Notice: Any comments made by me, are my own, and should not be construed to be those of anyone else, or any organization or association.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Obama DID Leave a Man (Men) Behind!

Sub-Titled: LIES and DAMN LIES!

Attention President Obama ... and you too Hillary Clinton:
Heed THIS -

U.S. Soldier's Creed

I am an American Soldier.
I am a Warrior and a member of a team.
I serve the people of the United States, and live the Army Values.
I will always place the mission first.
I will never accept defeat.
I will never quit.
I will never leave a fallen comrade.
I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills.
I always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself.
I am an expert and I am a professional.
I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy, the enemies of the United States of America in close combat.
I am a guardian of freedom and the American way of life.
I am an American Soldier.

So, we are now seeing copies in the news of actual emails that have been obtained, that clearly show the Benghazi attack was most likely committed by terrorists, and NOT from out-of-control protesters. Emails that also show growing concerns about the security at the Consulate, but those concerns, even requests for added security, fell on deaf ears. There were NO Protests going on outside the Benghazi Consulate compound, leading up to the assault. And The White House knew it, the State Department knew it!

Yet, for days, the Administration spokespeople kept repeating the narrative that the violence was due to a US citizen's YouTube anti-Muslim video. OUR People DIED! Then Obama LIED! And Clinton LIED! 

And to me, sad as all that is, sadder to me still is the FACT that Ambassador Stevens, and the three men who tried to help protect him, DIED at the hands of a terrorist attackers, and then LEFT behind. They were NOT rescued, and not even an attempt to rescue them by anyone outside those very few security assets in Libya. No order was given for various available Military and SpecOps assets to go in. NONE. Amb. Stevens, computer expert Sean Smith, security contractors Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, died, and along with a very fee other security assets, were LEFT to fend for themselves.

Evidence now is clear, that all the warnings were there beforehand, that additional security should have been in place, but those requests were denied, and even some of those who HAD been there, were pulled from the area a month prior!

Add to that, that Steven's body (some reports say he was still alive at the time) was recovered by LOOTERS who swept in after the attack, and recovered Stevens. Stevens was NOT recovered by US Security assets! Because no others were sent in! Does this bother ANY Obama voter????? NO SpecOps called in to rescue any of them, and THAT doesn't bother Obama supporters?????

Obama has NEVER lived by the Soldier's Creed, and as Commander and Chief, he should Obama obviously doesn't care about that, and as the narcissist that he is, he will NEVER care more about anyone else, above himself.

FACT is ...
On Sept. 11th - At about 9:40 pm (Libya time / 3:40 pm DC time), OUR US Consulate was attacked, resulting in the deaths of two of the four US personnel that day.

Upon hearing the gunfire, telephone calls were made to the embassy in Tripoli, and officials in Washington, that the Consulate was under attack.

The compound gets over-run, and resulted in Amb. Stevens being trapped in a "safe room" (it wasn't), and goes down while the building was burned and smoke filled the safe room.

A small Reaction Force arrived from another compound a mile away, attempted to rescue Stevens and Smith. Smith was found, dead, and removed from the consulate under heavy gun-fire.

Amb Stevens was NOT found amid gun-fire and heavy smoke. Amb. Stevens at that time, MISSING!

The security team members then escaped, with Smith's body, to the other compound, which also came under attack.

At about 4 am (9/12 Libya) (9/11 at 10 pm DC time), two other members, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, were killed in directed mortar attacks on that compound.

A drone was in the air, and observed and videoed real-time action that was seen by The White House. So The White House knew! For some 7 hours or more, the Administration KNEW of the attacks, and NEVER ordered SpecOps to go it and rescue OUR people!

Later in the day, Secretary Clinton announces the attack and that it was likely a result of a protest over the video.

Sep. 12th - Obama, via Joint Chiefs of Staff, ask a Florida Pastor to disavow the video.
Report given to The White House/Secretary of State, that a Face book entry by a Libyan Islamist group liked to al Qeada, claimed responsibility.

The CIA station chief in Libya reports to Washington within 24 hours of the attack that there was evidence it was carried out by militants, not a spontaneous mob upset about the anti-Islam video.

Sep. 12th, Obama goes to Las Vegas for a campaign speech and fund raiser. Less than 24 hours after
Obama then heads to Las Vegas for a rally and fund raiser!

