Notice: Any comments made by me, are my own, and should not be construed to be those of anyone else, or any organization or association.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Patriots, or Hate Groups?

I am a self-professed "Patriot", as well as a "conservative", a "Christian", a "Vietnam Veteran", a Caucasian male ("white" man), supporter of "capitalism", a Tea Party member, a believer and supporter of the foundation of the 2nd amendment, am a Life Member of the NRA, and I am an absolute believer that we need to be following the "constitution".

I am against much of what President Obama stands for, and believe he wants our nation to mirror a Socialist/Marxist society, and I am vocal in my opinions of Obama, the left, and other people/things I see as anti-American.

There are some, who would suggest people like me are liken to some "hate group". Or maybe, I'd could be labeled as "anti-government", and therefore should be watched, because they (the left, or some in government) think I could be a "domestic terrorist" threat. Others would have me branded as part of the growing "militia" groups (to say, paramilitary anti-government types).

Well, I don't believe I am any of those feared sort. To start with, I am NOT "anti-government". What I am, is pro-limited-government. I believe that the powers of the government, are spelled out in the constitution, and all powers not granted to the federal government, either rest with the states, or with "the people". Government, limited as it should be in "power", IS essential for maintaining a strong defense, and providing essential services the states alone can not do.

I do NOT belong to any militia. But I stand at the ready to join other "Patriots", should a rapid need arise for armed citizens to come to the defense of our nation, or even our local neighborhood. Such citizens did group together, armed, during Katrina. I also know of some who guarded, with arms, their neighborhoods during the Texas wildfires a few years back. (I have personal knowledge of such, and they turned back likely looters.)

I believe our Constitution and Bill of Rights lay out the framework for living together, and the rules we live by, come from the foundation of those documents. I also take Obama at his word, when he says he wants to "fundamentally change America", and I will NOT stand silent while any such person attempts to do that. If anything, it is the "fundamentals" we need to more closely adhere to!

I also support the 2nd Amendment, and fully believe that article in our Bill of Rights was written NOT for hunting, or even personal protection, so much as it was to help deter any government from trying to "rule" us again. Yes, that means the taking up of arms against such a government. And I stand ready to do just that. I do not wish for such an event, and pray we don't have that happen. But we should forever stand vigilant to protect against such a thing. While many think that could never happen in America, we are NOT immune to such a thing. All we have to do, is stand by and not restrain powerful people, and we will end up with those who want to rule us.

That also leads me to the so-called "assault weapons", and the extended magazine bans some want to levy against us. I am AGAINST such measures. We already have plenty of gun laws to follow, but many of those are NOT being enforced! It has been proven, that most all gun purchase applicants who fail the background check, are NOT prosecuted for lying on their applications. And I KNOW of cases where violators do NOT get the minimum sentences they should have gotten, and serve far less than the time they should have, for a firearms related crime. While some states have "5 year minimums" for just the gun crimes, that were to be added to their primary crime, those sentences are not seen near as often as they should be. Otherwise, I stand on the concept that IF "we, the people" should have to take up arms to protect our country from a tyrannical take-over, limiting us any further on choice of weapons and attachments/accessories, would only hinder us in matching the force of our enemies.

While I am a Life Member of the NRA, to anyone suggesting the NRA, and the membership, want unlimited guns on the streets, knows NOTHING about the NRA, or me! The NRA has been one of the strongest supporters of heavy sentences for people who use firearms in the commission of felonies.

The NRA has helped obtain congressional funding for state programs, like Project Exile in Virginia, to more fully prosecute gun offenders. (as an example - ) Add to that, NRA's long standing support of Law Enforcement, LE training and competitions and Armorer programs, and the NRA has a long proven record of being PRO-law enforcement. In fact, I am a NRA member with many years of prior law enforcement experience, as are many of my friends!

I love my country. I still keep my Flag out every day, always stand in respect of its passing, and at the singing of our National Anthem. I own several firearms, some of which could fall into some description by some, as "assault weapons". I blog, write my representatives, and am open in disagreeing with my government. Those are my RIGHTS, and in no way should the exercise of my RIGHTS label me as some type of threat to a lawful and constitutional government. I also am NOT a racist, and don't care one tiny bit what Obama's skin color is, nor anyone else's for that matter. I DO judge a man (or woman) by their deeds, and NOT by their color (any color).

But I AM a threat. I AM a threat to any intrusion upon my RIGHTS, or the rights of my neighbors, by any government or groups of people. That does not make me an anarchist or anti-government, or part of a some hate group. That, makes me a Patriot!

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