Ever know someone, who would always take advantage of any situation, as long is it didn't require any risk to them?
Risks, may be in many forms. There are some risks to most all endeavors of value. Risk to the extreme, as in one's very life, in times of war or other forms of deadly confrontation; Risk to one's reputation; Risk of losing money in an investment; Risk of losing personal growth if you choose a wrong career path; etc. Risks are everywhere. Risk taking, is in all of us, to one degree or another.
But there are those, who will cautiously weave through life, working to have others assume the risks, while looking to benefit from it in some way. You know the kind, the guy who slips in at the last minute to collect accolades for work the group did. Or, the guy who will put someone else out in front, and never take point himself. Yeah, I sure know the kind.
Politicians - yeah, you know I'd get here - take risks all the time. They risk pissing off the wrong group, by taking a position on one matter or another. But, "politicians" calculate those "risks", by trying to weigh the better side (not the same as the "right" side) to be on, so they can count on the votes ... and the MONEY ... for their RE-election. They risk a little for personal gain, NOT for what is best for us. Principles and values are slogan words, but don't expect them to risk much to uphold them!
With some of those risks, compromise comes in to play. Risk something, to gain something else. It's the way that game is played. However, other than not getting re-elected, the real risk is most often to the citizens. It's our money, and even our freedoms, that get put to risk. Yep, WE are the one who's usually end up absorbing those risks, when they fail.
Then there are those who we task to take risks in our behalf. We hire Police Officers, to risk their lives, to protect us, to protect our streets. We hire Fire Fighters, to risk their lives to protect our property, and lives. And we hire Warriors, to go directly into the deadly areas of the world, to go face-on and confront those who would take our freedoms and our very lives.
Those we hire to protect us and our freedoms, expect something in return. They expect to be backed up by good regulations and proper rules of conduct, to be properly equipped and trained, to be properly supported for their professional and personal work related needs. And they expect us to "be there" when they need us to back them up, and provide all required support to help them complete missions, and still get home to their families. We owe them that. Our commanders owe them that. The Commander in Chief, the President, OWES them that.
From all information available today, those four US Citizens at the Libyan Consulate in Benghazi, expected their "government", their Commander in Chief, and all those tasked with such duties, to honor their parts of that risk, and THEY FAILED.
Obama, either directly, or indirectly through subordinates, FAILED those people, OUR people, and denied the proper equipment, security, manpower, to effectively project themselves. THEY FAILED to address the obvious dangers. THEY FAILED, in the most critical time of dire need and danger, to provide BACK-UP. THEY FAILED, and now THEY LIE about it! They hide behind closed doors, closed files, restricted memos and emails, videos, and the command structure of the military that requires the Generals and Admirals to not speak against the President. The people who know the most, CAN NOT SPEAK, because of the rules the President is using to hide behind.
You see, Obama is a very calculating man. Obama does not take risks that be can avoided at ALL costs. Risks, he would see to his "standing" in the middle eastern world; Risk of looking bad, if things go wrong; Risk of losing the election! Risks to himself, are more important to protect, than risks to others.
Our people in Benghazi, assumed ALL the risk, and Obama insulated himself from all risk. And that will only change in two ways. Vote this POS out of office, and/or GOOD men and/or women need to stand up and risk their careers, by speaking up and telling the truth. But honestly, I don't see very many of them doing that. They have "careers". Well, so did those four men in Benghazi! I saw where even Ret. Gen. Powell, sold out and is backing Obama again! I guess he doesn't want to "risk" losing any black support for any future endeavor he may have. Backing that coward, goes against everything military I can think of!
Some people will always be willing to RISK what you have, while never risking what they have. Never trust anyone, would will put their self interest, ahead of their self sacrifice! Such a person is expecting YOU to take all the risks.
It's a good thing, to be proud of your heritage. But if one is a Citizen of the United States of America, then before all other things, be an American 1st!
Notice: Any comments made by me, are my own, and should not be construed to be those of anyone else, or any organization or association.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Try to imagine, as we can only do, the position those men in Benghazi were in. Those men knew, weeks and months in advance, that the dangers were growing in Benghazi. The emails and other communications had been sent back to Washington, requesting additional security. But those requests fell on deaf ears. In fact, as we have learned, the requests were not only denied, but the last of the security detail "teams" were recalled from the area the month prior.
The Libyan Consulate in Benghazi, was left with a skeleton of what was believed to be needed for security. And on Sep. 11th, that minimal of security proved to be tragically insufficient. Ambassador Stevens, and IT specialist Sean Smith, were killed when the compound was over-run by well armed extremists.
From an annex about a mile away, two former Navy Seals, in spite of "stand down" orders, went to the compound in an attempt to rescue the Ambassador and others. Smith was found, already dead, and Stevens was not found. (Stevens was later found by looters!) Other people from the compound were also recovered, and amid automatic weapons fire, they withdrew from the compound and returned to the annex.
During the next 6-7 hours, the annex was also attacked by automatic weapons fire, RPG attacks, and mortar attacks. The former Seals attempted to "paint the target" of the mortar positions, with a laser targeting device, while making repeated requests for assistance.
The former Seals likely painted the targets, because they felt help would be coming, and some air support would fire upon the mortar positions. But that help did not come. And, those two former Seals lost their lives to the very mortar fire they were tried to get suppressed.
Three times during that prolonged firefight, we have learned, communications were made to Washington, asking for help. Three times, those requests were denied, either out-right, or by the lack of any response. From my own perspective, I can only imagine those guys "believing" they would not be left to die. That help would surely be coming. And that "Leaving no man behind", would surely prevail.
But no help was sent. No help would be forthcoming. They were left to their own defenses. And in the face of the numbers of attackers and weapons, they were left to die. Even those Libyan security forces from Tripoli, would be far too late.
Those who died in Benghazi, were betrayed. They were betrayed in the weeks and months prior, by the reduction of security, when more security has been requested. They were betrayed on night of 9/11/12, when their bosses, their Commander and Chief, failed to provide back-up. And they were betrayed, by a government who was more concerned about their appearances to the region, than doing what was right for our own people.
Obama, after knowing that four men died, to include one of our Ambassadors, went on to campaign in Las Vegas, smiling and making jokes about Romney, and acting at though nothing happened. THAT was perhaps the biggest betrayal of all. Obama, as Command and Chief, couldn't wait until the bodies our our lost were returned home, which happened on 9/14. Obama couldn't even stay in The White House, and work with all our assets to get to the bottom of who killed our people, and what we could do next. Obama - left his post - to campaign for re-election.
I can ONLY imagine, trying to keep attackers at bay, sending out requests for help, and in the end, realizing that no help was coming. They died, while being betrayed by their own nation.
For retired General Colin Powell, or anyone else, to support this POS, I will never understand. There is so very much more at stake here, than free birth control, gay marriage, and empty hopes of better times. Sadly, far too many are wearing blinders to the real threats to our nation, and will vote for this POS anyway.
Between sadness and anger, I can't say which is more unsettling.
To ALL who serve us in dangerous lands the world over, you have my Thanks and Prayers.
The Libyan Consulate in Benghazi, was left with a skeleton of what was believed to be needed for security. And on Sep. 11th, that minimal of security proved to be tragically insufficient. Ambassador Stevens, and IT specialist Sean Smith, were killed when the compound was over-run by well armed extremists.
From an annex about a mile away, two former Navy Seals, in spite of "stand down" orders, went to the compound in an attempt to rescue the Ambassador and others. Smith was found, already dead, and Stevens was not found. (Stevens was later found by looters!) Other people from the compound were also recovered, and amid automatic weapons fire, they withdrew from the compound and returned to the annex.
During the next 6-7 hours, the annex was also attacked by automatic weapons fire, RPG attacks, and mortar attacks. The former Seals attempted to "paint the target" of the mortar positions, with a laser targeting device, while making repeated requests for assistance.
The former Seals likely painted the targets, because they felt help would be coming, and some air support would fire upon the mortar positions. But that help did not come. And, those two former Seals lost their lives to the very mortar fire they were tried to get suppressed.
Three times during that prolonged firefight, we have learned, communications were made to Washington, asking for help. Three times, those requests were denied, either out-right, or by the lack of any response. From my own perspective, I can only imagine those guys "believing" they would not be left to die. That help would surely be coming. And that "Leaving no man behind", would surely prevail.
But no help was sent. No help would be forthcoming. They were left to their own defenses. And in the face of the numbers of attackers and weapons, they were left to die. Even those Libyan security forces from Tripoli, would be far too late.
Those who died in Benghazi, were betrayed. They were betrayed in the weeks and months prior, by the reduction of security, when more security has been requested. They were betrayed on night of 9/11/12, when their bosses, their Commander and Chief, failed to provide back-up. And they were betrayed, by a government who was more concerned about their appearances to the region, than doing what was right for our own people.
