Notice: Any comments made by me, are my own, and should not be construed to be those of anyone else, or any organization or association.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Free speech..unless you don't agree

I find it humorous, that a liberal I know, has been heard saying that he wants FOX News taken off the air. There are those in Washington who also want that.

Don't like FOX News? Don't watch it! Oh ... I see, you don't like what they say and report? And you don't want people listening to them? So, because the that, and the size of their audience, you want them off the air.

It would seem to me, that part of that 1st amendment would also involve MY freedom to listen and read what I want. If that is true, then you want to restrict MY 1st amendment right. I think that is "censorship", isn't it?

I bet you are also upset that programs, such as the past radio program Air America (BTW - I never complained about that being on, and never called for it to be taken off the air.), got dropped from the radio airways. Gee ... could it be that their ratings ...the number of people who listened ... couldn't support the cost to produce and air such programs?  Guess what people, that's the way it works in TV and Radio. If their isn't enough people watching or listening, their isn't enough rating points to support advertiser buys, and THAT is what pays for the airtime.

This liberal I know wants FOX News off the air. He wants ONLY those news outlets HE deems worthy of watching. Excuse me dickhead, but I think I'll make up my own mind. No censorship for me thanks. For those in Washington who want that same thing - IT'S ABOUT THE CONSTITUTION, and MY RIGHTS. (And they wonder why the Tea Party growing.)

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