I found this time-line on the web:

- 9/11/2012: Islamists attack U.S. consulate in Libya
- 9/11/2012: Obama knows Al-Qaeda behind Libya attack within 24 hours
- 9/11/2012: Hillary Clinton blames video
- 9/12/2012: Obama does NOT call Benghazi an “Act of Terror” in Speech from Rose Garden
- 9/12/2012: Obama via Joint Chiefs of Staff asks Florida pastor to disavow Mohammed film
- 9/12/2012: Report: Libyan Islamist group linked to attack on U.S. consulate
- 9/12/2012: Obama gives interview to CBS ’60 Minutes’ and (verbally) attacks Romney
- 9/12/2012: Obama heads to Las Vegas to campaign
- 9/12/2012: Top White House official blasts “truly abhorrent” Mohammed video
- 9/12/2012: Report: Obama skipped intel briefings week before embassy attacks
- 9/13/2012: Obama administration asks Google/YouTube to remove Mohammed video
- 9/13/2012: Hillary Clinton: Mohammed movie “disgusting and reprehensible”
- 9/13/2012: Allen West: This has nothing to do with a video
- 9/14/2012: Obama talks ‘crunches’ with olympians while US embassies are being overrun
- 9/14/2012: Obama gives interview to entertainment magazine and poses for a photo spread
- 9/14/2012: Obama campaign tweeted about Jay-Z & Beyonce more than Libya consulate attack
- 9/15/2012: Al-Qaeda: Libya consulate attack was revenge for recent drone killing of their number two
- 9/15/2012: Obama: We reject denigration of any religion…including Islam (Obvious reference to the video)
- 9/15/2012: Man behind Mohammed video is detained by police (Later arrested)
- 9/16/2012: Libyan President: Attack was preplanned, not spontaneous
- 9/16/2012: Amb. Susan Rice to CBS, FNC, ABC: Libya attack was spontaneous reaction to video
- 9/18/2012: Obama parties in New York with Jay-Z and Beyonce; attacks Romney
- 9/18/2012: Obama to Letterman: Libya consulate attack is not an act of war. It’s about a video.
- 9/20/2012: Obama runs apology TV ad in Pakistan blaming YouTube video (What the hell was this!!!!)
- 9/25/2012: Obama goes to the ‘The View’ instead of meeting foreign leaders in NY (Obama: I’m eye candy)
- 9/26/2012: Libyan president insists: YouTube video NOT cause of Libya attack – it was terrorism

Shell games! All shell games, to keep US Voter's eyes OFF the real issues!

“....... We were not aware of any actionable intelligence indicating that an attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi was planned or imminent. ......”
— Carney, news briefing, Sept. 14

“Based on the best information we have to date ... it began spontaneously in Benghazi as a reaction to what had transpired some hours earlier in Cairo, where, of course, as you know, there was a violent protest outside of our embassy sparked by this hateful video. But soon after that spontaneous protest began outside of our consulate in Benghazi, we believe that it looks like extremist elements, individuals, joined in that effort with heavy weapons of the sort that are, unfortunately, readily now available in Libya post-revolution. And that it spun from there into something much, much more violent.... We do not have information at present that leads us to conclude that this was premeditated or preplanned.
— Susan E. Rice, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” (Sept. 16)

“Well, we're still doing an investigation, and there are going to be different circumstances in different countries. And so I don’t want to speak to something until we have all the information. What we do know is that the natural protests that arose because of the outrage over the video were used as an excuse by extremists to see if they can also directly harm U.S. interests.”
— President Obama, Univision Town Hall, Sept. 20

(Obama said, "And so I don’t want to speak to something until we have all the information." Yet, from day-one, he and The Administration spokespersons spoke a LOT about the friggin video! Talk about shooting before aiming!)

“That is what we saw play out in the last two weeks, as a crude and disgusting video sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world. Now, I have made it clear that the United States government had nothing to do with this video, and I believe its message must be rejected by all who respect our common humanity.”
— Obama, speech to the U.N. General Assembly, Sept. 25

Still this ASS-HOLE suggests to the world, that the video was at fault!

NO - ASS-HOLE - It's not a sexy dress that causes rapes, it's the rapists! Same goes for Islamists who MURDER for what ever friggin reason. QUIT blaming anything other than Islamist for such acts of murder! Call them for what THEY ARE!

All my rant, is because THIS President, has totally neglected the real safety of America and Americans, for political and Muslim appeasement reasons. And in the case of our four in Benghazi, HE and HIS administration failed to adequately protect our Embassy staff in Benghazi, but they LEFT THEM BEHIND!

From my perspective, I can NOT see why ANY Veteran or actively serving Military, could ever vote for this piss-poor example of a Commander and Chief!


PS. General Colin Powell: You are again supporting Obama, while Obama has shown he WILL leave men behind. THAT is NOT Commander and Chief like at all. You Sir, are a disappointment.

PPS. "Leading from behind", means Obama does NOT lead internationally, and nationally, will NEVER put his own ass on the line!

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