Notice: Any comments made by me, are my own, and should not be construed to be those of anyone else, or any organization or association.

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Drug Violence at the Border

I'm just pissed off. And it isn't just about the Drug Violence south of the border, and that which is growing within our own border. (see past post from Wed., March 31, 2010)

What just pisses me off to no end, is this -
The Headlines should read, "Americans continued taste for cocaine and other illegal drugs, is paying for death and destruction."

We can read on any given day, the death of government officials, Mexican Police Officers, Mexican Military figures, Mexican Mayors, and such. We can read about the Americans, killed in ambushes on the roads, or even on a border lake. Most recently, a woman was murdered. She and her husband have been building churches and such in Mexico for nearly 30 years. They killed her for their truck. A truck they no doubt wanted to rig up to haul dope TO AMERICA!

I know ... I know ... "Just Say No" was just too laughable to many. But, the focus was not laughable. It was to have been, to get people to not only "just say no" to the dope themselves, but for ALL OF US to say NO to those who use! Friends, family, associates ... anyone we know in every day relationships of all kinds, where we either stand by while they use, or partake "a little" themselves ... ARE GUILTY of feeding the money grab by Mexican Drug Cartels.

FOLLOW THE MONEY (yes, I'm yelling!). About 80% of the dope from Mexico, is for the American drug habit. How shameful. The war south of the border is for MONEY. DRUG MONEY. And every ass-hole in America who buys, uses, sells the dope, contributes to the death and destruction in Mexico, and in America.

I know we can't expect everyone to turn in their friends and family. But we DO have influence on them. If nothing else, DO NOT stand by and be an enabler for their use and abuse. If they WILL NOT help themselves, then tough love them out of your life. Shun them. Point the finger of shame at them. Speak loudly to them, that what they are doing is wrong. And it ain't right at any Hollywood party, or poker game, or outside the some college dorm. It's wrong, and we need to openly and LOUDLY say it is. We need to quit condoning it, by our lack of shouting it down.

Lets also not forget, to use such drugs, is a FELONY. And, they CHOOSE to commit a felony to start with. (Who, besides career criminals, CHOOSE to commit felonies?) That first hit, snort, shot of what ever, is a CHOICE someone makes to commit a felony. That FIRST time, they CHOOSE. Sadly, I think we, as a nation, have let that slide and lost the focus on what that CHOICE really is. IT'S A STINKIN' FELONY!

Personally, I would fine the crap out of every one caught using. Sell, and go to jail. Sell again, and STAY in prison. It isn't JUST about the drugs, it's about contributing to terrorists, the drug cartels, and the murder they commit. Narco-terrorism is REAL. We now prosecute, understandably so, anyone contributing to International Terrorists, such as al-Qa'ida, will get one arrested and tried. Why shouldn't contributing to Drug Cartels, Narco-terrorists, draw the same consequences?

Finally, if it really IS a war on drugs, then it should be a WAR. If Mexico can't rid the ass-hole cartels out of Mexico, then if it were up to me, I'd activate Delta and every other Special Black Ops team, to hunt them down and kill them. They have become every bit an enemy to the USA, as any other terrorist organization.

Yep ... I'm pissed. And all I can do is write!

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