Obama, after knowing that four men died, to include one of our Ambassadors, went on to campaign in Las Vegas, smiling and making jokes about Romney, and acting at though nothing happened. THAT was perhaps the biggest betrayal of all. Obama, as Command and Chief, couldn't wait until the bodies our our lost were returned home, which happened on 9/14. Obama couldn't even stay in The White House, and work with all our assets to get to the bottom of who killed our people, and what we could do next. Obama - left his post - to campaign for re-election.
I can ONLY imagine, trying to keep attackers at bay, sending out requests for help, and in the end, realizing that no help was coming. They died, while being betrayed by their own nation.
For retired General Colin Powell, or anyone else, to support this POS, I will never understand. There is so very much more at stake here, than free birth control, gay marriage, and empty hopes of better times. Sadly, far too many are wearing blinders to the real threats to our nation, and will vote for this POS anyway.
Between sadness and anger, I can't say which is more unsettling.
To ALL who serve us in dangerous lands the world over, you have my Thanks and Prayers.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Obama DID Leave a Man (Men) Behind!
Sub-Titled: LIES and DAMN LIES!
Attention President Obama ... and you too Hillary Clinton:
Heed THIS -
So, we are now seeing copies in the news of actual emails that have been obtained, that clearly show the Benghazi attack was most likely committed by terrorists, and NOT from out-of-control protesters. Emails that also show growing concerns about the security at the Consulate, but those concerns, even requests for added security, fell on deaf ears. There were NO Protests going on outside the Benghazi Consulate compound, leading up to the assault. And The White House knew it, the State Department knew it!
Yet, for days, the Administration spokespeople kept repeating the narrative that the violence was due to a US citizen's YouTube anti-Muslim video. OUR People DIED! Then Obama LIED! And Clinton LIED!
And to me, sad as all that is, sadder to me still is the FACT that Ambassador Stevens, and the three men who tried to help protect him, DIED at the hands of a terrorist attackers, and then LEFT behind. They were NOT rescued, and not even an attempt to rescue them by anyone outside those very few security assets in Libya. No order was given for various available Military and SpecOps assets to go in. NONE. Amb. Stevens, computer expert Sean Smith, security contractors Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, died, and along with a very fee other security assets, were LEFT to fend for themselves.
Evidence now is clear, that all the warnings were there beforehand, that additional security should have been in place, but those requests were denied, and even some of those who HAD been there, were pulled from the area a month prior!
Add to that, that Steven's body (some reports say he was still alive at the time) was recovered by LOOTERS who swept in after the attack, and recovered Stevens. Stevens was NOT recovered by US Security assets! Because no others were sent in! Does this bother ANY Obama voter????? NO SpecOps called in to rescue any of them, and THAT doesn't bother Obama supporters?????
Obama has NEVER lived by the Soldier's Creed, and as Commander and Chief, he should Obama obviously doesn't care about that, and as the narcissist that he is, he will NEVER care more about anyone else, above himself.
FACT is ...
On Sept. 11th - At about 9:40 pm (Libya time / 3:40 pm DC time), OUR US Consulate was attacked, resulting in the deaths of two of the four US personnel that day.
Upon hearing the gunfire, telephone calls were made to the embassy in Tripoli, and officials in Washington, that the Consulate was under attack.
The compound gets over-run, and resulted in Amb. Stevens being trapped in a "safe room" (it wasn't), and goes down while the building was burned and smoke filled the safe room.
A small Reaction Force arrived from another compound a mile away, attempted to rescue Stevens and Smith. Smith was found, dead, and removed from the consulate under heavy gun-fire.
Amb Stevens was NOT found amid gun-fire and heavy smoke. Amb. Stevens at that time, MISSING!
The security team members then escaped, with Smith's body, to the other compound, which also came under attack.
At about 4 am (9/12 Libya) (9/11 at 10 pm DC time), two other members, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, were killed in directed mortar attacks on that compound.
A drone was in the air, and observed and videoed real-time action that was seen by The White House. So The White House knew! For some 7 hours or more, the Administration KNEW of the attacks, and NEVER ordered SpecOps to go it and rescue OUR people!
Later in the day, Secretary Clinton announces the attack and that it was likely a result of a protest over the video.
Sep. 12th - Obama, via Joint Chiefs of Staff, ask a Florida Pastor to disavow the video.
Report given to The White House/Secretary of State, that a Face book entry by a Libyan Islamist group liked to al Qeada, claimed responsibility.
The CIA station chief in Libya reports to Washington within 24 hours of the attack that there was evidence it was carried out by militants, not a spontaneous mob upset about the anti-Islam video.
Sep. 12th, Obama goes to Las Vegas for a campaign speech and fund raiser. Less than 24 hours after
Obama then heads to Las Vegas for a rally and fund raiser!
I found this time-line on the web:
- 9/11/2012: Islamists attack U.S. consulate in Libya
- 9/11/2012: Obama knows Al-Qaeda behind Libya attack within 24 hours
- 9/11/2012: Hillary Clinton blames video
- 9/12/2012: Obama does NOT call Benghazi an “Act of Terror” in Speech from Rose Garden
- 9/12/2012: Obama via Joint Chiefs of Staff asks Florida pastor to disavow Mohammed film
- 9/12/2012: Report: Libyan Islamist group linked to attack on U.S. consulate
- 9/12/2012: Obama gives interview to CBS ’60 Minutes’ and (verbally) attacks Romney
- 9/12/2012: Obama heads to Las Vegas to campaign
- 9/12/2012: Top White House official blasts “truly abhorrent” Mohammed video
- 9/12/2012: Report: Obama skipped intel briefings week before embassy attacks
- 9/13/2012: Obama administration asks Google/YouTube to remove Mohammed video
- 9/13/2012: Hillary Clinton: Mohammed movie “disgusting and reprehensible”
- 9/13/2012: Allen West: This has nothing to do with a video
- 9/14/2012: Obama talks ‘crunches’ with olympians while US embassies are being overrun
- 9/14/2012: Obama gives interview to entertainment magazine and poses for a photo spread
- 9/14/2012: Obama campaign tweeted about Jay-Z & Beyonce more than Libya consulate attack
- 9/15/2012: Al-Qaeda: Libya consulate attack was revenge for recent drone killing of their number two
- 9/15/2012: Obama: We reject denigration of any religion…including Islam (Obvious reference to the video)
- 9/15/2012: Man behind Mohammed video is detained by police (Later arrested)
- 9/16/2012: Libyan President: Attack was preplanned, not spontaneous
- 9/16/2012: Amb. Susan Rice to CBS, FNC, ABC: Libya attack was spontaneous reaction to video
- 9/18/2012: Obama parties in New York with Jay-Z and Beyonce; attacks Romney
- 9/18/2012: Obama to Letterman: Libya consulate attack is not an act of war. It’s about a video.
- 9/20/2012: Obama runs apology TV ad in Pakistan blaming YouTube video (What the hell was this!!!!)
- 9/25/2012: Obama goes to the ‘The View’ instead of meeting foreign leaders in NY (Obama: I’m eye candy)
- 9/26/2012: Libyan president insists: YouTube video NOT cause of Libya attack – it was terrorism
Shell games! All shell games, to keep US Voter's eyes OFF the real issues!
“....... We were not aware of any actionable intelligence indicating that an attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi was planned or imminent. ......”
— Carney, news briefing, Sept. 14
“Based on the best information we have to date ... it began spontaneously in Benghazi as a reaction to what had transpired some hours earlier in Cairo, where, of course, as you know, there was a violent protest outside of our embassy sparked by this hateful video. But soon after that spontaneous protest began outside of our consulate in Benghazi, we believe that it looks like extremist elements, individuals, joined in that effort with heavy weapons of the sort that are, unfortunately, readily now available in Libya post-revolution. And that it spun from there into something much, much more violent.... We do not have information at present that leads us to conclude that this was premeditated or preplanned.”
— Susan E. Rice, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” (Sept. 16)
“Well, we're still doing an investigation, and there are going to be different circumstances in different countries. And so I don’t want to speak to something until we have all the information. What we do know is that the natural protests that arose because of the outrage over the video were used as an excuse by extremists to see if they can also directly harm U.S. interests.”
— President Obama, Univision Town Hall, Sept. 20
(Obama said, "And so I don’t want to speak to something until we have all the information." Yet, from day-one, he and The Administration spokespersons spoke a LOT about the friggin video! Talk about shooting before aiming!)
“That is what we saw play out in the last two weeks, as a crude and disgusting video sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world. Now, I have made it clear that the United States government had nothing to do with this video, and I believe its message must be rejected by all who respect our common humanity.”
— Obama, speech to the U.N. General Assembly, Sept. 25
Still this ASS-HOLE suggests to the world, that the video was at fault!
