Notice: Any comments made by me, are my own, and should not be construed to be those of anyone else, or any organization or association.

Monday, October 8, 2012

The American way - Not Government way

We ALL want the jobs numbers to grow. And, which ever party is in power will claim credit for any such growth, and blame the past actions if they go down. That's politics.

But lets keep in mind something. Americans just don't quit, stop doing what they do, or just give up. The entrepreneur will find a way. To make my point, I'll use a fictional American business (albeit a very realistic business scenario) as an example.

Joe Smith is in the business of building high end furniture. His talents and craftsmanship have shined for many years. Using solid wood, beautiful satin and gloss finishes hand-rubbed on every piece he makes, have been the hallmark of Joe's work and name. Joe also has twelve other people working for him, and helping to put out quality furniture to their customers.

When the economy took a dive, Joe's business did too. Potential customers had to cut back on so-called luxury items. Joe builds great furniture, but isn't cheap. So sales suffered. With that, Joe had to cut back on employees. Joe and his wife worked extra hours to fill in. Sales still suffered. Joe took another disheartening move, and cut a couple more employees.

Joe and his wife struggled to compete for any extra dollars people were willing to part with. So, very reluctantly, Joe changed his business model, and started using less expensive materials. Soon, Joe, his wife, and the remaining six employees were regaining some business. At first glance, the furniture looked great. But it wasn't the best Joe could make. It wasn't the heirloom quality it used to be. But it was paying the bills.

Before long, Joe was able to re-hire three of his people to help make his products and get them out to dealers. While not out of the woods, Joe and his wife were relieved to at least be showing a little profit for a change. This was the first time in 3 years they could say that. They had refinanced their home, cashed in their personal retirement accounts, and heavily dipped into their savings, just to keep their doors open.

One afternoon, a prominent politician stopped by Joe's small factory. The politician had heard that Joe was able to re-hire some people, and Joe's business was showing a profit again. The politician jumped on that "growth", exclaiming the success of his governing as the reason for the job growth at Joe's business!

What did government do to help Joe re-hire a few employees? How did the government help Joe show a profit?

Even though Joe's company showed a slight profit, and was able to re-hired a few people, the government didn't have ANYTHING to do it! And Joe is still 3 people short of where he was 3 years ago. His profits are still not where they were 3 years ago either.  And his furniture, is no longer a "premium" product it used to be.

Joe adapted and found a way to over-come the economic hit. Joe and his wife did it. Joe and his wife worked longer hours, cut back on their own wants, cut employees, just to keep the business open. THEY BUILT IT! No where, did the government help them in any way. And, no where, did any street worker, garbage collector, toll both operator (while important jobs, they are all tax payer employees), go in to Joe's shop to work late nights and weekends, or do any of the things Joe and his wife did, and did without, to keep the doors open.

While we debate who we want to be the President the next four years, it is the "individual" who finds the ways to persevere, over-come, and succeed in face of great odds and hurtles. And Americans, in my view, have been doing that for many decades, and have not stood still and let such obstacles stand in the way for very long. THAT isn't the government. That's the AMERICAN way!

It is MY belief, that Obama thinks that is the GOVERNMENT way, while Romney knows it's the AMERICAN way.

Vote Romney/Ryan Nov. 6th, 2012!

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