Notice: Any comments made by me, are my own, and should not be construed to be those of anyone else, or any organization or association.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

World-wide Challenge

France to close 20 embassies, because of French cartoonist depiction of Mohammad.
Protesters still burn flags because of an American film maker.
A few years back, some cartoonist from a Scandinavian country had another Mohammad cartoon that was unflattering.
Korans burned and/or pissed on.
....and these extremists just go batty as hell!

I have an idea .... No, a CHALLENGE to the world!

Every country with any free thinking cartoonists or film makers - Post some comical depiction of Mohammad, and put it in the public arena. If the radical Islamists get upset over one film, and attack one or two country's embassies, what would they do to 20 countries? Or 30 countries? Not to demean in a nasty way, but in a sarcastic way that depicts Islamists and their Prophet Mohammad as being too easy to get their feelings hurt by such silliness. Not meant to offend them, as much a make fun of them. As sad as the death and destruction is, those people are nuts to react in such a way. And it is all an attempt to intimidate the rest of the world, from OFFENDING them and their religion.

Just a thought. Otherwise, they, the extremists, will just continue to try to intimidate FREE thinkers and alternate views of religion. If the free world wants to find themselves under Sharia law, then continue to cower to such intimidation!

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