NO - ASS-HOLE - It's not a sexy dress that causes rapes, it's the rapists! Same goes for Islamists who MURDER for what ever friggin reason. QUIT blaming anything other than Islamist for such acts of murder! Call them for what THEY ARE!
All my rant, is because THIS President, has totally neglected the real safety of America and Americans, for political and Muslim appeasement reasons. And in the case of our four in Benghazi, HE and HIS administration failed to adequately protect our Embassy staff in Benghazi, but they LEFT THEM BEHIND!
From my perspective, I can NOT see why ANY Veteran or actively serving Military, could ever vote for this piss-poor example of a Commander and Chief!
PS. General Colin Powell: You are again supporting Obama, while Obama has shown he WILL leave men behind. THAT is NOT Commander and Chief like at all. You Sir, are a disappointment.
PPS. "Leading from behind", means Obama does NOT lead internationally, and nationally, will NEVER put his own ass on the line!
Attention President Obama ... and you too Hillary Clinton:
Heed THIS -
Soldier's Creed
- I am an American Soldier.
I am a Warrior and a member of a team. I serve the people of the United States, and live the Army Values.
- I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself.
- I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy, the enemies of the United
States of America in close combat.
- I am a guardian of freedom and the American way of life.
- I am an American Soldier.
--------------------------------------------------------- - I am a guardian of freedom and the American way of life.
I will always place the mission first.
I will never accept defeat.
I will never quit.
I will never leave a fallen comrade.
I am an expert and I am a professional.
Yet, for days, the Administration spokespeople kept repeating the narrative that the violence was due to a US citizen's YouTube anti-Muslim video. OUR People DIED! Then Obama LIED! And Clinton LIED!
And to me, sad as all that is, sadder to me still is the FACT that Ambassador Stevens, and the three men who tried to help protect him, DIED at the hands of a terrorist attackers, and then LEFT behind. They were NOT rescued, and not even an attempt to rescue them by anyone outside those very few security assets in Libya. No order was given for various available Military and SpecOps assets to go in. NONE. Amb. Stevens, computer expert Sean Smith, security contractors Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, died, and along with a very fee other security assets, were LEFT to fend for themselves.
Evidence now is clear, that all the warnings were there beforehand, that additional security should have been in place, but those requests were denied, and even some of those who HAD been there, were pulled from the area a month prior!
Add to that, that Steven's body (some reports say he was still alive at the time) was recovered by LOOTERS who swept in after the attack, and recovered Stevens. Stevens was NOT recovered by US Security assets! Because no others were sent in! Does this bother ANY Obama voter????? NO SpecOps called in to rescue any of them, and THAT doesn't bother Obama supporters?????
Obama has NEVER lived by the Soldier's Creed, and as Commander and Chief, he should Obama obviously doesn't care about that, and as the narcissist that he is, he will NEVER care more about anyone else, above himself.
FACT is ...
On Sept. 11th - At about 9:40 pm (Libya time / 3:40 pm DC time), OUR US Consulate was attacked, resulting in the deaths of two of the four US personnel that day.
Upon hearing the gunfire, telephone calls were made to the embassy in Tripoli, and officials in Washington, that the Consulate was under attack.
The compound gets over-run, and resulted in Amb. Stevens being trapped in a "safe room" (it wasn't), and goes down while the building was burned and smoke filled the safe room.
A small Reaction Force arrived from another compound a mile away, attempted to rescue Stevens and Smith. Smith was found, dead, and removed from the consulate under heavy gun-fire.
Amb Stevens was NOT found amid gun-fire and heavy smoke. Amb. Stevens at that time, MISSING!
The security team members then escaped, with Smith's body, to the other compound, which also came under attack.
At about 4 am (9/12 Libya) (9/11 at 10 pm DC time), two other members, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, were killed in directed mortar attacks on that compound.
A drone was in the air, and observed and videoed real-time action that was seen by The White House. So The White House knew! For some 7 hours or more, the Administration KNEW of the attacks, and NEVER ordered SpecOps to go it and rescue OUR people!
Later in the day, Secretary Clinton announces the attack and that it was likely a result of a protest over the video.
Sep. 12th - Obama, via Joint Chiefs of Staff, ask a Florida Pastor to disavow the video.
Report given to The White House/Secretary of State, that a Face book entry by a Libyan Islamist group liked to al Qeada, claimed responsibility.
The CIA station chief in Libya reports to Washington within 24 hours of the attack that there was evidence it was carried out by militants, not a spontaneous mob upset about the anti-Islam video.
Sep. 12th, Obama goes to Las Vegas for a campaign speech and fund raiser. Less than 24 hours after
Obama then heads to Las Vegas for a rally and fund raiser!
I found this time-line on the web:
- 9/11/2012: Islamists attack U.S. consulate in Libya
- 9/11/2012: Obama knows Al-Qaeda behind Libya attack within 24 hours
- 9/11/2012: Hillary Clinton blames video
- 9/12/2012: Obama does NOT call Benghazi an “Act of Terror” in Speech from Rose Garden
- 9/12/2012: Obama via Joint Chiefs of Staff asks Florida pastor to disavow Mohammed film
- 9/12/2012: Report: Libyan Islamist group linked to attack on U.S. consulate
- 9/12/2012: Obama gives interview to CBS ’60 Minutes’ and (verbally) attacks Romney
- 9/12/2012: Obama heads to Las Vegas to campaign
- 9/12/2012: Top White House official blasts “truly abhorrent” Mohammed video
- 9/12/2012: Report: Obama skipped intel briefings week before embassy attacks
- 9/13/2012: Obama administration asks Google/YouTube to remove Mohammed video
- 9/13/2012: Hillary Clinton: Mohammed movie “disgusting and reprehensible”
- 9/13/2012: Allen West: This has nothing to do with a video
- 9/14/2012: Obama talks ‘crunches’ with olympians while US embassies are being overrun
- 9/14/2012: Obama gives interview to entertainment magazine and poses for a photo spread
- 9/14/2012: Obama campaign tweeted about Jay-Z & Beyonce more than Libya consulate attack
- 9/15/2012: Al-Qaeda: Libya consulate attack was revenge for recent drone killing of their number two
- 9/15/2012: Obama: We reject denigration of any religion…including Islam (Obvious reference to the video)
- 9/15/2012: Man behind Mohammed video is detained by police (Later arrested)
- 9/16/2012: Libyan President: Attack was preplanned, not spontaneous
- 9/16/2012: Amb. Susan Rice to CBS, FNC, ABC: Libya attack was spontaneous reaction to video
- 9/18/2012: Obama parties in New York with Jay-Z and Beyonce; attacks Romney
- 9/18/2012: Obama to Letterman: Libya consulate attack is not an act of war. It’s about a video.
- 9/20/2012: Obama runs apology TV ad in Pakistan blaming YouTube video (What the hell was this!!!!)
- 9/25/2012: Obama goes to the ‘The View’ instead of meeting foreign leaders in NY (Obama: I’m eye candy)
- 9/26/2012: Libyan president insists: YouTube video NOT cause of Libya attack – it was terrorism
Shell games! All shell games, to keep US Voter's eyes OFF the real issues!
“....... We were not aware of any actionable intelligence indicating that an attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi was planned or imminent. ......”
— Carney, news briefing, Sept. 14
“Based on the best information we have to date ... it began spontaneously in Benghazi as a reaction to what had transpired some hours earlier in Cairo, where, of course, as you know, there was a violent protest outside of our embassy sparked by this hateful video. But soon after that spontaneous protest began outside of our consulate in Benghazi, we believe that it looks like extremist elements, individuals, joined in that effort with heavy weapons of the sort that are, unfortunately, readily now available in Libya post-revolution. And that it spun from there into something much, much more violent.... We do not have information at present that leads us to conclude that this was premeditated or preplanned.”
— Susan E. Rice, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” (Sept. 16)
“Well, we're still doing an investigation, and there are going to be different circumstances in different countries. And so I don’t want to speak to something until we have all the information. What we do know is that the natural protests that arose because of the outrage over the video were used as an excuse by extremists to see if they can also directly harm U.S. interests.”
— President Obama, Univision Town Hall, Sept. 20
(Obama said, "And so I don’t want to speak to something until we have all the information." Yet, from day-one, he and The Administration spokespersons spoke a LOT about the friggin video! Talk about shooting before aiming!)
“That is what we saw play out in the last two weeks, as a crude and disgusting video sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world. Now, I have made it clear that the United States government had nothing to do with this video, and I believe its message must be rejected by all who respect our common humanity.”
— Obama, speech to the U.N. General Assembly, Sept. 25
Still this ASS-HOLE suggests to the world, that the video was at fault!
NO - ASS-HOLE - It's not a sexy dress that causes rapes, it's the rapists! Same goes for Islamists who MURDER for what ever friggin reason. QUIT blaming anything other than Islamist for such acts of murder! Call them for what THEY ARE!
