced, "Give me liberty, or give me death!" You don't think that British spies didn't take note of that speech in Richmond Virginia! Those early Patriots KNEW they were putting themselves and their families at risk. William Dawes (a shoe maker), the other "rider" like Paul Revere, was caught and arrested before his "ride" really got going. And Paul Revere took great risk of death in his "ride" to warn of the advancing British soldiers (who were headed to impound the Patriot's weapons stores). Both threw off the personal risks, and saddled up anyway. Freedom was THAT important.
Aside from our soldiers fighting our wars abroad, I can't help but wonder, "Who would dare put their personal freedom, their very lives, on the line for the cause of freedom and against government tyranny?" I fear the number of citizens who would, are dwindling.
I can't say with certainty that I'd give up my life for liberty. One can't say for certain, until faced with such a test. I will say that in my heart of hearts, I hope I would be so courageous to do so. But until that test comes, I WILL be vocal. I WILL write my protests. I WILL do so in public. I WILL NOT hide when speaking against injustice and the growing tyranny I see rising from our government. And if I make you "uncomfortable"? Well, I guess you can close your window, shut me out, close your ears, and block my words. But I WILL NOT sit quietly by, while America and our constitution crumble around me. I WILL NOT see signs of trouble, and not speak up in warning. No sir, I WILL NOT leave my horse in the barn. Will you?

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