All my rant, is because THIS President, has totally neglected the real safety of America and Americans, for political and Muslim appeasement reasons. And in the case of our four in Benghazi, HE and HIS administration failed to adequately protect our Embassy staff in Benghazi, but they LEFT THEM BEHIND!
From my perspective, I can NOT see why ANY Veteran or actively serving Military, could ever vote for this piss-poor example of a Commander and Chief!
PS. General Colin Powell: You are again supporting Obama, while Obama has shown he WILL leave men behind. THAT is NOT Commander and Chief like at all. You Sir, are a disappointment.
PPS. "Leading from behind", means Obama does NOT lead internationally, and nationally, will NEVER put his own ass on the line!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
I FAILED to BUY American!
Yes, I confess, I FAILED to "buy American" this past week. I did try though, honest. Let me explain.
I flew up to visit my daughter last week, and was going to take care of some "daddy do" issues on her house. Being a young single girl, who isn't into fix-its, she was very limited on the tools in her toolbox. And, being away from my home shop, I didn't have mine. (The TSA frowns on taking those aboard! I still miss my pocket multi-tool!)
So, it was off to the hardware store for a couple small hand-tools. Each time I go to her place, I try to add to her tool inventory, and this was another of those times. You know how it is though, you might not know you need a tool, until you actually need it!
I go to a nationally known chain store to purchase a couple tools. Tools, that I needed that morning to take care of some repair issues at my daughter's house. Upon seeing the tools I needed, I saw I had a few choices. Okay, I thought to myself, which ones are Made in America tools?
I picked up a KOBALT brand tool, and looked on the back. "Made in China." Nope. I pick up a "CRESCENT" brand tool. I know of Crescent, so I felt sure I'd be good to go. "Made in China."You're kidding me", I almost said aloud. Okay, I'll look at my last choice for that tool, and picked up a BOSTITCH brand. Again, "Made in China"! CRAP! No Made in the USA adjustable wrenches there.
But I needed the tool, so I bought one of the "Made in China" tools. I hated to, but had NO CHOICE in that store, at that time.
What else do I need? Another isle, and some other choices to make. I see a SKIL brand tool, and figure I'm at lease in business for that tool. Nope! "Made in China"! Now I'm pissed. Had it not been for the repairs I needed to make, I'd walked out. But I needed the tools.
Okay, I'll go to the BLACK & DECKER model. Everyone knows BLACK & DECKER, right? I looked on the back of the box, and what did I see? "Made in China at a Black & Decker manufacturing facility." Instantly, I called out, "SHIT!" (That WAS aloud!)
Hell, even the screwdrivers, were made in China, and I thought a STANLEY would be safe. NOT!
Now, I will say, I didn't inventory the complete stock, so it could be that some of those brands had some tools that were "Made in America". But from what did see, none of them were. I even looked at tools I didn't readily need.
So how many people, our fellow Americans, are out of work, and NOT making tools that say, "Made in America"? Some 23 million Americans either out of work, or under-employed. Because of cheaper goods? (If you're a tool guy, you know that a "cheap tool" will often leave you wanting for better. Oh ----- and just because it says "Lifetime guarantee", doesn't mean it will last for your lifetime. It only means they'll keep replacing the broken POS!)
I see a tremendous opportunity here. If I had the business sense and financial backing, I'd open a Made in America tool store, just for discerning do-it-yourselfers like me! Wouldn't it be great, to walk in such a store and KNOW that every item in the store, was made by your fellow Americans! And yes, I'd pay more. And what about products other than tools? What about kitchen gadgets? Housewares? Yard tools? A "Made in America" store to serve our basic needs for such things, would be my favorite store!
For a business to make a "business decision", for increased profits and a return to investors, moving manufacturing jobs overseas may be "financially sound". But we need to tax those foreign made goods in such a way to put them on a more-even playing field with Made in America products. Cheap wages and poor living conditions, so the tools are cheaper, does NOT make for a good trading partner. And buying those products, only enables those countries to continue their labor practices. Add tariffs, commensurate to the labor practices and human rights practices the country has, and then we'll talk!
Meanwhile, I will do what I can, and shop for those Made in America products. I'll pay more for them, but when I need a tool, I need a tool!
Sign me an American-made man, using a TOSHIBA laptop, MADE IN CHINA! Damn!!!!
I flew up to visit my daughter last week, and was going to take care of some "daddy do" issues on her house. Being a young single girl, who isn't into fix-its, she was very limited on the tools in her toolbox. And, being away from my home shop, I didn't have mine. (The TSA frowns on taking those aboard! I still miss my pocket multi-tool!)
So, it was off to the hardware store for a couple small hand-tools. Each time I go to her place, I try to add to her tool inventory, and this was another of those times. You know how it is though, you might not know you need a tool, until you actually need it!
I go to a nationally known chain store to purchase a couple tools. Tools, that I needed that morning to take care of some repair issues at my daughter's house. Upon seeing the tools I needed, I saw I had a few choices. Okay, I thought to myself, which ones are Made in America tools?
I picked up a KOBALT brand tool, and looked on the back. "Made in China." Nope. I pick up a "CRESCENT" brand tool. I know of Crescent, so I felt sure I'd be good to go. "Made in China."You're kidding me", I almost said aloud. Okay, I'll look at my last choice for that tool, and picked up a BOSTITCH brand. Again, "Made in China"! CRAP! No Made in the USA adjustable wrenches there.
But I needed the tool, so I bought one of the "Made in China" tools. I hated to, but had NO CHOICE in that store, at that time.
What else do I need? Another isle, and some other choices to make. I see a SKIL brand tool, and figure I'm at lease in business for that tool. Nope! "Made in China"! Now I'm pissed. Had it not been for the repairs I needed to make, I'd walked out. But I needed the tools.
Okay, I'll go to the BLACK & DECKER model. Everyone knows BLACK & DECKER, right? I looked on the back of the box, and what did I see? "Made in China at a Black & Decker manufacturing facility." Instantly, I called out, "SHIT!" (That WAS aloud!)
Hell, even the screwdrivers, were made in China, and I thought a STANLEY would be safe. NOT!
Now, I will say, I didn't inventory the complete stock, so it could be that some of those brands had some tools that were "Made in America". But from what did see, none of them were. I even looked at tools I didn't readily need.
So how many people, our fellow Americans, are out of work, and NOT making tools that say, "Made in America"? Some 23 million Americans either out of work, or under-employed. Because of cheaper goods? (If you're a tool guy, you know that a "cheap tool" will often leave you wanting for better. Oh ----- and just because it says "Lifetime guarantee", doesn't mean it will last for your lifetime. It only means they'll keep replacing the broken POS!)
I see a tremendous opportunity here. If I had the business sense and financial backing, I'd open a Made in America tool store, just for discerning do-it-yourselfers like me! Wouldn't it be great, to walk in such a store and KNOW that every item in the store, was made by your fellow Americans! And yes, I'd pay more. And what about products other than tools? What about kitchen gadgets? Housewares? Yard tools? A "Made in America" store to serve our basic needs for such things, would be my favorite store!
For a business to make a "business decision", for increased profits and a return to investors, moving manufacturing jobs overseas may be "financially sound". But we need to tax those foreign made goods in such a way to put them on a more-even playing field with Made in America products. Cheap wages and poor living conditions, so the tools are cheaper, does NOT make for a good trading partner. And buying those products, only enables those countries to continue their labor practices. Add tariffs, commensurate to the labor practices and human rights practices the country has, and then we'll talk!
Meanwhile, I will do what I can, and shop for those Made in America products. I'll pay more for them, but when I need a tool, I need a tool!
Sign me an American-made man, using a TOSHIBA laptop, MADE IN CHINA! Damn!!!!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Is there really Evil?
I recently read a comment by someone, in which they wrote that is it sad that so many people embrace violence to solve problems in the world. And that we don't do enough to sit down and work out our disagreements.
To some extent, I agree. There are people, even governments (run by people) who jump too quickly to use force. I get that. I agree with that. But I feel that is too wide of a brush, and misses an important component.
One needs to decide, is there really "evil" in the hearts and minds of some people? Does "evil" exist? If one's answer is No, then no amount of discussion about the use of force can really be had.
I believe, and have seen first hand, the evil that man can do, and I believe that evil can NOT be dealt with in a "civilized" or "rational" response. Evil acts, preferably before they can be perpetrated, needs to be dealt with, with sufficient force to stop the acts. To borrow a quote from Niccolo Machiavelli (15th century philosopher), "If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared."
Sad as it is, dealing with such brutal and sadistic murderers, like those in the Taliban and al Queada, I would apply that philosophy of the use of force.
Internationally, we have seen what I would describe as, pure evil, in bus bombings of innocent college students whose only "offense" was to attend a college that was built by Americans, bombings of market squares, and beheading of journalists and other non-combatants. Extremist Islamists have killed scores of innocent people, even other Muslims, for assisting Americans in fundamentally civil actions. Does anyone really think they can rationally work out peace agreements, with such people that would kidnap a person, and behead him, because he was NOT a follower of Mohammad or Allah?
By the way, these tactics are not new. In my lifetime, there were confirmed incidents of the Viet Cong, killing and/or cutting off limbs, of those who would even work with the American troops in medical aid operations in remote villages.
And it's not just the lunatic extremists, it is also in the heart of some street punks, who kill for thrill. Even wanting their victim to beg for their life, before shooting them dead. How can a death penalty NOT be warranted for such a person! BTW - I knew of a 15 year old boy, who, during a robbery, killed a compliant store clerk, "just to see what it was like to kill somebody" (Quoted from his statement).
To go around in life, humming the tune "Everything is beautiful...", sounds like wonderful life. But in truth, as quoted by George Orwell, "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." Those who do sleep at night, in some naive belief that peace can be attained with EVERY BODY, need a wake up call.
To those men and women who stand at the ready to protect us from those who would commit evil acts upon us, THANK YOU.
To some extent, I agree. There are people, even governments (run by people) who jump too quickly to use force. I get that. I agree with that. But I feel that is too wide of a brush, and misses an important component.
One needs to decide, is there really "evil" in the hearts and minds of some people? Does "evil" exist? If one's answer is No, then no amount of discussion about the use of force can really be had.
I believe, and have seen first hand, the evil that man can do, and I believe that evil can NOT be dealt with in a "civilized" or "rational" response. Evil acts, preferably before they can be perpetrated, needs to be dealt with, with sufficient force to stop the acts. To borrow a quote from Niccolo Machiavelli (15th century philosopher), "If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared."
Sad as it is, dealing with such brutal and sadistic murderers, like those in the Taliban and al Queada, I would apply that philosophy of the use of force.
Internationally, we have seen what I would describe as, pure evil, in bus bombings of innocent college students whose only "offense" was to attend a college that was built by Americans, bombings of market squares, and beheading of journalists and other non-combatants. Extremist Islamists have killed scores of innocent people, even other Muslims, for assisting Americans in fundamentally civil actions. Does anyone really think they can rationally work out peace agreements, with such people that would kidnap a person, and behead him, because he was NOT a follower of Mohammad or Allah?
By the way, these tactics are not new. In my lifetime, there were confirmed incidents of the Viet Cong, killing and/or cutting off limbs, of those who would even work with the American troops in medical aid operations in remote villages.
And it's not just the lunatic extremists, it is also in the heart of some street punks, who kill for thrill. Even wanting their victim to beg for their life, before shooting them dead. How can a death penalty NOT be warranted for such a person! BTW - I knew of a 15 year old boy, who, during a robbery, killed a compliant store clerk, "just to see what it was like to kill somebody" (Quoted from his statement).
To go around in life, humming the tune "Everything is beautiful...", sounds like wonderful life. But in truth, as quoted by George Orwell, "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." Those who do sleep at night, in some naive belief that peace can be attained with EVERY BODY, need a wake up call.
To those men and women who stand at the ready to protect us from those who would commit evil acts upon us, THANK YOU.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Obama's Ready To Go "Home"
Yep ... The Obama's are ready to go home. That's my opinion. And I think it shows too! Why?
Let's face it, while some don't like to hear it, BHO loves the limelight, but HATES the work. I absolutely believe he came into Office believing that people, including most Congressmen and Senators, would just fall at his feet with everything he wanted to do. And that not only didn't happen, but he was fought every step of the way. That's really hard on a narcissist.
Another thing. He made it do the highest office in the land, and arguably in the world, and what else does he need to prove? While there are other things he would "like" to do, I don't think the "work" to get them done, or fight for, is in him.
He and Michelle, can take the girls and move back (?) to Hawaii. They can buy or build a mansion suitable to what they could see themselves in as King and Queen Obama; they could watch as his library was built; and he could enjoy all the world-wide accolades as he hits the speaking tour. He could openly enjoy all the "fun" of his celebrity status, and hobnob with all the Hollywood types, and have NONE of the daily pressures to BE President.
Obama LOVES the limelight. Obama LOVES Hollywood and that elite. Obama LOVES the celebrity. Obama HATES the "work" of being the President! (If everyone fell at his feet, it wouldn't be work, and THAT is what he expected.)
The Obama's will be the most smiliest of "former" Presidents as he leaves office. And we'll be seeing him in all the best places for such celebrities. His Presidential Library will be his, his portrait will forever be in The White House, next to all the prior Presidents, and his name will forever be in the history books. No one can take those things away. BHO has all he could want, personally. His ego and narcissism will be forever fed with his Presidential experience. So he's done. And he's ready to go home.
Hollywood, and all BHO's followers can dump all the money they want into the campaign, but I bet BHO will half-heartily go for the second term, and that's only because it's expected by the DNC and his followers. If it were up to him, he'd move today!
By the way - Speaking of Hawaii, and the Presidential Library - To me, this is PROOF he really doesn't care about the Blacks in American who helped him into The White House. Otherwise, Chicago would be THE site for the library. Chicago would be a relatively easy commute for Blacks to take, to be able to see it. In fact, I think it could well be the most visited library in Presidential history. But for BHO, the library isn't about "the (his) people". It's about him. So having the library in Hawaii, some 4,200 miles away from Chicago, crossing part of the Pacific Ocean, is hardly a trek most Blacks, especially the UNEMPLOYED Blacks, can make to see BHO's library! The Obama's have not lived in Hawaii, and have not "made their bones" in any place other than Chicago. Personally, I'd be happy with having his library as far away from me as possible!
Anyway, donors to BHO's reelection campaign - Go ahead. Donate your money. To the wealthy who support him, all the better you dump your dollars on that endeavor. I'd as soon see your money go to that wasted to that cause, than on it spent on something that could actually cause me worry.
Let's face it, while some don't like to hear it, BHO loves the limelight, but HATES the work. I absolutely believe he came into Office believing that people, including most Congressmen and Senators, would just fall at his feet with everything he wanted to do. And that not only didn't happen, but he was fought every step of the way. That's really hard on a narcissist.
Another thing. He made it do the highest office in the land, and arguably in the world, and what else does he need to prove? While there are other things he would "like" to do, I don't think the "work" to get them done, or fight for, is in him.
He and Michelle, can take the girls and move back (?) to Hawaii. They can buy or build a mansion suitable to what they could see themselves in as King and Queen Obama; they could watch as his library was built; and he could enjoy all the world-wide accolades as he hits the speaking tour. He could openly enjoy all the "fun" of his celebrity status, and hobnob with all the Hollywood types, and have NONE of the daily pressures to BE President.
Obama LOVES the limelight. Obama LOVES Hollywood and that elite. Obama LOVES the celebrity. Obama HATES the "work" of being the President! (If everyone fell at his feet, it wouldn't be work, and THAT is what he expected.)
The Obama's will be the most smiliest of "former" Presidents as he leaves office. And we'll be seeing him in all the best places for such celebrities. His Presidential Library will be his, his portrait will forever be in The White House, next to all the prior Presidents, and his name will forever be in the history books. No one can take those things away. BHO has all he could want, personally. His ego and narcissism will be forever fed with his Presidential experience. So he's done. And he's ready to go home.
Hollywood, and all BHO's followers can dump all the money they want into the campaign, but I bet BHO will half-heartily go for the second term, and that's only because it's expected by the DNC and his followers. If it were up to him, he'd move today!
By the way - Speaking of Hawaii, and the Presidential Library - To me, this is PROOF he really doesn't care about the Blacks in American who helped him into The White House. Otherwise, Chicago would be THE site for the library. Chicago would be a relatively easy commute for Blacks to take, to be able to see it. In fact, I think it could well be the most visited library in Presidential history. But for BHO, the library isn't about "the (his) people". It's about him. So having the library in Hawaii, some 4,200 miles away from Chicago, crossing part of the Pacific Ocean, is hardly a trek most Blacks, especially the UNEMPLOYED Blacks, can make to see BHO's library! The Obama's have not lived in Hawaii, and have not "made their bones" in any place other than Chicago. Personally, I'd be happy with having his library as far away from me as possible!
Anyway, donors to BHO's reelection campaign - Go ahead. Donate your money. To the wealthy who support him, all the better you dump your dollars on that endeavor. I'd as soon see your money go to that wasted to that cause, than on it spent on something that could actually cause me worry.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Really? Someone think BHO is doing a good job?
It does NOT matter what you were handed when you started (and campaigned to fix), FACT IS (Biden), this is where BHO has taken us, for 4 straight years.
Even if someone wants to blame Bush, there comes a time when the decisions one makes, are owned by themselves.Obama OWNS this!
Stop the insanity, vote BHO out!
Romney/Ryan Nov. 6th!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
30 Pieces of Silver
America ... For Just 30 Pieces of Silver!
This election, in my view, is more than just a choice between a Democrat and a Republican for President. Our choice, is most importantly one between someone who would prefer to re-write the constitution to better fit HIS desires, and that of someone who would support the constitution.
But many citizens are willing to risk the constitution for their "30 pieces of silver", in the form of some single issue benefit they want.
What is your single issue, that sways your vote? Is it a REAL constitutional issue? Or is it an issue of which there will always be differing views, but do NOT keep you from living, working, freely practicing your religion, or pursuing happiness? Those issues of which on-going rational debate will and should follow, is not the same as having someone circumvent the constitution to achieve their own goals.
The Constitution is our FOUNDATION. And Obama stated, he wants to fundamentally change our foundation.
What's YOUR 30 pieces of silver?
America ... For Just 30 Pieces of Silver!
This election, in my view, is more than just a choice between a Democrat and a Republican for President. Our choice, is most importantly one between someone who would prefer to re-write the constitution to better fit HIS desires, and that of someone who would support the constitution.
But many citizens are willing to risk the constitution for their "30 pieces of silver", in the form of some single issue benefit they want.
What is your single issue, that sways your vote? Is it a REAL constitutional issue? Or is it an issue of which there will always be differing views, but do NOT keep you from living, working, freely practicing your religion, or pursuing happiness? Those issues of which on-going rational debate will and should follow, is not the same as having someone circumvent the constitution to achieve their own goals.
The Constitution is our FOUNDATION. And Obama stated, he wants to fundamentally change our foundation.
What's YOUR 30 pieces of silver?
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
It REALLY Is This Simple
Two things above ALL others, spell out all I need to know about Obama. Everything else, is just smoke and mirrors, or even different ways to reach otherwise common ground. But TWO things speak volumes to me.
Obama has said, that he wants to "fundamentally" change America. That has a VERY deep and dangerous meanings. And those "fundamental" changes, would destroy the basic fabric of our country. If anything, it is fundamentals we need to go back to!
Also, Obama has said that sometimes, the "constitution gets in the way" of him doing some of the things he would like to do. THANK GOD it does! And that is WHY our Forefathers wrote it that way. They KNEW such tests by such people, may try to circumvent parts of the constitution otherwise.
Those two things, all by themselves, should be enough for ALL Americans, to not vote for this person, who calls himself Barack Hussein Obama, or Barry Soetoro, or whom ever.
If you can not bring yourself to vote for Romney, then at least DO NOT cast a vote for such a person as Obama. He IS NOT a protector of OUR Constitution!
Obama has said, that he wants to "fundamentally" change America. That has a VERY deep and dangerous meanings. And those "fundamental" changes, would destroy the basic fabric of our country. If anything, it is fundamentals we need to go back to!
Also, Obama has said that sometimes, the "constitution gets in the way" of him doing some of the things he would like to do. THANK GOD it does! And that is WHY our Forefathers wrote it that way. They KNEW such tests by such people, may try to circumvent parts of the constitution otherwise.
Those two things, all by themselves, should be enough for ALL Americans, to not vote for this person, who calls himself Barack Hussein Obama, or Barry Soetoro, or whom ever.
If you can not bring yourself to vote for Romney, then at least DO NOT cast a vote for such a person as Obama. He IS NOT a protector of OUR Constitution!
Monday, October 8, 2012
The REAL Empty Chair(s)
With all the politics in the news, it's easy to miss what is going on for so many families in America. I want to acknowledge those families, and my deepest condolences for their loss.
The notable political joke, about the "empty chair", made me think about the REAL Empty Chairs. Those empty chairs are at the tables of so many American households, because loved ones will never be coming home again. Those chairs, will forever be empty.
So far this month of October, 7 U.S. Soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan (As of Oct. 6, 2012). That's 2,134 killed to date in Afghanistan.
Let us NEVER forget, the REAL Empty Chairs.
God Bless Our Troops, and their Families who await their safe return.
One of my all time favorite Broadway Musicals, is "Les Miserables". My favorite DVD set, is the 10th Anniversary Production of that musical. (You should rent it, if not own it!)
From that musical, there is a song about such loss. Here are the lyrics, from the Broadway Musical, "Les Miserables"
(Marius, recovering from his wounds, imagines he is back at the ABC cafe)
MARIUS sings ~
There's a grief that can't be spoken.
There's a pain goes on and on.
Empty chairs at empty tables
Now my friends are dead and gone.
Here they talked of revolution.
Here it was they lit the flame.
Here they sang about `tomorrow'
And tomorrow never came.
From the table in the corner
They could see a world reborn
And they rose with voices ringing
I can hear them now!
The very words that they had sung
Became their last communion
On the lonely barricade at dawn.
Oh my friends, my friends forgive me
(The ghosts of those who died on the barricade appear)
That I live and you are gone.
There's a grief that can't be spoken.
There's a pain goes on and on.
Phantom faces at the window.
Phantom shadows on the floor.
Empty chairs at empty tables
Where my friends will meet no more.
(The ghosts fade away)
Oh my friends, my friends, don't ask me
What your sacrifice was for
Empty chairs at empty tables
Where my friends will sing no more.
The notable political joke, about the "empty chair", made me think about the REAL Empty Chairs. Those empty chairs are at the tables of so many American households, because loved ones will never be coming home again. Those chairs, will forever be empty.
So far this month of October, 7 U.S. Soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan (As of Oct. 6, 2012). That's 2,134 killed to date in Afghanistan.
Let us NEVER forget, the REAL Empty Chairs.
God Bless Our Troops, and their Families who await their safe return.
One of my all time favorite Broadway Musicals, is "Les Miserables". My favorite DVD set, is the 10th Anniversary Production of that musical. (You should rent it, if not own it!)
From that musical, there is a song about such loss. Here are the lyrics, from the Broadway Musical, "Les Miserables"
(Marius, recovering from his wounds, imagines he is back at the ABC cafe)
MARIUS sings ~
There's a grief that can't be spoken.
There's a pain goes on and on.
Empty chairs at empty tables
Now my friends are dead and gone.
Here they talked of revolution.
Here it was they lit the flame.
Here they sang about `tomorrow'
And tomorrow never came.
From the table in the corner
They could see a world reborn
And they rose with voices ringing
I can hear them now!
The very words that they had sung
Became their last communion
On the lonely barricade at dawn.
Oh my friends, my friends forgive me
(The ghosts of those who died on the barricade appear)
That I live and you are gone.
There's a grief that can't be spoken.
There's a pain goes on and on.
Phantom faces at the window.
Phantom shadows on the floor.
Empty chairs at empty tables
Where my friends will meet no more.
(The ghosts fade away)
Oh my friends, my friends, don't ask me
What your sacrifice was for
Empty chairs at empty tables
Where my friends will sing no more.
The American way - Not Government way
We ALL want the jobs numbers to grow. And, which ever party is in power will claim credit for any such growth, and blame the past actions if they go down. That's politics.
But lets keep in mind something. Americans just don't quit, stop doing what they do, or just give up. The entrepreneur will find a way. To make my point, I'll use a fictional American business (albeit a very realistic business scenario) as an example.
Joe Smith is in the business of building high end furniture. His talents and craftsmanship have shined for many years. Using solid wood, beautiful satin and gloss finishes hand-rubbed on every piece he makes, have been the hallmark of Joe's work and name. Joe also has twelve other people working for him, and helping to put out quality furniture to their customers.
When the economy took a dive, Joe's business did too. Potential customers had to cut back on so-called luxury items. Joe builds great furniture, but isn't cheap. So sales suffered. With that, Joe had to cut back on employees. Joe and his wife worked extra hours to fill in. Sales still suffered. Joe took another disheartening move, and cut a couple more employees.
Joe and his wife struggled to compete for any extra dollars people were willing to part with. So, very reluctantly, Joe changed his business model, and started using less expensive materials. Soon, Joe, his wife, and the remaining six employees were regaining some business. At first glance, the furniture looked great. But it wasn't the best Joe could make. It wasn't the heirloom quality it used to be. But it was paying the bills.
Before long, Joe was able to re-hire three of his people to help make his products and get them out to dealers. While not out of the woods, Joe and his wife were relieved to at least be showing a little profit for a change. This was the first time in 3 years they could say that. They had refinanced their home, cashed in their personal retirement accounts, and heavily dipped into their savings, just to keep their doors open.
One afternoon, a prominent politician stopped by Joe's small factory. The politician had heard that Joe was able to re-hire some people, and Joe's business was showing a profit again. The politician jumped on that "growth", exclaiming the success of his governing as the reason for the job growth at Joe's business!
What did government do to help Joe re-hire a few employees? How did the government help Joe show a profit?
Even though Joe's company showed a slight profit, and was able to re-hired a few people, the government didn't have ANYTHING to do it! And Joe is still 3 people short of where he was 3 years ago. His profits are still not where they were 3 years ago either. And his furniture, is no longer a "premium" product it used to be.
Joe adapted and found a way to over-come the economic hit. Joe and his wife did it. Joe and his wife worked longer hours, cut back on their own wants, cut employees, just to keep the business open. THEY BUILT IT! No where, did the government help them in any way. And, no where, did any street worker, garbage collector, toll both operator (while important jobs, they are all tax payer employees), go in to Joe's shop to work late nights and weekends, or do any of the things Joe and his wife did, and did without, to keep the doors open.
While we debate who we want to be the President the next four years, it is the "individual" who finds the ways to persevere, over-come, and succeed in face of great odds and hurtles. And Americans, in my view, have been doing that for many decades, and have not stood still and let such obstacles stand in the way for very long. THAT isn't the government. That's the AMERICAN way!
It is MY belief, that Obama thinks that is the GOVERNMENT way, while Romney knows it's the AMERICAN way.
Vote Romney/Ryan Nov. 6th, 2012!
But lets keep in mind something. Americans just don't quit, stop doing what they do, or just give up. The entrepreneur will find a way. To make my point, I'll use a fictional American business (albeit a very realistic business scenario) as an example.
Joe Smith is in the business of building high end furniture. His talents and craftsmanship have shined for many years. Using solid wood, beautiful satin and gloss finishes hand-rubbed on every piece he makes, have been the hallmark of Joe's work and name. Joe also has twelve other people working for him, and helping to put out quality furniture to their customers.
When the economy took a dive, Joe's business did too. Potential customers had to cut back on so-called luxury items. Joe builds great furniture, but isn't cheap. So sales suffered. With that, Joe had to cut back on employees. Joe and his wife worked extra hours to fill in. Sales still suffered. Joe took another disheartening move, and cut a couple more employees.
Joe and his wife struggled to compete for any extra dollars people were willing to part with. So, very reluctantly, Joe changed his business model, and started using less expensive materials. Soon, Joe, his wife, and the remaining six employees were regaining some business. At first glance, the furniture looked great. But it wasn't the best Joe could make. It wasn't the heirloom quality it used to be. But it was paying the bills.
Before long, Joe was able to re-hire three of his people to help make his products and get them out to dealers. While not out of the woods, Joe and his wife were relieved to at least be showing a little profit for a change. This was the first time in 3 years they could say that. They had refinanced their home, cashed in their personal retirement accounts, and heavily dipped into their savings, just to keep their doors open.
One afternoon, a prominent politician stopped by Joe's small factory. The politician had heard that Joe was able to re-hire some people, and Joe's business was showing a profit again. The politician jumped on that "growth", exclaiming the success of his governing as the reason for the job growth at Joe's business!
What did government do to help Joe re-hire a few employees? How did the government help Joe show a profit?
Even though Joe's company showed a slight profit, and was able to re-hired a few people, the government didn't have ANYTHING to do it! And Joe is still 3 people short of where he was 3 years ago. His profits are still not where they were 3 years ago either. And his furniture, is no longer a "premium" product it used to be.
Joe adapted and found a way to over-come the economic hit. Joe and his wife did it. Joe and his wife worked longer hours, cut back on their own wants, cut employees, just to keep the business open. THEY BUILT IT! No where, did the government help them in any way. And, no where, did any street worker, garbage collector, toll both operator (while important jobs, they are all tax payer employees), go in to Joe's shop to work late nights and weekends, or do any of the things Joe and his wife did, and did without, to keep the doors open.
While we debate who we want to be the President the next four years, it is the "individual" who finds the ways to persevere, over-come, and succeed in face of great odds and hurtles. And Americans, in my view, have been doing that for many decades, and have not stood still and let such obstacles stand in the way for very long. THAT isn't the government. That's the AMERICAN way!
It is MY belief, that Obama thinks that is the GOVERNMENT way, while Romney knows it's the AMERICAN way.
Vote Romney/Ryan Nov. 6th, 2012!
Friday, October 5, 2012
Refusing to recite our Pledge of Allegiance
In recent news, a New Jersey community Councilwoman refused to recite the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of their meeting.
In the past, we've also heard of other such refusals, such as a lawyer who was jailed in Mississippi for not reciting the Pledge (I happen to think that jailing the lawyer was wrong.); a city Supervisor in San Francisco refused to recite it at the opening of their meeting; a North Carolina Wiccan refuses to stand or recite the Pledge at any event; and Jehovah Witnesses do not permit the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance (to our Flag or any other flag) for religious reasons; and on and on.
First off, I ABSOLUTELY support their RIGHT to refuse reciting our Pledge of Allegiance. It is their RIGHT to do so, or not do so. I happen to disagree with their reasoning for the refusal.
Just as a reminder, I had posted about MY feelings about The Pledge of Allegiance on here,
But let me say this - Our Pledge of Allegiance is TO America, above any other country. Pledging an allegiance, is a "loyalty" to America. I'd provide that means, to America over any other nation. When I recite the Pledge of Allegiance, that is exactly what I am pledging. And MY allegiance IS only to America.
I would ask everyone to consider something while observing someone at an event, NOT standing or reciting the Pledge. It could be they have a true religious reason for doing so, but do NOT hold some allegiance to another country; or they ARE visiting citizens of another country, and therefor should NOT recite the Pledge; or simply stand by their RIGHT to not stand or recite it.Those rights and duties MUST be protected and respected.
But, I'd also say this - IF someone who IS an American citizen, and is holding onto an allegiance to any other country, then MOVE to that country! Unless one is a lawful visitor, all others should NOT be in America if holding an allegiance to another country.
Simple question for anyone holding a view of refusal: If you are an American citizen, and IF America was attacked by another country or entity, would you be supporting (in actions or spirit) America over that other country or entity?
If your answer is Yes, then you ARE "loyal" to America, pledging openly or not.
If your answer is No, or "it depends on which country" (or entity), then we have a problem, and you need to reassess your citizenship. And, I would the KNOW to not turn my back on you! YOU can not be trusted, and I would want you out of the country.
Just one man's, THIS man's, view and belief. And I DO Pledge MY Allegiance to MY country, The United States of America!

PS. Ours is NOT a perfect Union. It should be our collective goal to work to be the best we can be. I once heard a saying about Christians, "Christians are perfect, just forgiven." Americans aren't perfect, but striving to be the shining light of freedom. And I am, and always have been, PROUD of America.
In the past, we've also heard of other such refusals, such as a lawyer who was jailed in Mississippi for not reciting the Pledge (I happen to think that jailing the lawyer was wrong.); a city Supervisor in San Francisco refused to recite it at the opening of their meeting; a North Carolina Wiccan refuses to stand or recite the Pledge at any event; and Jehovah Witnesses do not permit the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance (to our Flag or any other flag) for religious reasons; and on and on.
First off, I ABSOLUTELY support their RIGHT to refuse reciting our Pledge of Allegiance. It is their RIGHT to do so, or not do so. I happen to disagree with their reasoning for the refusal.
Just as a reminder, I had posted about MY feelings about The Pledge of Allegiance on here,
But let me say this - Our Pledge of Allegiance is TO America, above any other country. Pledging an allegiance, is a "loyalty" to America. I'd provide that means, to America over any other nation. When I recite the Pledge of Allegiance, that is exactly what I am pledging. And MY allegiance IS only to America.
I would ask everyone to consider something while observing someone at an event, NOT standing or reciting the Pledge. It could be they have a true religious reason for doing so, but do NOT hold some allegiance to another country; or they ARE visiting citizens of another country, and therefor should NOT recite the Pledge; or simply stand by their RIGHT to not stand or recite it.Those rights and duties MUST be protected and respected.
But, I'd also say this - IF someone who IS an American citizen, and is holding onto an allegiance to any other country, then MOVE to that country! Unless one is a lawful visitor, all others should NOT be in America if holding an allegiance to another country.
Simple question for anyone holding a view of refusal: If you are an American citizen, and IF America was attacked by another country or entity, would you be supporting (in actions or spirit) America over that other country or entity?
If your answer is Yes, then you ARE "loyal" to America, pledging openly or not.
If your answer is No, or "it depends on which country" (or entity), then we have a problem, and you need to reassess your citizenship. And, I would the KNOW to not turn my back on you! YOU can not be trusted, and I would want you out of the country.
Just one man's, THIS man's, view and belief. And I DO Pledge MY Allegiance to MY country, The United States of America!
PS. Ours is NOT a perfect Union. It should be our collective goal to work to be the best we can be. I once heard a saying about Christians, "Christians are perfect, just forgiven." Americans aren't perfect, but striving to be the shining light of freedom. And I am, and always have been, PROUD of America.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Found! Obama's yellow tablet!
Wow. After the debate Wednesday, the clean-up crew found a yellow tablet in the trash can under Obama's podium. Now we know at writing was about!
(Disclaimer: For those easily offended, this was a JOKE!)
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Fed Up & Fired Up!
Reading some of this mornings news, was one story to make my blood boil. Until Nov. 6th, and aside from writing about it, I am powerless to do much of anything about it.
If you have sensitive eyes (ears), don't read this!
I will NOT mince words and will NOT be "sensitive"!
I am fed the up and fired up as hell up about one story in particular.
The Obama administration, the office of the "Commander and Chief", and on down to the Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey, has said that our Troops in Afghanistan are partly to blame for the so-called "green on blue" attacks on our Troops. (97 killed in this way, in the past 3 years!)Partly to blame, because our Troops are not sensitive enough to the Afghans they serve with. So, they are ordering "sensitivity training", so our Troops can learn to avoid "offending" their Afghan counterparts. Dempsey says, “It is our duty to teach this to them. Our indifference about these issues causes the incident,” he said. (NO asshole, it is THEIR indifference to LIFE that causes this shit!)
According to their (Obama and company) views on the issues, here is a list of things that they say "offends" the Afghans:
To avoid offending them, US commanders are putting troops through intense Muslim sensitivity training. Among other things, they’ve been ordered to:
* Wear surgical gloves whenever handling a copy of the Koran. (You must be joking!)
* Never walk in front of a praying Muslim. (Gee, what is the allowable distance???? More BS)
* Never show the bottom of boots while sitting or lying across from a Muslim, which in Islam is considered an insult. (How utterly stupid.)
* Never share photos of wives or daughters.
* Never smoke or eat in front of Muslims during the month long Ramadan fasting. (Lite'm up. Fuck'em!)
* Avoid winking, cursing or nose-blowing in the presence of Muslims — all viewed as insults in Islam. (Oh shit. Really? So if the Trooper has a cold???? - Fuck'em!)
* Avoid exiting the shower without a towel.
* Avoid offering and accepting things with the left hand, which in Islam is reserved for bodily hygiene and considered unclean.
Troops who violate the sensitivity rules face severe punishment. (Yeah, DEATH! By Nut Jobs!)
Hey! Numb nuts (that's you, Dempsey and Obama)! How about teaching the fucking Afghans, that KILLING our Troops because the Afghans might be offended, OFFENDS the hell out of us! In fact, THAT is a killing offense!
Our people are fighting and dying over there, just so Afghans can have choices to be free! How about being SENSITIVE to THAT!
This is as ludicrous as blaming our 1st amendment for those fucked up extremists killing our four citizens in Libya. Obama, you're an idiot.
Folks, this is NUTS! This IS NOT "commander and chief" support of the Troops. It's a FAILURE to support our Troops, by telling them THEY have to be more sensitive to avoid being MURDERED!
In THIS Veteran's view, ANY Veteran, or currently serving Military person around the world, who votes for this DUMB ASS, is betraying the very people we have in the fields of combat today! Obama IS NOT acting as a "Commander and Chief". He's acting like an apologist for our military, and an appeaser to our enemies. He's BLAMING our folks, for their own murders! That's sick as hell!
As for the radical Muslims! KISS MY OLD ASS! I'm OFFENDED by your actions ever fucking day. And I'm fed up and fired up about it!
I'm sick of this crap. I'm sick of an administration that looks to apologize, instead of grabbing a pair to SUPPORTING our Troops. I'm sick at such military "commanders" (?) who would NOT say, Enough is enough, and support their people in the field. I'm sick of people not standing up to Obama, and tell him NO. Just because he says or wants something, doesn't mean its law, or right, or should be. He is NOT God.
To those who radically follow such a religion, and their faith is so weak that MURDER is the answer to being offended - Your faith is fucked up! Why in hell, would ANY ONE choose such a religion! THEY offend ME. But lucky for them, I (and my countrymen) won't be killing you and your loved ones, or even those like you, for offending me!
To our actively serving military: My apologies, for OUR failure to provide you with a REAL "Commander and Chief" who would really support you, in actions and in words. I will do all I can, to change that come Nov. 6th.
I HATE leaving a battle zone before completing our "mission" is done (what ever that is anymore), but I'm at the point where I say get out. Let them die their own death of radicalism. Let them return to several centuries ago. I believe in the bigger picture of the risks to the area, but here's my narrow minded view of today. Fuck it. They ain't worth saving, because they won't save themselves. THEY tolerate that crap, so they can have it. For all future threats from the region - F.I.P.I.! (If you need to know what that means, ask me!)
NO-bama in November 2012!
If you have sensitive eyes (ears), don't read this!
I will NOT mince words and will NOT be "sensitive"!
I am fed the up and fired up as hell up about one story in particular.
The Obama administration, the office of the "Commander and Chief", and on down to the Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey, has said that our Troops in Afghanistan are partly to blame for the so-called "green on blue" attacks on our Troops. (97 killed in this way, in the past 3 years!)Partly to blame, because our Troops are not sensitive enough to the Afghans they serve with. So, they are ordering "sensitivity training", so our Troops can learn to avoid "offending" their Afghan counterparts. Dempsey says, “It is our duty to teach this to them. Our indifference about these issues causes the incident,” he said. (NO asshole, it is THEIR indifference to LIFE that causes this shit!)
According to their (Obama and company) views on the issues, here is a list of things that they say "offends" the Afghans:
To avoid offending them, US commanders are putting troops through intense Muslim sensitivity training. Among other things, they’ve been ordered to:
* Wear surgical gloves whenever handling a copy of the Koran. (You must be joking!)
* Never walk in front of a praying Muslim. (Gee, what is the allowable distance???? More BS)
* Never show the bottom of boots while sitting or lying across from a Muslim, which in Islam is considered an insult. (How utterly stupid.)
* Never share photos of wives or daughters.
* Never smoke or eat in front of Muslims during the month long Ramadan fasting. (Lite'm up. Fuck'em!)
* Avoid winking, cursing or nose-blowing in the presence of Muslims — all viewed as insults in Islam. (Oh shit. Really? So if the Trooper has a cold???? - Fuck'em!)
* Avoid exiting the shower without a towel.
* Avoid offering and accepting things with the left hand, which in Islam is reserved for bodily hygiene and considered unclean.
Troops who violate the sensitivity rules face severe punishment. (Yeah, DEATH! By Nut Jobs!)
Hey! Numb nuts (that's you, Dempsey and Obama)! How about teaching the fucking Afghans, that KILLING our Troops because the Afghans might be offended, OFFENDS the hell out of us! In fact, THAT is a killing offense!
Our people are fighting and dying over there, just so Afghans can have choices to be free! How about being SENSITIVE to THAT!
This is as ludicrous as blaming our 1st amendment for those fucked up extremists killing our four citizens in Libya. Obama, you're an idiot.
Folks, this is NUTS! This IS NOT "commander and chief" support of the Troops. It's a FAILURE to support our Troops, by telling them THEY have to be more sensitive to avoid being MURDERED!
In THIS Veteran's view, ANY Veteran, or currently serving Military person around the world, who votes for this DUMB ASS, is betraying the very people we have in the fields of combat today! Obama IS NOT acting as a "Commander and Chief". He's acting like an apologist for our military, and an appeaser to our enemies. He's BLAMING our folks, for their own murders! That's sick as hell!
As for the radical Muslims! KISS MY OLD ASS! I'm OFFENDED by your actions ever fucking day. And I'm fed up and fired up about it!
I'm sick of this crap. I'm sick of an administration that looks to apologize, instead of grabbing a pair to SUPPORTING our Troops. I'm sick at such military "commanders" (?) who would NOT say, Enough is enough, and support their people in the field. I'm sick of people not standing up to Obama, and tell him NO. Just because he says or wants something, doesn't mean its law, or right, or should be. He is NOT God.
To those who radically follow such a religion, and their faith is so weak that MURDER is the answer to being offended - Your faith is fucked up! Why in hell, would ANY ONE choose such a religion! THEY offend ME. But lucky for them, I (and my countrymen) won't be killing you and your loved ones, or even those like you, for offending me!
To our actively serving military: My apologies, for OUR failure to provide you with a REAL "Commander and Chief" who would really support you, in actions and in words. I will do all I can, to change that come Nov. 6th.
I HATE leaving a battle zone before completing our "mission" is done (what ever that is anymore), but I'm at the point where I say get out. Let them die their own death of radicalism. Let them return to several centuries ago. I believe in the bigger picture of the risks to the area, but here's my narrow minded view of today. Fuck it. They ain't worth saving, because they won't save themselves. THEY tolerate that crap, so they can have it. For all future threats from the region - F.I.P.I.! (If you need to know what that means, ask me!)
NO-bama in November 2012!
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